40 Days


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
I failed, guys. Sorry! :( Thanks for the support!

Someone commented that my self-challenge to go without any hentai, porn, masturbation, or sex for a solid month sounded like Christ's 40 days and 40 nights in the desert (or some such). Maybe they were referring to the movie which I only later learned existed. While I don't know, I can tell you this much: I've decided to do the following for the next 40 days (starting 3 days ago from the writing of this post):
  • no masturbation or any other attempts at physical arousal
  • no sex, unless I should meet the woman of my dreams during this time period (which I later learned is what happens in that film I mentioned, lol @ predictability XD)
  • no looking at or listening to hentai pictures, anime, or comics
  • no looking at or listening to porn pictures or videos
  • no unarchiving of hentai archive files
  • no opening of hentai folders
  • no micro-managing my hentai collection
  • no photoshopping hentai
  • no translating hentai
  • pretty much NO HENTAI PERIOD, except one thing ...
  • I can still download DDLs or torrents, the former because they get taken down too quickly and the latter because they quit being seeded well way too quickly. In other words, I can still check Nyaa, TT, and even A-O's torrent sections. I just have to not look at any sample pictures anywhere and also have to not read any of the text except for the friggin' title of the work.

So, keeping this in mind, here's what I'll say: Friday morning (my time) around 9am or so was the last time I did anything (with the Bakunyuu Maids Kari episode), and it's 11:30am local on Monday right now, so it's been over 72 hours since I did anything which the list forbids me from doing.

The first 3 days (i.e. up until this morning) were definitely the toughest. This morning was easy, and I know from past experience last summer -- pretty much the exact same challenge but for only one week and I ended up doing it for two weeks before I said "meh, I'm bored, but I could keep doing this if I wanted to :p" -- that it's Easy Street from here. Last summer, I think the first three, four, or five days were toughest, and then it became REALLY EASY. And I feel like I'm in that really easy mode already right now, at the beginning of Day 4. Suhweet.

I'm gonna be pretty busy with exams and stuff, but I'll be sure to swing by and post in this thread maybe once every 2-5 days to let you guys know how it's going. Sorry I can't join in on the Hentai Discussions with you guys until some time in June O_o; lol , but that's just the way it is.

What do I get at the end of all of this? Nothing except self-confidence in my mastery over my own domain. (I didn't intend to quote the famous Seinfeld sketch so brazenly, whoops.) Last summer when I quit after 2 weeks of abstinence, I knew I was making that choice of my own decision and not out of addiction/craving. So I'm doing this 6-week challenge, sorta cyclically when you think about it, in order to prove that the me of 2008 was not full of shit and was the real deal. And the only way to prove that, I figured, was to go without sex for 4 weeks. But then when somebody said "40 days," I thought, "Hmm, why the fuck not?"

So the next time you see your friends at school talking about what they're giving up for Lent, remember me. I didn't give up chocolate. I didn't give up potatoes. I didn't even give up beef. I fucking gave up sexual pleasure.

Yeah. :hero:
Two more things for now (sorry!):

(1) Not to burst your bubble, but based on last summer, hentai is full of shit with the whole "I went without sex for a month so now I'm a cum geyser" plot device. When you go without sex/masturbation for more than a couple of days (assuming you masturbate at least once every 36 hours, if not more frequently), the first time you resume your body is caught off guard (or at least mine was). The second time is probably the biggest amount, but even then it's not any more than what you get when you don't masturbate for about 36-48 hours. In other words, don't ever give up sex for a week or for a month in an effort to build up a lot of ejaculate. Two days, three days tops (depending on the person) ought to be plenty, and (depending on the person) could even be too long.

(2) please don't ask me to do anything regarding hentai or porn for the next 40 days. What I mean is, don't ask me to reseed anything, don't ask me for a source, don't ask me to do ANYTHING hentai-related, because I'm pretty much not even going to double-click on the relevant directories on my computer, alright? ^^; If it's really important, then you can wait, too. You only have to wait 5½ weeks to ask me a question: I have to wait 5½ weeks to jerk off. You tell me who's got the shorter end of the stick, hmm? ;p
yeah i meant the movie. and technically he was "r***ing" while he was asleep by a previous girl friend. what are the odds of that happening to u?

u should make a poll that goes something like will i succeed or not? hehe
I can't add a poll once I've already submitted the thread, it seems. But if you want to vote "nonymously" then you could by just posting.

You wanna know something funny, though? lol Not a joke: on Saturday morning (one day into the challenge), I got in the mail from J-List my back-ordered copies of Takeda Hiromitsu's and Sawaru Erect's latest tankoubons, completing an order I'd made months ago.

