Banning LinkBucks/URLCash redirects.

Should Urlcash/Linkbucks redirects be banned?

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Illegally downloaded JAV are getting main stream attention, there are several sites that allow downloads of JAV (that they themselves downloaded illegally) for a fee and they even add cash links to the links that they give to their members.. Talk about marketing strategy.

Also, a number of users here download movies from torrents, split them into several scenes, upload to their blogs or other forums and cash links to them.

My point is.. its kind of irritating how people use cash links (and illegally downloaded JAV) to get money from things that were free from the start.
Well, looks like no decision was taken yet.
Anyway, I'm going to simply post both links, urlcash and non-urlcash links until it's decided if it will be banned or not.
What an idea. What a compromise. I *like* it! Sure, over 90% of those polled think cashlinks should be banned, but almost 10% don't, and they each have their reasons. I really like the idea of giving people a way to say "Thank$" instead of just "Thanks" to someone who posts a good video.
I f---ing HATE cash links, hoops to jump through, split-file hassles and crap like that. But I will say this: post a good piece of media, let me get it without the bullshit, and if I like it, you're damned straight I'll come back and click the urlcash link for you. I can't tell you how many times I've been frustrated by the fact that you can only click "Thanks" on this board once! ;)
My point is.. its kind of irritating how people use cash links (and illegally downloaded JAV) to get money from things that were free from the start.
Well said, my hypothermic friend. The bulk of these kinds of posts are what I would call spam, and spam is not permitted on this board. By that, I refer to a certain post (I'd find it and give you a link, but I think you'll get the point without it) where someone properly embedded a screenshot (I appreciate that) in the AO post, but then proceeded to put four URLs at the end. The first was plainly a link to his/her urlcash home page, the second and third were bogus trash, and the fourth was where I finally got the media after some additional hassle. Is that not spam?

In contrast, and notwithstanding my earlier post (see above,) I have clicked on urlcash links and been automatically forwarded (after the urlcash link duly noted my "click" for the account holder) to RapidShare. I didn't mind that at all, and my browser faithfully killed whatever popups were sent. Ban all but those. Strict, specific, and fair. The ban announcement could even include an example. And for those using services that can't do that, tough luck. Maybe we can exert an influence over urlcash sites that are purposely designed to be asinine. Thoughts anyone?
well, my point is just more simple ..... :)

cause i HATE cashlinks (and for a good reason), i suggest just to ban ANY kind of cashlinks, sites that host cashlinks, ads to these links, sites and places, and anything related with them.

ok, ok, if you want to know why i hate them so much (but without names for privacy reason), i'm in sharing for free from at least 20 years, and times ago i had also a free "porn" site ("porn" quoted, means, pics of nude babes, posing, artistics, but not "porn action") ..... 7 months of work, more or less 13000 pics of 97 babes, thumbnails, categories, so on ..... all free ..... and 12000 visits in the first month (LOL) .....

then they suddenly close the server ..... ok, no problem ..... but, after a week, "someone" open another server with all these pics, but "join and pay" type ..... i scan the pics in the front page, and find my watermark on all them, do a whois, and find the same registrar of the previously free-server where i had the pics ..... this imho is steal other peoples work ..... or not ?

and this is just an example, i already found lots of my shared works used from other peoples from cashlinks too ..... like, copy the link, and post it on your own site through a cashlink ..... and also, heard lots of peoples that click cashlinks, and then become redirected on mu, rs or ff sites with "file is deleted for breaking of rules", so you click the cashlink and give money to the cashilnk poster, and then not get any file ..... so, for me, no cashlinks at all, no matter the form under which they are hidden, sorry
Starting to think out of the box

I really like the idea of giving people a way to say "Thank$" instead of just "Thanks" to someone who posts a good video.[...] But I will say this: post a good piece of media, let me get it without the bullshit, and if I like it, you're damned straight I'll come back and click the urlcash link for you.

I find your suggestion most interesting and I'd like to propose it to the admins for further consideration. If a balance between quality, usability, and return could be achieved, every one would be happier.

No matter what people say, community members aren't behaving selfishly and ungratefully most of the times. (Personally, I have positive sharing ratio on all 3 or 4 torrent sites I use with predilection and I'm not shy at leaving replies / thank you messages, or at following requests if I can provide the material.)

Online community members however can, and usually react strongly when subjected to abuses: unsolicited and omnipresent LinkBucks/URLCash redirects _are_ in my opinion such a form of abuse.

They manage to wipe out all uploader's traces of friendliness and good will in the act of sharing, and overall affect the quality of the place where we gather.

