Freedom of speech is fine, but...

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... Though we already have Rule 5: "Do not discuss or allude to real-life illegal activities" .

I guess this rules out any idea of free speech. If you can't discuss something how do you argue for or against it?
I guess this rules out any idea of free speech. If you can't discuss something how do you argue for or against it?
Discussing something in the abstract is one thing; confessing to a crime is quite another. Rule 5 is here to stay.
you could also delete some of his posts, since the few i've seen are quite disturbing (like this

just my 2c
That post should be censored because you don't like it?
His post is on the surface an honest portrayal of himself and how the videos help relieve stress of his workday.
Maybe you should put him on your ignore list.
Out of sight out of mind.

Sometimes honesty and frank openness makes me feel uncomfortable too, but I don't request that that persons post be deleted so I don't have to see it. I just stay away from that persons posts.

Investment Banker's posts that violated the rules here have been deleted. I like his posts for the most part.
He's new and when he comes back, if he does, I'm sure he can be potty trained like I am.
I would suggest to ban all good natured 'pedophilic' debates from the forums to a single club. It could concentrate unwanted posts more in one place and bother less people on this board who are averse to these kind of threads and posts. Or maybe this is a really bad idea, don't know for sure yet.
Now, if you want to post that rebaldry in the Junior Idol section the He/She eyeballs should be a safe age range of say...20/20.

:silence: Good lord, man. J/K, I came pretty close to making a 20/40 MILF follow up joke.

I guess this rules out any idea of free speech

Even in the states, the "home" of free speech, it isn't literal. Free speech means "saying whatever you want within the confines of what has been determined legal to say". On A-O you can say what you want as long as it isn't forbidden in the rules section. And I'll say again, compared to a lot of other torrent sites you can join, A-O users are granted an enormous amount of freedom as to what they post and share.

Its very understandable that people are apprehensive to the idea of "new rules" being put in place. At any job I've ever worked at, the institution of new rules has always been the death rattle of fun on the job. But consider this: Check out the "Thanked by" box under bpx's initial post. Yes, I'm in there but look at the red names. At the time of this post, there are at least 4 mods who thanked bpx for bringing this up. At least 2 of them are pretty active participants in the JI section of the board (by that I mean this clearly isn't a witch hunt based on objection to JI content). In addition to that, chompy has both acknowledged the concerns addressed, and plainly asked for suggestions on what would be a good solution.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that tells me that bpx's concerns are shared by site staff and that this concern isn't new. Leaving things the way they are just may not be an option. We've been given the chance to give input to the site admin about a possible course of action, lets take advantage of it.

Lets also clarify what is being discussed here (and if I'm wrong, please let me know).

Nobody is talking about getting rid of JI content on the site.
Nobody is talking about getting rid of the JI forum section.
Nobody is talking about getting rid of the "best butts" thread!
(they aren't are they? 'cause that could be a deal breaker)

We're talking about what amounts to a small revision of existing rules to forbid EXPLICIT sexual comments regarding minors. This could be done by just tacking on a rider to rule 5 to say "including but not limited to".

But that's just what I think. I'm genuinely interested in hearing other ideas on this. Even if you're against any change at all; if you HAD to alter things, what would you do?
I would suggest to ban all good natured 'pedophilic' debates from the forums to a single club. It could concentrate unwanted posts more in one place and bother less people on this board who are averse to these kind of threads and posts. Or maybe this is a really bad idea, don't know for sure yet.

Exactly! I was thinking that a sub-forum could be made for pedo debates and discussions in a place like Loli Land where images of little girls are being impaled by adult males.

How could the members of that genre be offended by a little pedo related chit chat?

I'm afraid that if such a place were created, members who don't like these type of discussions and complain about them would surely tag along. :dunno:

When birds of a feather get together, feathers rarely get ruffled.
Discussing something in the abstract is one thing; confessing to a crime is quite another. Rule 5 is here to stay.

Nicely put chompy. I mean a rule like this doesn't just protect the board from unwanted problems it protects its' members as well.

