Freedom of speech is fine, but...

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I'm unsure what any changes in policy need to accomplish. What exactly needs to stay and what needs to go? What would be the desired effects? How precise or ambiguous do any changed or new rules need to be? Would it need to decrease the workload of mods? To which degree does free speech need to be protected?
I'm unsure what any changes in policy need to accomplish

Understandable. This thread has taken some detours. I've tried to nail down what the discussion was supposed to be about in my previous posts, but those only give my interpretation based on what I've read here. I'm glad someone else has chimed in with some questions to try and get things back on track. I'll restate my opinions and hope that others will do the same. :bingo:

What exactly needs to stay and what needs to go?

If I'm not mistaken, the debate is whether or not sexually charged discussions and comments should be allowed in the JI section. Banning it would mean you couldn't use vulgar language when speaking about a girl (no "nice tits" type of comments). No discussion of the type of "I'd do this to her" or "I do this to myself while watching this vid".

How precise or ambiguous do any changed or new rules need to be?

This is the rub. We'd actually have to discuss where the line was to be drawn. I think most people have the same idea of what is obviously vulgar, but getting everyone to agree on a definitive "this but not this" line would be difficult (I would think it would be a "mod discretion" kind of thing). My perspective: "Cute Butt" = OK ---- "I'd like to spank that ass" = not cool! If it actually gets to the point where a new rule is made, I doubt non admin/mods would be part of that discussion. Can you imagine that thread? Put a tent on that circus!

What would be the desired effects? and Would it need to decrease the workload of mods?

I'd say these two points are linked. The mods have a lot of board to cover and a lot of users to deal with. Any new rule should, ideally, give them a break. Other than that, I'd say the desired effects would be:

a) an increase in user comfort - one of the main complaints bpx had was that the discussions in questions made others uncomfortable. I have no problem with JI content and no problem with any other user here. But, having said that, I find it very easy to believe that a lot of the racier discussions in the JI section can make someone uncomfortable. We shouldn't turn off new users just because we lack tact.

b) decrease of "bad" attention - like bpx said, this is an otaku board for Japanophiles. Period. Sometimes particular kinds of content attract particular kinds of people, but that doesn't matter. It doesn't change that this board is about all things Japanese and cool. It would be damaging to other sections of this board if it became know as a safe haven for taboo interests. It may turn off new users and get the attention of people who would rather a site like this not exist.

To which degree does free speech need to be protected?

Even though it sounds harsh, I don't think we should be using any free speech argument. Like I've said, we're on a privately run board with its own set of rules. If we don't like it, any of us can go make a website of our own. But even then, we're bound by the rules and law of our particular country.

I sincerely hope that I haven't been overreaching with statements in previous posts saying that the site admin/mods see lewd JI discussion as an issue. I don't want to put words in anybody's mouth and if I have, I apologize. Let me know and I'll keep my mouth shut. Looking over the first page of this thread, I just get the feeling that its seen as a staff concern.
. Free speech means "saying whatever you want within the confines of what has been determined legal to say". ..

Er, yeah, well I figured that. I know you are not allowed to use libel, slander or dafamatory remarks in most countries. I was not referring to the political notion of free speech, I just mean that you should be able to discuss anything openly.

As for Rule 5: "Do not discuss or allude to real-life illegal activities" it is not the discussion or allusion that is the problem. As long as there is no encouragement to commit illegal activities, why is there a problem with discussing them? I would prefer the discussion be out in the open rather than hidden in murky corners. It is easier to keep an open floor clean than have to keep moving heavy furniture to sweep the corners.

Anyway it is Chompy's forum (I think) so we must obey the rules but it is good to be able to discuss them too.
And all apologies to bpx, who said he never wanted his comment to turn into a thread like this. But, c'mon. Deep down you knew that was hoping for too much.

I was thinking the same thing back in November when my friend Trollbeater created a support thread for me (Aqua Appredciation thread) and just four posts into it Teddy2000 and in post #5 bpx joins in for some tag team decimation of a thread created to focus on one person.
Here's his response to being called on it by buttobi,

LOL! Like this is the first thread that gets hi-jacked. And I slightly remember him (Trollbeater) being involved in some of these hi-jacks too. I'm not saying I'm innocent though. Nobody can say that of himself.

