Hentai Chat

Russian site = do not want. I would advise you to try again from the very beginning. No offense to any Russians here, but the Russian side of the internet has proven itself to be untrustworthy too many times for me to be willing to even consider clicking a Russian link anymore. It's the Boy Who Cried Wolf situation: even if the boy's telling the truth this time, I just don't fucking care anymore. He's lied one too many times for me to ever trust him again.
I guess I have to start again from nothing:petrfied:
It's kinda despairing situation,I have DL 600 MB just for nothing:defeat:
all the weapon you need are = the title + sh**e program (+maybe some of tengiolt tentacle help) :XD:
It's a good thing that the file can be extract without the last part:XD:
Out of 9 Tsukasa file I have 7 of them
And not only that,there's several other 3d that I seek from the site
Ura Carot,invisible watermelon,and many more:perfectplan:
huuuuuwhaaaat?!!?! you've spotted ura carrot? that isn't even in EX2 yet, i wonder where they got it....
the watermelon one wasn't worth it for me. it felt like it was made for girls cause the girl goes invisible at time and the guy was voiced which is pretty rare in doujins.

so how come ur not using EX2 yet?

I think the admin of the site had the DL site account/buy from it
Than reupload to their site
That's why they had it fast than others?

Yes,watermelon aren't so good becoz that point(the girl transparent/invisible)
But it's one of a good quality 3d hens
Can't wait for Yuffie 3d doujin
It looks good:XD:

And yes,I agree with U
It seem's FF8 aren't that popular in Japan
I rarely see FF8 3d doujin with a decent quality
1 Girl Only now huh?
Nekoken always do the same pattern. Same with Wantan Works 3D series
But I'll DL anyway,maybe days from now it will come out on direct DL like RS/MU
Mogudan's comic:[hide]
Reingiolt provided us with the second half of the Bakunyuu Maid Kari eromanga. Putting the two halves together, and having now seen the second episode of the anime, I'm beginning to think that the manga is meant to be a stand-in for Episode 3 (since we're never going to get it), seeing as the manga explores Yuzuki's life as a sex maid who appears to be quite used to it and who appears to enjoy it as well. But the second half still didn't jump out at me the way Mogudan's comic from last summer's Comiket did. That was one for the history books, that one was! :)[/hide]

Kiss x Sis:[hide]
I tried ripping the audio specials from the Kiss x Sis website and I got all of them except for two. They're password-protected! I couldn't find the password in the book scans or on the internet, so unless somebody can tell me where it is, I'm not going to be able to record those tracks. :( But once I do, I intend to upload them, along with TV rips of the opening and ending songs that I made myself. (I made sure to remove any clipping before or after the songs!!) I'm not a big fan of TV-length songs usually since they're too short to enjoy, but ...

We're not going to get the soundtrack any time soon. *sigh*

Btw, new Kiss x Sis signature. ;D[/hide]

"Christmas in July," the old saying goes. Well, Comiket's as close as it comes for us hentai fans -- each August, we get hundreds of megabytes' worth of erodoujinshi from our favorite circles.

The bad news for me is, 2009 hasn't really been a rich source of good anime or video games for erodoujinshi to be based off of. :\ Loli fans will be ecstatic this August with tons of K-On! and Saki erodoujins filling their stockings to the brim, but as for me, I'm stuck with FMA or Haruhi -- neither of which I particularly like when it comes to porn. x_x

I'm holding out for Hellabunna's latest DOA (or other non-anime franchise) doujin, not to mention a possible return from Mogudan. I'm also hoping my man Takeda Hiromitsu doesn't let me down! The last two Comikets have been huge disappointments with Rantama (Arcana Heart) and Kontama (Kanokon). Neither lived up to his earlier doujinshi Sakitama (also Arcana Heart) nor did they exceed his commercial publications. C'mooooooo~on, Shinjugai! Let's see some sexy girls descending into slutdom and let's see them come from a non-loli non-Haruhi non-FMA non-BlazBlue non-DOA non-Final Fantasy non-........ oh, who am I kidding. -.-; ;P[/hide]
Hmm ... check this out. Anyone have the New York Times article they're talking about? I'd love a PDF copy of that.

Since Youtube's comments are retarded, I didn't even bother. Suffice to say, my thoughts are a mix of agreement and disagreement with their points. I disagree with their attitude towards hentai, of course, and I also disagree with Cenk's sweeping generalization about lolikons being child predators, but I do agree with him that if I knew someone was a lolikon I wouldn't leave 'em alone with my own kids. Sorry, folks. :\ Would you leave me alone with a lactating succubus? (Maybe if you hated me you would! Since she would suck me dry! :P lol)

EDIT: Hey, I found it! :D --> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/26/magazine/26FOB-2DLove-t.html
I've read about that guy with the pillow, and well... it's certainly something. I don't think I'll read this actual article itself or watch that youtube video just to save myself some frustration though.

Onto the previous post...

Where's the other half of the BMK manga? Nevermind, found it. That was easy.

As for the Comiket stuff. I agree with you about Haruhi stuff, for whatever reason I've never been a big fan of it as hentai, aside from some Asakura stuff here and there. And oddly enough a Kyonko doujin, even though I rather dislike the idea of Kyonko and it weirds me out, but it was a hot doujin none the less.