True, one rarely knows who others actually are on the internet. especially in forums such as this. A person claiming to be dishwasher could be the "Head of State " for some country or vice a versa. Nics could claim to have college degrees and be dropouts or claim to be poor when they are rich. But to draw undesirable attention to this board, its' members, and oneself, by confessing or threatening to conduct a criminal act on another human being, whether or not the confession is true or the threat empty......well...that is just bad form that is. So no offense porkar but I have to agree with chompy on this one. It is one thing to exercise ones rights it is quite another to do so when it is clearly detrimental to yourself and those around you.
That post should be censored because you don't like it?
His post is on the surface an honest portrayal of himself and how the videos help relieve stress of his workday.

i like to relax by masturbating to the sights and sounds of preteen and teenage japanese schoolgirls

sexy and underaged japanese schoolgirls.

that 12 year old vagina will always be out of my reach.

i will keep masturbating to videos of underaged japanese schoolgirls.

all of this and something else in just one post.

if you people are ok with it, no problems for me; i'm not even interested in the whole loli business, but the guy caught my attention from his very first message because he was clearly mistaken this place for something else

and btw, there is a name for those who keep mentioning their "six figures income", "working for the bigger firms", etc.
that name is TROLLS. (or even worse, but he didn't last enough to tell it for sure)
if you people are ok with it, no problems for me; i'm not even interested in the whole loli business

All the quotes you posted above from Investment banker disgusts you Desu, but your avatar depicts a preteen girl with a t-shirt on that says on the front over her chest, "A work in progress".

Then below it over her abdomen with an arrow pointing to her underage vagina it says, "Good to go".

Then to boot you have Pedobear in there too!

Ummm...your not a Loli my friend, your a hypocrite.

The Pots are coming out of the woodwork screaming, "The Kettles Black!!!!"

Remember this Desu, "If you are pointing a finger at another, you'll notice the other three fingers are pointing right back at you".

I'm glad I know who I am and proud of it and don't have to expend useless energy to try and deceive people.
All the quotes you posted above from Investment banker disgusts you Desu, but your avatar depicts a preteen girl with a t-shirt on that says on the front over her chest, "A work in progress".

Then below it over her abdomen with an arrow pointing to her underage vagina it says, "Good to go".

Then to boot you have Pedobear in there too!

Ummm...your not a Loli my friend, your a hypocrite.

The Pots are coming out of the woodwork screaming, "The Kettles Black!!!!"

who said that those comments disgust me? i don't even know proper english but i know the difference between "disturbing" and "disgusting".

i know what is my avatar, there's no need for a detailed explanation;
but you know what? it's just a funny picture.
before this i used to have a Suiseiseki one; am i a dolls lover? omigod! :silence:

are you really that blind that you can't see what my fetish is? bah...

I'm glad I know who I am and proud of it and don't have to expend useless energy to try and deceive people.

yeah, yeah... nice words and all but you're still a username who's probably hiding behind a proxy so please drop already this "proud of myself and my pedo tastes" because it only works while you're anonymous.
you can't be proud about something you can't do at the light of the day.
i'm also sure -as you stated- that you're not deceiving anybody IRL too, so everyone in your family and all of your friend do know about your tastes, right?
who was talking about hypocrisy? :nosepick:

ANYWAYS, i don't really care about yours or that guy's tastes; i just said that i found disturbing the above mentioned lines, and last time i checked everyone is free to have his own opinion, unless it's hurting someone else's feelings, right?
if you feel bad because i find "disturbing" somebody who talks about how badly he would fuck a child, well sir that's your problem, not mine.

didn't really want to start a debate, just posting my one lined opinion for christ sake!

Remember this Desu, "If you are pointing a finger at another, you'll notice the other three fingers are pointing right back at you

yup! exactly my thought
Okay, if we are not all friends here lets at least try to be friendly. No need to turn this thread into an example of chompys' "arguing over binary points". Of course I have been known to do that myself, granted it can be fun. When tempers start to flare though the fun always seems to stop for someone.

