Quick question for the mods. Is this thread in the correct section or is it better suited to Gravure Idol Club/Idol Groups/Themes. What is the difference between Idol Discussion and Gravure Idol Club?
It has been a long while since my last set of recommendations. Took a break cause IVs as a whole seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. In
this thread I made a post explaining what I think is happening. But I love this genre and I am not willing to let this thread die. This is a long one with 10 recommendations in no particular order, buckle up.
1. NO3-001 - Hashimoto Mion
This video has a lot going for it. Mion is a cute girl with a thicc body that is not afraid to show some (hint: a lot) of skin. It also has a lotion and massage scene with lots of nudity. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like she has had any other releases, at least under this name. Also the NO3 label seems to have been discontinued with only 3 releases in 2016.

Look at that smile!

There is a scene in here that features simulated sex with a teddy bear. Trust me, its good. I enjoyed it a lot more than the standard POV scenes.

Great share by Beam~ which you can find
2. DDD-062 - Horiuchi Yukino
Another Yukino title. You can tell this is from a few years back. There is flossing in EVERY scene. 2016 was a great year for chakuero releases in seems.


This scene involves bondage, an exercise riding machine (which more IVs need to have), band-aid and ice-cream. It gets a bit wild with the ice-cream, definitely the highlight of the video and worth watching.

Thanks FrenchDude for sharing
3. JMDV-236 - Mito Mio
Not the prettiest girl. But she is definitely one of the lewdest. Every release of hers so far that I have seen have been very explicit. Not quite JAV but definitely pushing it. Softcore JAV.

The simulated sex here is a lot more rough than other IVs. Mostly cause there is actually another person pushing her, making the momentum of the scene more realistic.

One of the most intense masturbation scene out there.

here, again by Beam~.
4. MMR-AA002 - Umeda Nonoka
Cute girl with a similar look, style and body type to Mika Sayaka that I previously recommended.

Her cute dimples really gives her a unique look.

Yuuuupp... Watch it.
Torrent by Beam~ the GOAT.
5. OMGZ-087 - Sakakibara Kaoru
Ahhhhhh~ A mature idol. What a breath of freash air.

A little tame in some scenes but great performance overall.


Leotard and Baton. Name a more iconic duo.

Don't let the screenshot fool you. This fruit "eating" scene was very erotic.

here by mamorutakeda.
6. PROU-012 - Natsumi Aoi
Cute girl next door type.



The last scene is really something else. Get it
7. MAR-AA020 - Satou Akari
As you can see, Kaoru has a pretty unique quirk to her. But don't let what you see on the cover turn you off. This video is definitely worth checking out. I normally like my idols clean shaven but this release has made me reconsider.
Her armpits are actually not too hairy. It is not totally unkempt. I feel there is enough for it to be sexy as opposed to disgusting.

Helps that she has voluptuous body and a cute face.
8. PROU-009 - Nomura Yumi
Not the prettiest, but has a special look to her and nice supple looking skin.

My favorite scene of the video. I never get tired of it.

Whew~ hot! There's a pretty good masturbation scene in there too.

Get it
9. OMGZ-107 - Muto Erena
Ahhh a nice and tan one. Not a fake black gyaru tan. The sporty kind.
As delicious as milk chocolate.
Sloppy lotion masturbation.

There is A LOT of flossing and bouncing and all sorts of other good things going on in this one so it is a must watch. You can get it
here but there is also a 1080p version out there on the internet as well which is obviously better.
10. OMGZ-099 - Hashimoto Yumi
I have saved the best for last... ...

Look at this cuite.

Stretching in leotard with a baton. What more could a man ask for.

I'm going to come straight out and say this release is one of my all time favorite. Everyone should see it. Sadly, I don't think Yumi has any other releases. If anyone knows anything about her PLEASE let me know.

Look at those yummy thighs~

That vulva!

What really makes this release legendary is the anal scenes. Most IV that has anal scenes avoid directly coming in contact with the idols assholes. In my experience, if they touch it directly they would have to censor it. Censorship law is weird in that they can show assholes but not penetrate or even be shown stimulating them.

But as you can see in these pictures. They straight up play with her anus. They don't stick anything in them but this is the most explicit anal play scene in an IV I have seen that is uncensored. Whoever those hands belong to gets pretty rough too.

I cannot stress enough how much of a must watch this one is. Go get it
here NOW and watch it NOW.