Devil: Would you like some cake?
Me: -_-;

Needless to say, they're both hidden underneath a picture of an astronaut right now and they're still in the plasticwrap envelope that J-List slipped them into. From what I could tell from a quick inspection without trying to invalidate the challenge, the books didn't show any signs of tears or dents, which is of course very good. Sure would suck to discover 6 weeks from now that the books are ruined. D: Do you think J-List would let me point to this thread as proof that I really didn't know until 6 weeks after they arrived? lol
normally there are two reasons to do, on first hand there

[1a] may be another human being either worth that one behave this way or he
[1b] just fell into that person. On second hand one can do so to give evidence to
[2a] oneself or to
[2b] (any) god(ness) that one is worthy or to prove to believe.

Either we call it Askese or living like a monk in a monastery...

[1a] there is no need to, he won´t become a better person, he won´t change either...
[1b] he is a fool
[2a]-> see [1a]
[2b] if he is religious there could be sense it this...

[3] but he starts many things (in my opinion) but often becomes bored or not interested anymore so he stops doing to start something else, just like the welcome thread for Akiba he started where members had a chance to become an active part in creating the site. Or the mangas he was going to post. He started it, but it was like water in a wadi in a desert, it just evaporated before the delta...

This is no critics, people are as they are. If I would do so, I would do it without audience, just for myself, only for myself. To perhaps make me a better person or to manage something to be proud of...

But never for any other person / human being. I am as I am, people first have to like me as I am, If they do I could think about changing something inside / outside me...
hm...this challenge myt be too easy 4 u. perhaps it'd be more interesting if we change our avys to ero manga images or moving gif ones hehe
anymore stuff coming that may make u fail this challenge? perhaps u should ask a friend to check the quality just in case...
Regarding starting thread ideas which I do not finish: *cough*

What's fair about this accusation is, it's largely true: I have definitely started many threads on here and not finished them. And there's one thread in particular -- the torrent thread where I was going to upload samples of certain under-represented genres -- where I am definitely guilty as charged. I have procrastinated on that big time. However, ...

This accusation isn't quite so fair after all. Why? Because: with the exception of the torrent thread, every thread idea I've submitted here has been a call to the community to get involved. That means it's up to the community to ensure whether the idea sinks or swims, not just me. Most of the ideas I propose are far, far too great for one man to handle alone, certainly one man who is a full-time medical student and who wouldn't derive much benefit from the plans he's putting forth. (Most of my plans are always about helping others, and rarely would come back to benefit me.)

And every single time it's always the same: everybody says, "Wow! That's a great idea! I'm so excited!" But every single time I'm the only one who posts anything. Maybe one or two other members might contribute before the thread dies -- iirc as many as four thoroughly contributed to the Translating 10 FAQs into Different Languages thread, maybe more -- but for the most part no one ever joins in.

JSL Resources: NOBODY. One person (aquamarine) lent his two cents about what I'd written and that was about it. Months later, another person replied again talking about the two texts I'd already identified but not much else. The thread's basically dead.

Translating Kanji: this one was begun by xeruel, but there are only two members who have ever really offered answers here on a regular basis -- me and Gakido -- while the rest of the board's fully-fluent Japanese speakers (which neither of us even is) just sit idly behind their keyboards, twiddling their thumbs.

Translating the Top 10 FAQs: Already mentioned. A few excited SouthEast Asian-language speaking members contributed some stuff, and somebody kindly corrected my rough Japanese, but that was it. No administrator ever laid out which 10 questions I ought to translate first. The community never brought it to a vote. And there was one moderator -- you, red -- who did suggest some questions; but every time I translated those, you seemed to think I was jumping the gun and you kept bidding me to stop until we'd agreed on which 10 questions we ought to do. So I did stop. I quit bothering and decided, "Once they figure out the 10 questions they want, then I'll come back." You guys never did. :\

And it's not just my threads, either. NoriHiiro already complained about this (and when I pointed this out to him he got upset with me, but whatever) because his image dump threads have also gone untouched except for his own two hands and the rare, rare meager donation from a second party. From the getgo, in each and every thread, he said, "If you like what you see, post some of your own!" And yet no one ever did. And I was one of them. Why? Because: everything he posted was either meh to me or it was a repost of a repost of a repost and I figured I'd let someone else do it.

And that's probably what most people feel about my suggestion-threads, too. :) "Repost of a repost of a repost," "a nice idea but I'm not gonna be the one to lift a finger! Let him do it!", etc. Someone comes up with a good idea for a community thread and the community selfishly decides that since this member has shown interest in providing them with free [whatever] that he should be the one to shoulder the burden almost entirely.