This thread seems to be more over the comments of one particular nic in various threads and posts than it does about the Jr. Idol forum or those that frequent it,(judging from the examples previously mentioned anyway). Which actually pisses me off a little because instead of just putting one nic on the hot seat where he deserved to be,(apparently or argumentatively according to opinion), all who frequent,visit, post, and comment in that area are taking the heat.

postscript: not taking sides here but I think your avatar is funny Desu, it always gives me a laugh when I see it.
postscript: not taking sides here but I think your avatar is funny Desu, it always gives me a laugh when I see it.

and that's the only reason why i've chosen it; didn't think that it could lead to misunderstandings

thank you for tring to chill out the tones but i don't think i've been offensive, and i don't feel offended at all;
it's just that being labeled just for a (temporary) avatar is stupid beyond any imagination.

back on topic, i found out that at least one of Mr. Six Figures Income's post has already been deleted, so i'm not the only one who found his writings... let's say "strange"
Free speech

I guess this rules out any idea of free speech. If you can't discuss something how do you argue for or against it?

The concept of "free speech" precludes government intervention. Akiba-online is not a taxpayer-funded venture, it's a privately-owned and operated entity. If I started ripping and posting DDL and torrent links to episodes of Seinfeld, my posts/threads would be deleted on the grounds that Akiba-online isn't the PLACE for those posts, not on the grounds that my "free speech" needs to be impinged upon.

The right to "free speech", in the United States anyway, guarantees the right to make your own forum for speech. As settled in the American courts decades ago, it does not mean that the New York Times has to publish anything you say. It means that you have the right to start your own newspaper and publish anything you want (in contrast to several other countries, where you need permission from the government to publish a newspaper, and your newspaper's content must adhere to certain guidelines).

I downloaded a movie (from a link found here on AO) a few months ago, where near the end, in fact, I won't even say what happened (it was pretty gross). I used iWiSoft Video Converter and truncated the AVI file. It never occurred to me to complain to anyone about the content of the file; after all, what was I doing in the fetish forum anyway? But if it meant SO MUCH to me, I'd start a forum of my own (which is a lot of work, which is why I don't do it, and I come here instead) and call it and I'd set my own rules.

(Incidentally, my new ISP won't let me torrent anything; I don't know how it does it, but they do it. That's not infringing on my right to free speech; I have the freedom to switch ISP's whenever I want.)

Anyway, there are a number of anything-goes chat forums online, so free speech is well and alive.
I know Ceewan has told me that we are like minded and that is we are MAA. I found your avatar non offensive.

I didn't find it that amusing only due to the fact that I have that pic stored away minus the Pedobear so the novelty of it has worn off a bit.

The first time I saw it I thought, "He's one of "us"".
It reeks of "Loli business" that all.

If you had a avatar of two naked men kissing, I would assume you might be gay and so watch myself when bending over to pick up a quarter off the ground if you were around ( I do have a nice tush for my age).:shy:

Did you look at my avatar and think, "Oh, Aqua2213 likes Spongebob Squarepants!". I doubt it.

As to me being a hypocrite with this statement:

I'm glad I know who I am and proud of it and don't have to expend useless energy to try and deceive people.

I don't think it's fair for you to call me that because you do not know anything about my personal life unless you were around when I got banned for posting my personal life and some decided my personal life entailed illegal activities and so I was banned and Rule 5 was amended

Rule 5: "Do not discuss or allude to real-life illegal activities"

My parents have passed on and my wife died in a fatal car accident years ago.

I have a son who I raised by myself since he was 5 and yes he knows all about my attraction and has a great "live and let live " attitude about it.
I proudly display artwork from many of my young friends in my home on the walls.

I can't mention what I do when I see my LGFs, but most of it is in daylight and most times the moms are present.

I'm from Seattle, WA and for security reasons I won't say if i use a proxy or not on a public board.

I've told most of my friends about my attraction and many left me and some champion me because they know I have only good intentions and would never violate anyone ever.

I hope that will dispel the hypocrite label you pinned on me.
I'll go one step further and invite you to come to the board I created for Girl love where I post my adventures there and many other topics.
I also have a blog with a couple videos of my LGFs.
Let me know if your interested.
Forgive me for being blunt, but having read the discussion thread, it seems as though everyone wants (broadly) to achieve the same objective, but has been distracted somewhat.

I agree with the fact that one should avoid even the appearance of hypocrisy; it is unwise and damages one's hard earned credibility in an instant.

