Banning LinkBucks/URLCash redirects.

Should Urlcash/Linkbucks redirects be banned?

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as i see it a lot of the posters here uses link bucks and url cash.. i think there will be a major decrease in posting if linkbucks and usercash are banned... i can bet on it...

There won't be ANY decrease in sharing. Linkbucks, urlcash, and sites which have similar revenue generating schemes are banned on the site I help administer. Zero decrease.
Seems like more and more people are jumping on the linkbucks bandwagon especially in the JAV torrents section. I'll be glad to see it go.
At most, we should implement a system that shows whether a thread is full of cash links or not, like what they do at pornbb. But I really disagree with the idea of completely banning them.

For me there is pro and contra with this redirect cash link. We should take a look for all positive and negative value, analyse and do some research before can make the right decision. Like Rapidshare, it grows because their strategy by giving reward (point that can convert to premium acc) to those people who upload and share their links and what you need to know uploader making money by sell this account (Included me B4). In other point it encourage more uploader to upload more & more and it gives you (downloader) benefit without extra effort to pay for the goods you receive its all free but with limited access , you need to be patient and wait to finish download the complete set that maybe take the whole day. When downloader see there is too much good content on rapidshare over the net they unwilling to wait anymore, they want to download faster so they decide to buy premium acc from RS. So who get benefit from this situation, only uploader?? NO but all, Files hosting Owner, Downloader as end user plus THE FORUM owner by making money with advertisement by cooperation from the uploader who work discreetly to them making their site grow without receive any penny.
What my focus here is not about the $$ itself but of course to share good content with everyone, but what the point if you share the same thing that you can find everywhere else, of course with MOTIVATION and REWARD POWER (given by Cashlinks or others) the uploader will deliver the best stuff among the best to compete with others uploaders and to attract and make peoples interested with their stuff, you know what i mean.
I do not defense or offense if AKIBA decide to ban/stop cashlinks, this is just my personal opinion, i you ask me to vote either agree or disagree with cashlinks i will say no vote from me, what you give, you get back.. just follow.. but for sure many of the real uploader moral is down.
There will be a decrease in uploaders. But the decrease are only those whose sole purpose to upload is to earn money from those linkbucks/urlcash sites.
Many uploaders here share their links raw way before they start using those cash sites. And I've seen some uploaders with raw links at other sites but over here, they have it behind those cash links. That's maybe because other sites banned those cash links. But they are still sharing videos at the other sites nonetheless.

I believe most uploaders will just revert back to posting raw links when chompy implement the new rule. To them, the cash sites are just a small bonus which they don't really need.
There won't be a decrease in uploaders. Popular torrents/links to DDL get posted at least 3 times by different people.
There won't be a decrease in uploaders. Popular torrents/links to DDL get posted at least 3 times by different people.

Popular ones are found anywhere, it's the rare and obscure ones that will be much harder.
Check your browser prefs Cookies section and see how many cookies there are on your system for these sites - they dont seem to have an expirey date but just continue to fill up your hard drive. Together with the wasted bandwidth THAT I PAY FOR, use of these sites is just going to make the web go the same way as Usenet has with all of the Spam therein.

These damn sites also prevent the use of auto-downloaders.

Beat these users by posting the direct links when you download something.
Just wanted to chime in and say I strongly support banning all spam-injected links from the site. Unless you're obtaining original media from Japan, encoding and hosting it yourself, you rely on the generosity of others to obtain your goods in the first place. I don't think I should have to explain what's wrong with taking things you got for free (thanks to the efforts of someone you don't even know) and wrapping them with spam links to profit from them at the expense of everyone else (i.e. by making it a hassle to download each of a dozen pieces of a file), instead of "paying it forward" as one should.

I believe this applies even if you went to the "trouble" of splitting something with 7zip or RAR and posting the pieces to Rapidshare etc. Sites like those give you credits when people download your files, which quickly adds up to enough to keep your premium account running without having to pay for it (although honestly, a few bucks a month is nothing to complain about, and you're not just paying to upload -- you also get to download as much stuff as you want, which is obviously a lot better than waiting for overloaded or underseeded torrents to complete).

