Congrats josolop: I found a Japan GF but..

While I appreciate the praise I've never had real online sex with a Japanese lesbian, so I feel inadequate.
Oh man! You gotta try it!!
I recently met this lesbian online who goes by the name 3nospolosoj and she wa .... hey!.... wait a minute ... um ...
I live with an ex-erotic dancer, work routinely with .... 'actresses' and 'actors' and so on and so forth. However I think even just one of us (between the three - Rhinosaur, Haruto and me) have more experience in a little finger than JacksALotOn will ever know.

Hey, don't forget about me! You wouldn't believe the sh!t my little finger has seen-- literally. Thank goodness for the girls who let you cram it in there...


One is in my apartment right now. She may not be a model or actress, but hey, this is a volume business I'm running here.

(I do have my limits though, so forget about dropping my name & number with that 50-something from Manila sporting the stretch marks and glass eye...)
... that 50-something from Manila sporting the stretch marks and glass eye...)
I was just wondering, is this a specific woman you are describing or a type of woman you would not prefer to be physically intimate with?
Maybe it is. I was imagining a 50-something Philippian Audrey Hepburn with a few stretch marks and a glass eye and thought that doesn't have to be bad; then again I was thinking the same thing when watching the Kingpin Roy and landlady scene.
Awwwww, FCUK! I should have replied last night before ScarletSnow had the chance to make the Hepburn comment. I love Audrey, and I did not need to see this thread before starting work today. Now my whole day is fcuking ruined, thanks a lot, man.

That was just... wrong. Fcuking wrong. I mean, that whole description was bad enough, and then to throw in the Kingpin reference?

How dare you.

How am I supposed to fap to her now? Even if I pretend the stretch marks were from my kid(s), it still wouldn't work. Damn damn damn damn. Why do I visit this forum, anyways? Dammit.

Yeah, thanks a lot. Ruined my whole week.

My. Whole. Week.

Probably not a good time to mention that I've got mad photoshop skillz.
How am I supposed to fap to her now? Even if I pretend the stretch marks were from my kid(s), it still wouldn't work. Damn damn damn damn. Why do I visit this forum, anyways? Dammit.

Yeah, thanks a lot. Ruined my whole week.

My. Whole. Week.


Instead of polishing your cock, you could polish her glass eye!
Probably not a good time to mention that I've got mad photoshop skillz.

There's so much good that you could do in this world with your talent, and yet you choose the path of the wicked. You shall burn in Hell with the likes of Eichmann and Hitler, unless you redeem yourself. I woulda sent you a PM with a Photoshop request of my ex and Maria Ozawa dyking out with each other, but I'm sure Josolop already spammed your inbox with his requests to airbrush in his sex offender registry mugshot next to Yuko Ogura-- so he can post as proof that he has a Japanese girlfriend.

Instead of polishing your cock, you could polish her glass eye!

You know, I try to deflect mental images by swapping the words out from things I don't want to hear-- in this case, it backfired; "polish" led me to "Polish", but instead of "European country", "sausage" popped in my head, and my Audrey became a Pattaya ladyboy.

Your spot in Hell with ScarletSnow has been reserved.

Next to the handicapped section.
What mischief are you boys up to on your cruise? I request, neh, demand!, a photo (and video) journal of your conquêtes nautiques! (moshi wake gozaimasen for my shit French!)