Honesty should prevail in the postings, and should also be tolerated, after all why else does Akiba exist but to provide us all with a safe place to indulge? It seems that some people forget that this isn't the local coffee house or school, it is a place where we exchange common ground, and expect to be treated more equitably than in outside society. Thus, surely we would do well to remember this before leaping to accusatory conclusions as to another member's motives?

However, it is for every member here to be mindful that Akiba is a rare and precious privilege, as is the presence of like minded members. Such a privilege should be treated with respect, and not put at risk of being invaded or shut down by over-zealous activist hackers and law enforcement agencies, and all because another member could not control their rhetoric and made ill-advised, explicit and perhaps all too self-indulgent comments.

I'm incredibly grateful to find so many good people here at Akiba enjoying what is, after all, nature's art. Long may it's members care enough to preserve it!......
one last

Lord Lucan is right: this sub-discussion has nothing to do with the topic, and i'm sorry for that because it's probably my fault (for posting a simple comment) if it's started.
nonetheless, i need do go off topic once more because i think Aqua deserves a more detailed and less raged reply; i hope nobody would mind it.

some spoilers just to make it appear shorter, no other reasons;
also sorry if there are some inconsistencies: they come from the countless edit i made on this post.

Aqua, first and foremost it's you who showed hostility and called me an hypocrite.
I'd really like to apologise but i can't because of the above.
I don't feel sorry at all because i just redirected to you what you told about me.

I didn't find it that amusing only due to the fact that I have that pic stored away minus the Pedobear so the novelty of it has worn off a bit.

[hide]we're still talking about nothing; it's just a shopped pic.
should it haven't the pedobear humorous factor, i wouldn't had given more than a single look at it. why? because i don't like lolis. i like mature women.

i also don't care about its novelty; it's a joke, and a classic one for that.
do you have the non-shopped one? good for you, i have no reasons for keeping such a picture on my hard drive.[/hide]

If you had a avatar of two naked men kissing, I would assume you might be gay

even if it had to be shopped with a sarcastic motto on it? oh come on!
i'm not gay either, and to be honest just the idea of two men doing stuff each others makes feel sick, but that must be the reason why i'm straight...
or am i mixing the causality factors? whatever...

Did you look at my avatar and think, "Oh, Aqua2213 likes Spongebob Squarepants!". I doubt it.

[hide]i looked at your avatar and gave less than nothing about it; then i proceeded reading your posts.
because it's that what qualifies you, not a stupid image.
i couldn't even remember the spongebob think if you didn't mention it.
i recall the "loli here" and "loli there" in your sig though, and that's why you were/are on my "has nothing to do with me" list.
plain and simple: we don't share the same interests, so i have nothing to discuss with you. period.
(not mentioning that, as you can read, my skills in english language don't allow me to sustain a debate)

now that the non existent avatar issue is gone, shall we forget about it?
good. let's proceed.[/hide]

I don't think it's fair for you to call me that because you do not know anything about my personal life unless you were around when I got banned

[hide]the same applies to you, and you're quoting yourself :casual:
i sort of know what happened to you here because even if i can't properly write in english, my reading abilities are far better, and i like to browse the forum in its entirety.
anyway -and more important- i don't care.
that has nothing to do with you calling me an hypocrite and me redirecting it back to you; it's not that you can use it as an handicap.

I won't quote the family part of your post because that's serious stuff and the last thing i want is to look like i'm making fun of you.

i'm sorry for your losses, and i really mean it, but it's just empathy what makes me feel like it, because i don't know you.
if i had to feel really bad about some lines written in a forum by an anonymous user, well, then i'd probably need some serious help.[/hide]

I hope that will dispel the hypocrite label you pinned on me.

no, i'm sorry. first impressions, even if wrong, are hard to let go of.
easiest solution is to forget about our discussion and leave each other alone.

you don't need to tell me about your innocence, because that's something only you can know, and only you are resposible for you IRL actions.
once again, it's none of my business and isn't either the point.

it is different in that JosolopBanker's case, because i could almost feel the maniac inside him.
there are things you can and can't do, as there are others you can and you can't talk about.
i don't care about what he's doing in his real life (because he's out of my reach, if nothing else), but this is a public forum and incidentally i readed his posts, so it could happen to anyone.
and yes, i didn't tell it -you did it in my place- but i found those comments disgusting.

