So! Now a hopefully shorter second half. ^^;
What role, if any, can r*** hentai serve in our society?
Let me get this one out immediately: I am
n-o-t going to claim that hentai can help potential rapists avoid raping women. I am also not going to claim that hentai
encourages potential rapists to go out and r*** women. I think it's 50/50 and that's why both sides of the argument haven't won. They both point to convincing anecdotes, they both point to convincing scientific studies, and yet the argument rages on. Why? Because they're both probably right and they're both probably wrong.
But it's just like me and Sylvester in Looney Tunes! I bet some kids bite their nails because they see cartoon characters doing it, like me, but we all know that a lot of other kids watch the exact same cartoons and don't grow up to become nail-biters. Also, we know that there are kids who bite their nails in Africa or Indonesia or Russia who may have never seen a single episode of Looney Tunes in their entire life. So the point is, just like me, Sylvester, and nail-biting, I think the same thing is true for rapists, hentai, and r***.
Some rapists might not have r***ing if they hadn't been exposed to it in hentai, but I think it's also fair to say that most of them would have r***ing anyway (it just would have been a different trigger) and that some of them may even
decide N-O-T to r*** a woman after seeing a hentai! (For example, a hentai, however titillating and cheap of a comic it may be, might still give a guy a heads up warning about getting a girl pregnant or going to jail or being shot in the head by the girl he r***ing who turns out to be an armed, female psychopath.) So yeah. That's not the point of this post.
Back on track, then, what is r*** hentai good for? Why protect it? Why care?
Pure and simple, r*** hentai is just another form of porn. The end.
But for those of you who demand more, I'm here to give it to you. ;D
- I don't think banning porn is good. (That's a whole other essay!)
- I don't think much good would come of banning popular porn fetishes.
- r*** is a popular porn fetish.
- Conclusion: I don't think much good would come of banning r*** hentai.
You might avert one or two r***s if you illegalize fictional r*** pornography. And I'm not saying that those lives aren't worth saving. They are! But we have to be fair and balanced. We have to ask ourselves, "Is it worth it to take this action to achieve this outcome?" And to me, banning a huge selection of porn from the face of the earth, were it even possible, would not be beneficial to the planet as a whole. You save two lives, but like I said earlier, you may also endanger two new lives if two men now turn into rapists and they wouldn't have done so had they been exposed to r*** hentai and seen for themselves why it's not a good idea to do it in real life. So you didn't win. Two innocent women were r***ing because of hentai, and now two different innocent women are being r***ing without hentai. And in the mean time ...! In the mean time, you have a planet full of
hundreds of millions of sexually-frustrated men -AND- women who want their r*** porn but can't have it because Big Brother told them so! Seems like a losing situation to me. You didn't save any net amount of lives -- you just swapped who got to live and who got to die. And in addition, 10% of the survivors on Planet Earth are now more unhappy than before. And you have nothing to show for it! lol
Revolution much? XD
Wait a sec. Why can't we ban r*** hentai? You just said it might not even be possible.
See my earlier posts in this thread. I know they're long. Sorry. In a nutshell, "human ingenuity disallows for the eradication of ideas from the planet." You can try to erase it, but it's just a matter of time before somebody re-invents it.
Tell me why r*** hentai is good.
I dunno, it's a matter of personal preference. lol But I can tell you this much, if you'll listen:
When I first got into hentai, I only liked the really softcore stuff. I couldn't stand any implication of r***. Some time between then and now (lol), many years ago, I got to the point where I had seen enough hentai and could read enough Japanese that I knew the difference between hentai where the woman is consenting all the time, hentai where the woman is resisting at first but then consents later, and hentai where the woman is resisting the entire time. And I noticed, for whatever reason -- don't ask me! I don't know

-- that I loved #2 best, followed by #1, and in a super distant 3rd place was #3. To this day, I still don't like f***rced sex that stays forced the entire time. But vice versa, I'm really turned on when the girl is
initially against it but later comes to like it.
This probably has some crossover for explaining why I like corruption-themed hentai. If a woman is r***ing but as the r*** continues it ceases to be r*** (i.e. it transforms into consensual sex as she begs the man for more cock), it's just another form of transformation, isn't it? And I like a lot of transformation hentai. No idea
why, but I do and I'm not ashamed of it or anything, lol:
- I like it when the girl is innocent but becomes slutty
- I like it when the girl transforms into a vampire, demoness, succubus, etc.
- I like it when a guy transforms into a girl (not futa) and likes it
- I like it when a flat-chested girl transforms into a big-breasted girl
- I like it when a teen girl transforms into a woman
for whatever reason (don't ask me! XD), I like it when a thin girl is transformed into a fat girl but still gets lovin', both psychological love and physical love. (That stated, I really don't have much of a thing for the debu fetish normally. Transformation, though, I really like! lol So I'm a fan of Kato Hayabusa's work, but not of the stuff people on imageboards post since that's usually just fat women with no other context to it.)
So I think you can see, I like transformation-themed hentai. And for me,
a girl who goes from not wanting it to wanting it is a big turn-on. But by definition, you can't see a girl not wanting it and yet getting it unless she's being r***ing. Duh. So, as per my fetish, I'm a fan of r*** hentai.
Not all of it, but the vast majority of it since, like I said above, most r*** hentai either ends with the girl psychologically transforming into a cock-starved slut
or it wasn't even really "r***" in the first place (like the laundromat example, where it was technically r*** 'cause the guy did her even though she said No, but even from the beginning she found him attractive, was horny, her vagina was juicing up, she was daydreaming about having sex with him, etc, and the only reason she said No was 'cause of the time and the place).
But the thing is, THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME! And it isn't about you, either! This is about
all of us, the entire planet. My ultimate point that I want to make, if nothing else, is that even if my fetish disturbs you and you think that the world would be a better place without it:
(1) you don't have
any solid evidence which suggests a significant net benefit to the planet if we ban it, and
(2) even if you
did have such evidence, we still would want to reconsider banning r*** hentai because
calling it "r*** hentai" is simply too much of a blanket statement. There is no such one thing as "r*** hentai" even though we've been calling it that the entire time. In real life, every single hentai artist has his own thoughts about r*** and those thoughts play out in his comics. Some r*** hentai is misogynistic, showing women with bruises, cuts, broken teeth, and their hair being tugged. Some r*** hentai is obsessed with the idea of getting women pregnant and spreading one's seed. Same r*** hentai is focused on the man's sexual dysfunction. There are tons of subgenres to "r*** hentai" just as there are so many different motives for real-life r***, and to simply ban
ALL of them under the blanket clause of banning all "r*** hentai" is ludicrous and insincere.
If these women
truly care about saving real-life women from r*** rather than being sensational, then I have one thing to say to them:
back track just a few steps, and decide what it is about r*** hentai, specifically, that you dislike and just go after that. If you hate something I like, then I hope you lose if and when we meet in political battle. lol But for fuck's sake, don't try to just ban
all r*** hentai. You can't do it, and even if you could, it wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't make the world a better place overall.