The major ripping teams such as Nike -- that obtain, encode and upload all of this great stuff in the first place -- never try to profit from their efforts by making people jump through hoops clicking past page after page of irritating spam just to get to the files. If the big boys don't do it, surely the individuals who download those releases and then proceed to wrap them with spam should be seen as the bottom feeders they are. Obviously we'll never get rid of those people altogether, but this practise should certainly be banned from our community (if you'll permit me to refer to it as "ours", having only been a member for a few months).

In the meantime, one thing I occasionally do when I see spam links is click on them, get the proper URL(s), and post them into the same thread with the hope that people will notice and use those links instead of the spam-infected ones. If I catch it early enough to be the first reply in the thread, there's a good chance people might spot my "disinfected" links and not click on the original ones, thereby reducing the profits for the original spammer and hopefully deterring them from doing it again.
Oh yeah, one more comment about 7zip and RAR:

Please don't take a RAR file and then split it with 7zip (or apply any other combination of compression/segmenting tools; just use ONE method). This makes people join the files first, then uncompress it, and by the time you've extracted the actual file(s), you have three copies of the same data. When you're talking about 1-2 GB videos, that's a lot of wasted time and disk space. RAR and 7zip are each capable of both compression and segmenting. Use the same tool to do both jobs in one step, not both.

Sorry, this doesn't really belong in this thread, but it came to mind when I mentioned 7zip and RAR in my previous post. But it is somewhat related, in that it's another totally unnecessary hassle for downloaders to deal with. Surely if your goal is to share things with other people, you don't want to make it any more complicated, annoying or difficult than it needs to be.
What's the decision chompy/maohayato?

The site is full of so many cash-link redirects it's out of control.

There should either be a mass purge of posts with cashlinks in, or a date set from which any posts with cashlinks in will be deleted and a temp ban for persistent offenders
Yes, I support this and the poll clearly shows that over 90% is in favor. My PC was infected recently and I wasted so much time!!!!:sick::stress:
Not to mention this "ziddu" site has popped up on several malware and anti virus programs of mine as a possible source of junk, geez, if you guys honestly want to redirect people to upload sites then use something clean... like RS

Yes I hate cash links as well, wouldn't mind them if they didn't have all sorts of junk - firefox plugins or no plugins, it makes no sense for the common user who knows jack about this stuff to have to suffer from these threats...

What really annoys me is when I see torrents that others have uploaded for FREE rehosted by these people who make money from it.

An example are torrents from asianforumer, been seeing so many IDENTICAL ones here only under cash redirects it's sickening...
Although URLCASH gives you a link to go directly to Rapidshare, one of the site's malicious advertisers managed to fire a pop-up ad in less than two seconds, so I had to tell them I did not want GAY PORN before I could proceed to Rapidshare. There cannot be anything good about these miserable cash links.

From now on, I will try E-Mule first rather than deal with cash links. If the URLCASH post is valuable enough, I will continue to gamble, since this forum is very valuable to me and I don't want to discourage contributors. But surely what people earn from inflicting this annoyance on others cannot be worth all the anger they provoke, not to mention the risk of destroying another Akiba member's computer.

Senior Idol
I'm starting to figure these link bucks/url cash things out. If rapidshare gives you points when people download your ups then why would you need a couple of pennies from a click thru? Chances are the links are posted elsewhere, and as gay as this sounds, I've had some luck just googling the title to find the direct links. In one case the poster just whored someone else's links.

If I thought it was OK to post someone else's links and call them my own, I could post tons stuff. Thank you to all who post excellent content without any click thru crap.

I fucking hate how ppl here keep posting vids in linkbuck form. Simple just stick it on rapidshare or Mega and let us dl it. Are you really that concerned for 5 cents a click? Fucking pop ups and spam everywhere. I also hate how people have a 45mb file and split it into 4 sections. I promise to make my videos at least 100mb in volume and I will never ever do link bucks. I suggest we start banning people that use mini volumes and link bucks. Ruins the purpose of open/free source.