Dumb Moments in JAV

PGD-418 Ohka Collar Female Teacher Panties

This film contains a completely plausible scenario accentuated by the outstanding, dare I say, Oscar-worthy performance of Ouka Eri. Warning: massive 15+ MB gif ahead!

I'm curious about how big is the niche market. From the looks of these you start to wonder if studios are just producing movies consumers don't necessarily want to stand out or they hope for someone to buy because of curiosity. Maybe hoping a new genre to be a surprising hit.
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I still want to know what (who?) the hell "ERO Q" is, though. ("It is a story of ERO Q living in my house.") I assume ero for erotic? But that doesn't explain what the hell that guy/thing is.

Unless...Erotic Q?


(Shouts out to TNG fans)
R18 translates it as "Our Guest The Lecherous Q".
Count on Rocket for ever more dumb ideas:
RCTD-107 Anus Verification
In an imaginary world, finger print, iris scan etc biometrics is replaced by anus scan. Open a bank account? Spread your cheeks and let the machine scan your anus to confirm your identity. Then for unknown reasons, some anal probing is also required. Young girls making cute pictures in photo booth (it's a real world Japanese JK thing) also spread their cheeks (or each others) and decorate their asses with cute stickers for anal photo momentos. As a final relieve, the very last scene has some male on female anal fuck, as an afterthought.
Alas we never get to see how dudes in this world open a bank account or enjoys a boys-evening out.
Imagine the board meetings.

-"Well, what are your ideas for rctd-107?"
-"How about using the anus of a girl like a fingerprint?"
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A slightly OT follow up: (modern) Japanese don't show a lot of interest in anal sex, but anal play is a bigger thing. In the frame caps of RCTD-107, I noticed a clear and blue film applied to the anus which seemed rather curious. Then yesterday I was fapping to another anal-centric vid SVDVD-712 and saw this anal blue film up close. The authority/doctor/pervert applies this medical-looking clear film with a blue circle on to the student's anus.

I was gonna write a post to ask the wisdom of Akiba Online when I made a frame cap of the film being applied:
SVDVD-712 worm inspection.jpg
It so happened the wording is visible on the frame... so let me try to find an answer myself... on the film... pattern matching... 3 hiraganas... not too hard, a kanji for "bug": ぎょう虫 it's pinworm! TLDR... Oh here it is:
the light-yellowish thread-like adult pinworms are clearly visually detectable, usually during the night when they move near the anus, or on toilet paper. Transparent adhesive tape (e.g. Scotch Tape) applied on the anal area will pick up deposited eggs, and diagnosis can be made by examining the tape with a microscope. This test is most successful if done every morning for several days, because the females do not lay eggs every day, and the number of eggs vary

What's even more curious is that the bottom of the film there are blanks to fill in "School Year", "Student Name" etc. So this product isn't just meant for doctors to use in clinics and hospitals, it's manufactured specifically for schools to carry out screening programs for classrooms.

Damn next time I sodomize a Japanese lady, I will have to scotch-tape her asshole for wiggly yellow worms first.

At first, i didn't think anything about the poster, until i see that hand gesture, not i can't get it out of my head
LMFAO!!! lots of stupid and creepy moments xD

but you know what?... that's the beauty of Japanese Porn! they cover (almost) every sex fantasy... JAV 4LIFE!!! <3