The reason I've never bitched about it until now is:
(1) I've been on webforums for a long time -- since the summer of 1999, so we're coming up on 10 years now -- and I've seen this happen more times than I can count. I don't let it get to me anymore. I understand why people do it. I do it too sometimes. We're all human. We're all selfish. And we all have our priorities. But ...

(2) No one's ever called me out on this quite like you have just now, so like a knee-jerk reaction I had to reply.

Please don't get upset since I am 100% not upset at ALL with you. Not at all. I just want to set the record straight about why I start a lot of projects (when it comes to threads on Akiba-Online) and yet why they never get finished. Basically, in one short sentence:

"Sometimes it's my fault and my fault alone; but most of the time we all share in the blame."

And in order to say that without sounding like a total douchebag, I felt I had to explain what I did above. So you guys wouldn't think I was trying to blame you unfairly. No, not at all: I'm blaming everybody -plus- myself and I think I'm -quite- right to do so.
sorry, this was no accusation, you are not guilty for anything, this is no court, I am no judge either, so there is no need for a defense (normally). I´m just too often playing with thoughts and words, I´m not so far away from you doing this although I´ve got a big disadvantage as english is not my own language so many words / phrases just are missing in my vocabulary.

I only wanted to ask (more or less) for what reason you are doing this and why are you doing it in public? Although I may have not found the correct tune doing this ref to a.m. reason. Perhaps I only wanted to explain it to myself so I checked the reasons I would name and the effects they would have as a result...

I have my own history as a human being (I hope I am...) which makes me act sometimes different to other people, at least after what had happened to me during the last 6 years...
Long tangent aside ... I don't see the relationship between my thread-projects and this. o_o; Unless you're saying that you think I abandon ALL my projects, in which case all I can say is (again, 100% being polite): "you don't know me. ^_^; " I'm the kind of guy (in real life and online, both!) who has so many desires, dreams, and goals of his that he may start 100 projects and only finish 10 of them. But I do still finish my projects. And I do still finish more projects than the guy who only does 5 or even only 1 project in the time that I do 10. It's just that I have so many projects I start and later abort that my % completion is way lower than theirs. 10/100 is less than 5/5, but 10 is twice as big as 5. Understand? ^_^;

This is private, but I'll give you a sneak peek of a list of mine so you get some idea for what we're talking about here:
  • learn Japanese fluently
  • learn to play the piano
  • learn to use Linux naturally
  • learn Python
  • learn [another foreign language, private]
  • learn Mandarin
  • learn Cantonese
  • read A Picture of Dorian Gray
  • read the rest of Romance of the Three Kingdoms (I'm three-eighths of the way through it.)
  • read [this one book about atheism vs. Christianity in biological sciences]
  • read [this one neurology book about plasticity]
  • read Jurassic Park (never did read it as a kid)
  • finish Phoenix Wright 3
  • play Phoenix Wright 4 (I know, I know, it's not PW)
  • finish Portal
  • play Black Mesa when it comes out (or is it already out? lol)
  • play HL2, HL2:E1, and HL2:E2
  • finish FF4
  • play Fatal Frame III
  • replay Fatal Frame II
  • finish MegaMan ZX 1
  • play MegaMan ZX2
  • play Hotel Dusk
  • watch FMA remake
  • re-watch Minami-ke
  • re-watch Planetes
  • watch Haruhi S2 when it comes out
  • watch Chi's New Home
  • watch [many different animes]
  • read Genshiken manga
  • read Rozen Maiden manga
  • read [a few other mangas]
  • learn to oil paint
  • learn to watercolor paint
  • learn to draw
  • learn to draw my own doujinshi
  • learn to write
  • learn to write my own doujinshi
  • learn how to use PhotoShop proficiently
  • learn how to bake brownies from scratch
  • learn how to prepare lasagna for four people in under 20 minutes (minus oven time)
  • learn how to [cook this]
  • learn how to [cook that]
  • learn how to build my own table, chair, or other simple furniture (unclothed) from wood
  • learn how to play mahjong better
  • learn how to play [this or that] better
  • go to the gym
  • get strong legs
  • get strong lungs
  • lose belly fat
  • lose chest fat
  • lose neck fat

Two things and them I'm done:

First, this is a very partial glimpse of the real-life list I've got here in front of me. I've got pages and pages of goals, and you've only glimpsed the surface.

