Yeah my first time was at 21! lol :snicker2:
Believe it or not, I dated a guy for a month and I couldn't hold anymore so I called him and told him to come to my house that moment!

erfectplan: I was steaming :fever: and I thought if ever is a time it will be now.
God, it was sooo good, nothing like masturbating - finger fu#, using objects and all that - couldn't be compared! We did it twice, not bad for a first timer and we did it in a strange position that made penetration easier hehe it was some variation of missionary.
I still date him, we're enganged and the sex is steaming!!! We tried everything, now we're on anal train and using some really nice toys!!
Breaking the himen was not painful, he just had to be a bit rough - I still love rough sex!! - it just bled a bit but that's ok...
Ppl the real thing cannot be compared to masturbation or imagination, just go comando and have patience, I thank every day for waiting til 21 to loose it!