That's what she said on Twitter, which is probably the only way to know her updatesI heard she was now at the hospital, quite sick. Do you guys have any news?
Thanks for the (good?) news !みなさんご心配おかけしてすいません 昨日大きな病院へ行ってきました。検査をした所ある数値が高くてまた来週も検査することになりました今は点滴とか薬も貰ってだいぶましにはなりました!今日は謎に腕に湿疹出てきてこわいよ(笑)
Translated from Japanese by
I'm sorry for all of you worrying I went to a big hospital yesterday. The number I tested was high and I will be testing again next week Now I've got some IVs and medicines and it's been a lot better! I'm scared of mysterious eczema on my arm today (laughs)
i have new asami kondou, ai takanashi and anjyu kouzuki 4ks, and ppv photosets. if you guys interested just pm me