Second, I didn't even TOUCH on any of my medical goals. So you can imagine how lengthy that gets, especially when the bullets are as specific as "learn all about Candida albicans" or "learn all about congestive heart failure." Yeah. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

I start a lot of projects, red. It's not by accident that the great majority of them never get done. How could they? ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I wish they could: I wish I could live forever in a healthy body with a healthy and sound mind.
sorry, this was no accusation, you are not guilty for anything, this is no court, I am no judge either, so there is no need for a defense (normally). I´m just too often playing with thoughts and words, I´m not so far away from you doing this although I´ve got a big disadvantage as english is not my own language so many words / phrases just are missing in my vocabulary.
Then I wish that you did speak better English: because I regret that I don't get to see those lengthy thoughts of yours. :) A kindred spirit, eh? That's pretty cool.

I only wanted to ask (more or less) for what reason you are doing this and why are you doing it in public?
Oh. Originally I wasn't doing it "in public." Originally I just wanted you guys to not freak out that I was not going to be posting much (if at all) in the Hentai Discussion threads of yours. I know I'm very guilty of taking those off-topic, so I figured, "If you want to continue to talk about this with them, Sakun, then you should probably make your own thread in the appropriate forum." Because (after all) I did post the first post in your thread for March-April 2009 releases. So anyways, I took my own advice and I published this thread in Adult Discussion. Why? So you guys could (for your own amusement, fascination, whatever) hear from me and how I'm doing. Even though I expect it's just gonna be a boring "still doing it, still not caring" from now until June whatever. lol

As for why I am doing this challenge?

Reason 1: I would like to prove to myself that the me from 2008 was correct. The me from 2008 said to himself, "I could keep going but I choose not," when he broke his 14-day abstinence from hentai and resumed reading it and masturbating to it.

Reason 2: I really admire Zhuge Liang. I figured I'd follow his advice to Liu Bei that alcohol (which I already don't drink) and sex are the two greatest things which make men fail to achieve their goals in life. (Wikipedia: Zhuge Liang) Just so you guys don't freak out, of course I still love sex and hentai. I'm just saying it'd be cool to live like one of my heroes for the next 6 weeks, and to be able to know deep inside my heart that -- if I want to do it again some day -- that I could live like him for 6 weeks or perhaps even longer than that.
Then I wish that you did speak better English: because I regret that I don't get to see those lengthy thoughts of yours. :) A kindred spirit, eh? That's pretty cool.

I´ve got my examination (science slot) at grammar school (long ago) and studied economics at university, but I cancelled it after 4 years as I noticed I was not really interested in it, it was just too dry and boring. The nine years I learned english at school just were not enough. Biggest problem however was that I did not need to use my knowledge for more than 20 years, so it nearly disappeared completely from my brain (I´ve got one, I think - "I am, I think. Therefore I think I am..."). But then came a time when I was forced to use my memory in my job and I had to use what I´d learned long ago, with the normal problems after that delay of course. My vocabulary more goes in the direction of trade, forwarding, customs and ex- / import procedures, which isn´t of any use here on A-O...

My first contact with the Japanese language was about 14 months ago (for ex) just when I created my first EVER thread here on A-O...

Learning never ends (in my opinion) and I´m willing to do...

My main fields of interest are archaeology and astronomy...

My main hobbies are hentai / ecchi animes and my model railroad collection where I´ve got nearly 200 different locomotives from all across the globe (+ nearly the same amount of complete trains), photography as well where I´ve got 12 cameras, the oldest of them is from 1936, a heritage from my father, an original Kodak Retina I...

That´s about me...
Dude: you should totally talk cameras with aquamarine, then. To me a 1936 Kodak Retina I means about the same as a 1946 Bodak Letina Q (in other words, I don't have a damn clue what it looks like or how valuable it is or anything), but I'm sure a fellow photography enthusiast would be interested to know about and discuss those things with you.

Model trains? Not for me: but one of my best friend's girlfriend of 5+ years is the granddaughter of my hometown's village model train expert. In other words, half of their home is his model train shop, and people from all around the United States visit their home/his shop to see his offerings. So I've seen 'em before outside of the movies, but I don't really own any myself.

Trade, customs, and exports/imports? Dude! You're responsible for the hentai that does and the hentai that doesn't make it through Customs! XD
Trade, customs, and exports/imports? Dude! You're responsible for the hentai that does and the hentai that doesn't make it through Customs! XD

I have a local manga / comics / anime dealer which imported many anime18 or Kitty Media releases for me from the U.S. to the European Union, there was not any problem at all, at least you can buy any material licensed in the U.S. here (licensed by European companies like Silver Media Group S.A.), not even any need to import them, although the amount of shops where you can buy them is too small, and you must take what they offer - and you have to make a visit to the sex shops normally...