I don't feel sorry for bpx what so ever for some reason... LOL!!!

What goes around comes around. Must be a freedom of speech thing.

If you read that thread and bpx's back and forth venomous volleys with Investment Banker, I really wonder if Investment Banker would have resorted to those comments if he wasn't caught up in that.

We say things we don't want to in the heat of the moment.

The comment by bpx in the quote I posted above, "I'm not saying I'm innocent though. Nobody can say that of himself" can be applied here too I think.
I think were fussing over an isolated thing.

That guy PM'ing pics to people: banned

I had a guy PM me with one of those scams I saw on Dateline or a similar show where I was supposed to send like 1500 dollars and so that would cover postage for the millions in cash he was going to entrust me with.... I PM'ed handyman... result: Banned!!

Think things should continue case by case.

I did contribute one idea in post # 28 here and then I got involved in calling out a member for kicking another member (to whom this thread is also about) when he is down and out. We all make mistakes. Investment Banker made a few, but don't we learn by our mistakes?
Doing what I feel is right.:goodboy:
You don't have to apologize to me. I'm not your father. I think you are old enough to be responsible even in the Internet. If you can't then that's not exactly my problem. It doesn't surprise me at all that it turned out like this. In the end a few people here seem to feel the urge to talk about this while the thread is about that. I don't even bother checking the last pages because it seems yet another argument already started. After one or two pages the topic was already done. Kind of ironic how the derailment you have caused actually fits to the thread title. Freedom of speech is fine, but if a community doesn't follow certain rules then that freedom kills the community. No matter where you check it's like impossible to keep a normal conversation anywhere because there always is a moment when some people kick in who do their best to push it into the direction they want. I said it before: There are respective forums for such topics all over the Internet. So they should stick to those forums and don't cause trouble or discomfort in forums that deal with other things.

I know some will comment this again (one of the things that is always certain in this forum) but don't bother wasting your time replying to me, I won't notice it anyways.
You don't have to apologize to me. I'm not your father. I think you are old enough to be responsible even in the Internet. If you can't then that's not exactly my problem...blah blah...I don't even bother checking the last pages because it seems yet another argument already started...blah...Kind of ironic how the derailment you have caused actually fits to the thread title...blah blah blah...don't bother wasting your time replying to me, I won't notice it anyways.

SHEESH! I can neither furl my brow nor roll my eyes hard enough to express my discontent. If this was your approach to the previous discussions about the topic, its no wonder they went nowhere. Throwing out an idea on a public forum, not contributing to the discussion, and then writing off the discussion (and even those that agree with you) is no way to get things done. You must work in congress! (HEYOOOOOOOOOO!)

Freedom of speech is fine, but if a community doesn't follow certain rules then that freedom kills the community. I said it before: There are respective forums for such topics all over the Internet. So they should stick to those forums and don't cause trouble or discomfort in forums that deal with other things

Yeah, I picked up on those points. And had you bothered to read your own damn thread, you'd have seen that some of us agreed with you and said so pretty damn plainly. But thanks for making me feel stupid for trying to articulately make your points for you and attempt to get others involved in the discussion simply because I actually agreed with what you were saying. I guess it's easier to just write a one off comment and hope something comes of it than actually engage others and try and make something happen.

I really think that user input could get a new global rule enacted regarding this. But why bother trying, right? Someone will just try to pull the discussion another way, and then you'd be put through the indignity of having to pull it back and assert your own argument. Oh, the pain!

To hell with it, then.

Its pretty clear why I see a lot of longtime users in the torrent section ONLY. Trying to actually participate in this forum can be much more trouble than its worth. :sigh:

Oh yeah, and, bpx, you don't have to bother responding to me either. 'Cause I could care less what you think. But you're not reading this anyway are you (yeah, right).

Consider my apology retracted.

EDIT: Everyone can feel free to disregard any and all of my posts in this thread. There's no point in taking the argument any further.
Some users seem to be on the mental level of a 3rd grader.
Na na na boo boo!!:spit:
Ooooo like that's a bad thing. Most girls in the JI section your attracted to are probably in the 3rd grade.

