this is double posting and that´s what we do not want - 10 times the same video posted in 24 hours...
and that´s why rule 10 is becoming so important atm...
and that´s why rule 10 is becoming so important atm...
New rule!
- 6. When posting DVD rips, you must include the DVD code(s). Either in the thread title (preferred) or the post body.
If any of the posters would be willing or kind enough to add the DVD code to any of their old posts this would be a huge help to others and would help prevent any unintentional double posting. Being a good member is caring as well as sharing, (okay, maybe that is over the top a little but you get my drift). This is all being done to make this a better forum to be a part of and that requires everyones' assistance.
Posts prior to the June 6th 2010 date should not receive infractions for violating a rule that did not exist at the modified this rule at june 6 2010
why the other mods keep on searching the topic before the rules modified or made
that make my real ID get too many warning and now get suspended 30 day
If that's really the case, the infraction should be reversed, but the post can remain post which is older than june 6 2010 are deleted and you give me infraction
That's because we missed it; there are too many rule violations for our staff to handle.but someone post which is younger than june 6 2010 still alive
Of course he has made the stupidity to upload stuff with his second account...
These guys only learn by punches and kicks. :sadomaso:
If you're making new rules maybe you should "advertise" them more openly, I don't think many people read in this subforum.