Once I have been a swarn in customs assistance person, at least I know what one should do and what not. And I know about the punishment if you try to violate the law...
It's been almost a week. Give it 2 more hours and it'll have been almost exactly 7 days since I last looked at any hentai or porn, since I last masturbated, since I last did anything sexual.

One week down, five to go.
I'm sick of the challenge, but I realize that that by its very nature is the point: if you cave in now saying "oh yeah I'm choosing to," ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no. lol Even if it sucks -- really, really, really sucks -- that's the point and you gotta make it to Day 40.

But seriously, when I saw that somebody had uploaded all of Bloodfer's stuff from April (which I had conveniently, lazily chosen not to download and so was all :O~~~ upon discovering this torrent), I was upset.

And when I saw this really hot Ayane doujin up for download, I had to immediately avert my eyes, bookmark the page for later, and curse to myself.

But I'm doing this to prove to myself and to you guys that I -- and by extension we, malekind! -- are in control of our domain. We -- and at the very least I! -- choose it, it doesn't choose us. :)

I'll say this though: I've had some really /d/ daydreams and dreams on accident because of this. Two examples below:
(1): a girl in a bikini in Pokémon Diamond talked about how she had nowhere to put her PokéBalls. 30 seconds later, my mind's picturing her moaning in sexually confused pleasure as she "lays" PokéBalls out from her womb that she'd placed up there herself before going swimming.

(2): I had a bizarre dream in which a really hot Hispanic student teased me (her virginal male teacher) and then I basically r***ing her but it turned into pleasure for both of us and she became my dedicated sex slut. Sort of like a Japanese high school porn movie only (as in my dream) it was real. Very weird since irl I'm very anti-r***. O_o But I do admit that in porn and hentai I do think that it's really, REALLY hot when a guy takes over a girl (i.e. r***s her) but that eventually she comes to like it and is a sex slave. So, shrug, I dunno. Bizarre.

Even talking about this is making me want to forfeit the bet. >_> So I'll shut up talking about it, clear my mind, and continue onward. 8 days down, 32 days left to go! ;_;
Hey Sakunyuusha, I really don't see the point of being abstinent for 40 days. It's easy for you to do something stupid during this period, say, if you see a hot chick on a street, since you've been abstinent for so many days and you really want it. You could be compelled by your subconscious mind to grope/r***/etc her. I don't think it'll end up well if you do that.
Uhh ... no. O_o That's retarded. I'm not going to r*** somebody because I went without masturbating for 40 days. Jesus fucking Christ. XD

If you think dreams reflect the will of the dreamer, I disagree too strongly for us to sustain a polite conversation on that topic. Sorry if you think that dreaming about r*** means someone is going to actually r***. Sleep dreams != daydreams != actually wanting to do something != actually doing something. There's like four different levels, and you just jumped from Level 1 to Level 4 in the blink of an eye.

Thanks for your concern, though. I do appreciate that part. I'll be okay, don't worry.
(1): a girl in a bikini in Pokémon Diamond talked about how she had nowhere to put her PokéBalls. 30 seconds later, my mind's picturing her moaning in sexually confused pleasure as she "lays" PokéBalls out from her womb that she'd placed up there herself before going swimming.

they should make that episode, i'd buy it!
I think it'd be rather difficult for a hentai anime studio to get away with this, but you probably wouldn't have too much trouble getting away with it in an unlicensed erodoujinshi. I've seen several Pokémon-derived doujins but most of them have always focused either on bestiality or on tentacle-r***, not on other fetishes like egg-laying, lactation, hypnosis, transformation, etc. The ones that have not had any of this sort of /d/ character to them have typically been doujins which depicted sex between the actual Pokémon characters, but these have (imo) always been far inferior in artstyle and story to the derivative doujins.

The real hurdle you'd need to overcome is the egg-laying fetish itself: it's pretty niche, with little support that I've ever seen and almost all of that existing within the three domains of eromanga, HCG, and stand-alone fanart. Can't say that I've ever seen egg-laying in hentai anime outside of Fuko & Rei, and even in that H-anime series there wasn't really all that much that was shown for longer than 2 seconds at a time.
a true egg-laying expert! i don't have much erodoujinshu as i tend to get bored of it real quick, but i've seen a few good ones from DL sites

on another random note did you see that tentacle video with Maria Ozawa? It was really weird, but she looked REALLY hot in it!