If you feel like having discussions on a more mature and educated level,
feel free to talk to me via PM.
I can't, I'm on your ignore list. :nosepick:

I will keep out of forum discussions most of the time now
Yeeeeeaaa!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :moe:

the amount of trolls (I hope for them they are just trolling) seems to be worse than on 4chan.
Oh now...there's your bastion of higher intellect!!

I have more important things to spend my life on.
Have a great life my friend....

In loving memory of daredemonai, one of the smartest users, who saw himself forced to leave due to those reasons.
This is my opinion...
Say that Akiba is the sandbox at daycare. Daredemonai gets pissed and leaves the sandbox with all his toys and whatnot probably with the mindset, "Well, I'm pissed and hurt and I'm gonna make all you hurt too by leaving with all my things".
Talk about 3rd grade level.
I think he chose to leave due to being called on his infidelities of spending more time oogling over girls on the net then his real life girlfriend.
When I read how he treated her and manipulated her with excuses I felt sympathy for her.
I believe he may be now focusing on real life issues with his girl and so he should be. Good for him!
I wish the best to the both of them....

One last thing...Teddy2000 and Bpx!! Since you express such sorrow for Daredemonai's departure, how come you never made a Daredemonai appreciation thread like I had suggested way back in November when you were busy trashing mine?:crash::innocence::yell:

the last posts had nothing in common with the thread title anymore! Instead it´s going to become far too personal...

Oh now...there's your bastion of higher intellect!!

...then why are some of you going down to such a low level?

Just stay on topic!

the last posts had nothing in common with the thread title anymore! Instead it´s going to become far too personal...

...then why are some of you going down to such a low level?

Just stay on topic!

I'm really really really finished replying to the thread here.

I'll stay "on topic" by getting "off topic" as in leaving the thread alone.

I do appreciate the freedom to speak though. Thank you.
...that´s turtle tactics...

Why are so many threads some of you are often involved always so close to the edge of derailing? (Some of) you always take part in these discussions only but don´t post nowhere else in the whole forum? Are there no other threads of interest posted here? These threads are just like magnets to you...

Only topic seems to be JI !!!!

the last posts had nothing in common with the thread title anymore! Instead it´s going to become far too personal...

...then why are some of you going down to such a low level?

Just stay on topic!

...that´s turtle tactics...

Why are so many threads some of you are often involved always so close to the edge of derailing? (Some of) you always take part in these discussions only but don´t post nowhere else in the whole forum? Are there no other threads of interest posted here? These threads are just like magnets to you...

Only topic seems to be JI !!!!

I'd like to think that my posts here tried to keep things on track and remind people of what the topic of discussion actually was. For doing so, the thread starter saw fit to enter the discussion only to put me down. He then undercut his own argument by refusing to participate in any capacity.

I made a very earnest attempt to spell out the ideas that the thread starter put forth in a plain fashion. In the hopes that people would see that they're reasonable and wouldn't have any major repercussions. The thread starter responds to this by insulting me.

And now I'm one of the bad guys?

Since the thread starter's only participation in this discussion has been to state his intent to not engage in the debate he's sparked, this thread is worthless. In my opinion it should just be deleted.

Why should I, or anyone else, continue to make his argument for him if his response is to call us trolls?
lowleg26: This issue involves all of us to varying degrees depending on our level of participation so even if bpx has decided to remove himself from this discussion with such bitterness (though I understand where some of his statements are coming from) I hope you will not feel too discouraged to continue participating since you seem to keep the ball rolling.

Now back to the topic at hand: I think rule #5 is fairly clear concerning what bpx specifically mentioned.

"5. Do not discuss or allude to real-life illegal activities. Doing so puts both the members and the forum at risk."

But if a certain post is believed to be borderline then that's where a "mod's discretion" comes in. Although it may be important to draw a line I feel it's even better not to approach it. Of course that's not really realistic as people will always push the envelope but we can continue to tweak the rules as we encounter more cases. Personally, I wouldn't take action on a certain post unless if it obviously crosses the line like investment banker's recent posts.
Freedom of speech can be a bitch sometimes.
Personally, where the 'lines' that have to be 'drawn' is about as clear as my grandmother's eyesight.
I know it's somewhere between talking about cuteness and r***.
I agree with elgringo14, lets throw the dirt back on this thread and forget about it
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