[hide]if i had to meet him IRL i'm sure i'd do what i did to another couple of pedos, when i was younger and more hot blooded.
that's a part of my story which i'm proud of, and i can even yell it in a crowded place. see why i'm not an hypocrite?
if you had to insist on calling me that i wouldn't care, because I know who i am and i have nothing to hide, not from the law, nor from my parents/friends.
well, illegal downloading left apart, of course :P[/hide]

I've told most of my friends about my attraction and many left me and some champion me because they know I have only good intentions and would never violate anyone ever.

[hide]are you saying that your friends are still with you because they pity you, but at the same time they know you're harmless?
no jokes here, i'm really getting it this way; you sound like somebody caught with a finger in the jam who's saying "i would never eat it"
but the language barriers are probably deceiving me, so sorry about it.[/hide]

tl;dr (the first version was even longer)
shorter version:

i'm sorry for not being sorry.
this discussion generates by a incidental cross of our comments, and like the planetary alignments it won't probably happen again for a long time.

thank you very much for your invite, but there would be nothing of my interests to see there, so i have to decline.

you are a nice and polite guy -opposite at the raging bastard that i am- though, so i want to be sure you get that there are not hard feelings on my part;
there wouldn't even be a reason for those :)

gentlemen, i stated my opinion some posts back, and i think this matter is solved, so i'm out unless a further reply would be required.
sorry for the off-topic
This is NOT meant to be another discussion about the topic whether it's good or bad

The best intentions, etc (or something or other).

I haven't been here as long as many of the other people in this thread, but I'm guessing that this topic (or something close to it) has come up on several occasions. Does the discussion always go like this? I mean, we're not even talking about any kind of resolution here. This is just some bizarre pseudo-flamewar (probably the most polite one I've ever seen, but still).

I'm missing the parts of the thread where people are saying others need to change the way they feel or think. I'm also missing the part where the JI section is in dire danger of irreparable and unspeakable change (or in danger of being eliminated).

When you boil down bpx's initial post, he's basically calling for a moderate tweak of the rules. From the thanks given to him, It seems his concern is also a staff concern. Even chompy (remember him, the guy who RUNS this place) has chimed in to let us know that its a concern he shares.

Yes, its always possible that restrictions will lead to further restrictions. But consider the staff's position. If they do nothing, what then? They have to consider the risk that, if left unchecked, discussions will only get raunchier. Possibly to the point where the site attracts the wrong kind of attention (the legal kind).

Like it or not, the whole "free speech/free thought" argument is totally irrelevant in this situation. No, this isn't the local coffee shop, but its not your house either. This is a privately run site with rules and regulations that you have to adhere to. And, frankly, I'm surprised that so many people seem ready to brush off staff concerns.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, try talking about any of this saucy content on another torrent/download site. Then count the seconds until your ban/first flame. I'm a member of 2 other private torrent sites. Assuming this thread magically made it as long as it has at either of those sites, half the people in this thread would be banned on an ISP level and the other half would receive warnings/probation AT THE LEAST.

As I've said, this board affords its members an incredible amount of freedom as to what is said and done. Even after expressing his concerns, what does chompy do?

I'd love some actual suggestions for policy changes

He creates an open forum for suggestions about a course of action. Not from just some people, but from everyone. The staff here seems to genuinely like the users, and would rather give them a say in what happens instead of dropping a hammer.

If nobody else is interested in getting in front of this thing before being blindsided by new rules we didn't help create, please let me know. I'll unsubscribe from this thread, relegate myself back to the torrents and general chat sections, and never rear my ugly, UGLY head around here again.

I would suggest to ban all good natured 'pedophilic' debates from the forums to a single club. It could concentrate unwanted posts more in one place and bother less people on this board who are averse to these kind of threads and posts. Or maybe this is a really bad idea, don't know for sure yet.

Well, I tried.
I held out the proverbial peace pipe to ya Desu and you took it and deflowered my backside with it.
I'm done with you.

I'm going back down to the News section and my uneventful thread about the Japanese guy who's killing bears for gall bladders. Much more interesting.....
And...I'm outta here! G'night folks.:prance:
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