What you propose, if a way to seemingly implement it is found, would be the equivalent of Google's Sponsored Links in efficiency and transparency. Definitely worth a closer look!
>Axandra and chippy:

well, if you mean a way to give clicks to the posters that care about them, * but at choice of the clicker * , then i say, imho, there's nothing bad in it .....

i mean, as chippy said, "post a good piece of media, let me get it without the bullshit, and if I like it, you're damned straight I'll come back and click the urlcash link for you.", this yes, i can understand ..... it cost me nothing to click a cashlink for say thanks to a good poster, that made good posts and do not steal other works .....

that what i HATE are all the links that you have to click just for see if for any luck there's a file at the end (and usually 50% of the times there's nothing there, cause those posters don't care about sharing nor keeping their posts working, care just about money) ..... this type of links, i say no, no matter how they're hidden, and no matter the reasons ..... sorry, is just a personal feeling, but is my idea .....

instead, if vbulletin script can be customized, maybe the admin can add the possibility to show two different "thanks" button ..... the one usual for the reputation, and if checked, a second one that the poster can personalize with a cashlink, maybe that show only if the poster personalize it ..... so any downloader can choose what button click for say thanks to the poster, if the one of the reputation or the one of the cashlink ..... this way the choice is left to the thankers, and none is constrained to click cashlinks for nothing :)
These last couple of suggestions are like trying to sculpt Mt. Rushmore with a chisel. It is much better and easier to simply take the approach of banning cash links entirely than trying to define "what" constitutes a legitimate cash link and what does not. Too much work for mods.
this is somewhat off topic but, how come a lot of people prefer rapid share? cause when i dl from rs, it takes a long time, and i have to w8 15min per every file download.=/
> chickensaw:

no, maybe my bad english gave a wrong impression about what i mean ..... try to explain

i'm perfectly in accord to the idea to ban ANY type of cashlinks from this forum, regardless if they are masked in sites or blogs, posted directly or through hideouts like or similar, and so on

that was another point of view ..... not a suggestion that the mods do a lot of work just for decide what is acceptable and what not, just a * possible * way for left the choice to the downloaders to reward or not the good posters .....

ofcourse this require programming work and a modification of the script from the admin, so is obvious that only chompy can decide if do that or not ..... i was not asking to put all this in the vbulletin script, only doing a consideration about how, maybe, this can be done ..... nothing more than this :)
this is somewhat off topic but, how come a lot of people prefer rapid share? cause when i dl from rs, it takes a long time, and i have to w8 15min per every file download.=/

because some poeple like me(maybe a lot) have rapidshare acc
I have no problem with LinkBucks/URL Cash redirects as long as it is the original uploaders links. If I am getting something for free then who am I to complain about minor annoyances.
I as a URLCash user will give my opinion about this.
About harmful redirects, I never had a problem with clicking on redirects links. Major reason for this I guess is that I use Firefox with NoScript plugin that simply disable 99% of the scripts on sites I visit. That way I guess I prevent that pages harm me.
About people copying links posted by other, that's something that really happens. Don't know what to do about it. All links I provide were ALL uploaded by me. I have reasons for doing this but maybe others don't.
About bandwith and time, I don't know if it's that much of a waste. At least LinkBuck and URLCash have the option to skip that redirect page instead of waiting the timer run out so it takes one extra click to get to the page you want to.

I guess it can be clearly seen that for me, the biggest problem about this system is the link theft. I won't deny that the easiest (and maybe only, never though much about it) way to end with this practice would be banning the reason why it happens, that would be banning the sites mentioned on this thread. But as a user(that do not steal links) of those system, I would prefer it to be kept allowed here.
From what I heard nike (a famous JAV DVD ripper) is pissed off with guys who use his work for cash links. I can't blame him. It's pretty annoying how people use cash links for videos that were originally posted on the internet without payment. Heck, nowadays even blogging (for Pinoys) tend to be a source of income for internet jockeys. Quality contents of blogging here are long gone. All I see are ads and cash links on their freakin' blogs.

I read from another site that nike changed the way he torrents his videos for this reason, though I think it didn't help much. He now makes one torrent for several videos, instead of using one torrent for every single video. The download speed for his torrents decreased as a result of this change. But if I was him I'd really be pissed off. Just my two cents. Cash links are banned here anyways, although a lot of posters still neglect following the rules. I report such posts whenever I see one. And I'll continue doing so because simply because I dislike them (the cash links).
it´s just immoral to earn money with something one does not own...

...not to mention any copyright...
So, are we banning people who post cashlinks or not?
There should be a rule that stipulates ALL torrents, covers and screenshots MUST be attached to the post.
Aside from people making $$ off other people's work we are also finding multiple dupes, non-JAV posts, posts written only in chinese etc. It's making the site a little tedious to browse and I imagine very difficult to moderate effectively!
Simple solution; we find cashlink posts, we report cashlink posts, you ban cashlink posters!
One thing please keep in mind: when there is no rule, there´s no crime, so only posts made later than the rule #12 was set into operation can receive an infraction or user can be banned...
how about people using easy-share as cashlink than?

there are some people posting torrent file as easy-share, to get money from it.

He's not the uploader, he just copy-paste his post from another post,
and change the torrent file to easy-share.

This should also be banned!
90% in favour of banning all cashlinks from this forum! You think that would send a message, eh!!