Are there r*** games in the U.S. or elsewhere?
American-made, no. American-sold, I can't say for certain but I have seen boxed-up eroges for the PC sold at Fry's Electronics before in the Adult Hentai section of the store, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Being aware of two genres or phenomenon does not necessarily mean you have assumed that there must be an intersection of the two somewhere. I know about shoplifting, and I know about jigsaw puzzles, but I would never assume the existence of "shoplifting jigsaw puzzles."
A, I would in fact assume so. ^^; I'd also assume puzzles of houses on fire exist, puzzles of orb weaver spiders exist, puzzles of the Hubble telescope exist, and puzzles of cheeseburgers and fries exist. "If you can dream it, you can do it" ... except morphed in my mind, I suppose, from its original quote and into "if you can think of it, it's probably been done." Pizza-flavored ice cream? Dimetapp-smelling deodorant? A car body made out of see-through plastic? I can imagine all of these and more. The human imagination's a powerful thing. It's hardly a challenge to say, "If r*** manga exists, and if fighter video games exist, then I bet a fighter in which the winner r***s the loser exists" any more than it is to say "if [as before], then I bet a hentai manga exists which stars the main female characters from a popular fighter". Nobody acts surprised by DOA, Guilty Gear, or Soul Caliber hentai, so why does everybody act so surprised when a beat-'em up r*** game for the PC comes out?
B, it is the responsibility of the lawmakers to consider such things. When they say, "Fictional r*** is legal," and when they say, "Video games are works of fiction," then they are saying "video game r*** is legal." For the common Japanese person to be surprised that 1 + 1 = 2 like this is, imo, concerning. It's even more concerning to me if the Japanese legislators aren't just feigning ignorance but were genuinely clueless that such a thing could or did exist.
Surely there was a time (not so long ago?) when you didn't know of and never imagined the existence of r*** games?

Know of their existence, yes. Be surprised by their existence, no. I either didn't know they existed (and so had yet to be surprised), or upon learning they existed was not surprised to learn they existed. I guess that's my frustration here: that people are acting indignant about this and I think it's largely faked/exaggerated. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS WAS HAPPENING UNDER OUR NOSES!" some of them are suggesting. I want to ask them, "Can't you? I mean, seriously: are you
that unimaginative that it surprises you to the point of disbelief to learn that, given video games and given r*** pornography -- or even more specifically than that, given hentai video games and given r*** hentai in other media -- that somebody put the two together to make a r*** hentai game?"
But to be honest, we're beginning to talk about two different things. Here's why:
his article made reference to the act of a gamer
actually raping characters in the game. That such games do exist I am not denying. However, what Equality Now is pushing for is not the removal of
gamers in control of rapists but of
depictions of r***, period from eroges. What this means is that a game like Infection 3 (see attached picture) where all the player does is click between different story paths and all he sees are static drawings depicting many of the female characters being r***ing under different circumstances ... a game like this is up for being banned.
If Equality Now was saying, "Look, we want to take the 'R' out of 'FPR', or 'First Person Raper'," then I wouldn't have
as much of a problem. I'd still be concerned. I'd still want to know why it's unacceptable for a guy to vicariously r*** a hardly-mistakable-for-real woman in a video game but it's acceptable for him to vicariously mutilate quite-real-looking men in
BioShock or to assasinate quite-real-looking men in
Hitman II. But in the end I'd say, "I can see why they're attacking FPR games. At least they're not touching all of the eroges that have r*** depicted in the plot."
But they
are. Because they haven't declared war against first-person or third-person r*** scenes which are player-controlled. They've declared war against
r*** scenes in pornographic video games period. That is what upsets me: is that, for all of Mr. Thorn's talk that "video games and comics are two totally different things," he really has very little idea what he's talking about. Either he or I, unfortunately.

Because the majority of r*** eroges are basically "comics with audio and colored-in pictures" and would hardly classify as "games" by Western standards. Again, see the pictures below.
These are what I think of when they say "r*** eroge," and not the first-or-third-person "I'mma mashin' da buttons anda rapin' da woman" games like Rapelay. And I fear these are also what Parliament and Equality Now are also gunning for. Rapelay may be the first in line at the guillotine, sure, but it's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooong line with plenty of blood spilled from plenty of titles.
This sequence shows a news reporter getting r***ing by a bunch of infected men (infected with the zombie virus, that is) and being turned into an infected sex-crazed zombie slut herself. The player has
zero control over this scene. The only clicking he does is a single mouse click to advance the plot one screen at a time.