As for Full Metal Alchemist. Well I've never seen much hentai of that, maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places. Not to say I haven't seen any of it, but it strikes me as being rarer than a lot of series. Which is a shame, cause I think there are some pretty hot chicks in the series. My favorite being Riza Hawkeye, and Lust is pretty hot too. Winry is... well, Winry.

Blazblue stuff though? Fuck, yes please.
posting this here cause i can't find the translate jap to eng thread.

i got this new doujin game and have hesitated to install it for now cause of what's written at the start of the installation process. unfortunately there's a bunch of kanji that i can't read and can't copy paste the text in my jap to eng translator. i just want to know if it's ok to install the game. no need to translate all the text. thanks
That's just the standard Windows installation box, with the name of the game sprinkled throughout. It's telling you "welcome to the installation for Kurimu Kyaron," and goes on to say that if you've decided you don't want to install the game then you should click on キャンセル ("Cancel") but that if you do want to install it you should click on 次へ ("Next"). There's nothing which would indicate OKness or Not OKness for installation. No specs, no none of that. Just to be safe, you should (as always) close all other applications before installing it, but other than that, it should be pretty standard.
Sankaku just dropped its news integrity from 90 to 70% for me with this utterly bullshit picture editing in case of day 1 and day 3 C76 attendees,
there's no fucking way 2 days with the same clouds, monorail train and minibus position.........
at 560.000 people I bet Sakun would collapse because dehydration before getting his eromanga :XD:
all perverts with bodily fluids fetish would quench their thirst with fluids in form of sweat...... :murder: in this natsucon.
560,000 people? Last year's Summer Comiket had in excess of 70,000 attendees. I don't think the convention hall could fit half a million people, and I'm positive that Comiket's attendance wouldn't swell by a factor of 8 in just one year. That's insane. Even swelling by a factor of 2 would be hard to swallow.

But I guarantee you that Comiket is going to split into a Kantou and a Kansai event held during the same three-day weekend. It's no longer a question of if but of when. The event's organizers have to do it. Locals are already upset with the annual otaku exodus, and the otaku themselves are so anti-social that they're sick and tired of one another's problems. It made for some good jokes in Genshiken, but it's a lot less funny when you're stood there in real life and find yourself pissed off by how sweaty people are, how creepy they are, how stinky they are, etc.

"How do we divide up the circles?" This is a question for which I cannot come up with any simple solution. Complicated solutions, I can come up with. :) But not a simple one.

[hide]My best idea so far would be to divide the convention's circles into four groups. Have groups A and B start off in Tokyo, and groups C and D start off in Kyoto. The groups attend their respective Comikets for 2 days. Then, they hop on board the Shinkansen and switch places with the other groups. So now A and B would be in Kyoto, and C and D would now be in Tokyo.

This way, every city gets to see every circle. The circles could even be instructed to please save 50% of their wares for the second city. The event would not prevent fans from going to both cities, but I think it's fair to say that a ton of Tokyo otaku have been spoiled by having Comiket in their home city, and they do not have the drive to hop on the train and go to a different prefecture in the off chance of maaaaybe getting a copy of their favorite circle's doujin.

And if they do hop on the train? Then they must be mega fans, and I say "all the more power to them, then."

Every group of the four would have some popular circles, some unpopular ones, and many average ones. This way, they'd be balanced. (Hopefully.)

The problem is, what happens if you're a hentai fan of 20+ authors and you have favorites who are in both Kyoto and in Tokyo on the same day? My answer is one the otaku wouldn't like, and that's "Tough shit: pick and choose." I'd tell them to pick which doujin matters to them most and go to the city where they think they have the best chances of snagging a copy of it. "BUT TAKEDA HIROMITSU'S GOING TO BE IN TOKYO THE SAME DAY FATALPULSE IS GOING TO BE IN KYOTO! IT'S NOT FAIR! ;_;" I'd tell him to calm the fuck down and remind him that the circles have been instructed to not sell more than 50% of their wares during the first few days of the convention, in order to save some for fans in the other city.[/hide]

Another option is ...
[hide]transform Comiket into an event where doujinshi are premiered but not exclusively sold. In other words, anyone can get their favorite artist's doujin if they really want it, but only the people who attend Comiket can get the Special Edition.

And what's so special about the Special Edition? Only two things.

1. You get it days to weeks before the rest of the planet. Big deal. :P

2. Yours is personally signed by the circle members. You go up to the booth like in today's Comiket, you buy the doujin like in today's Comiket, but then you give the circle member(s) a notecard with a 10 words or less message you want them to sign, and they'll sign it on the reverse of the back cover and then finish it off with their signature or hanko stamp, whatever they're most comfortable with.

This way, people aren't so cut-throat at Comiket to get erodoujinshi, and the event becomes a lot less hostile and a whole lot more friendly.[/hide]
I don't know if the figures are made up, but he's misrepresenting the (supposed) facts and I think you paid the price for that. You have to read what he wrote much more closely. (What a sneaky bastard):

[...] Comiket 76’s final Day 3 [... brought] in over 200,000 pilgrims [...].

This means the reported figure for total C76 attendance over its three days is a whopping 560,000 [...], beating last year’s summer Comiket 74’s piddling 550,000.
This is more believable, but I still don't believe it.

He didn't claim that 560,000 people were there all at once. He claimed only that 200,000 were there all at once. The 560,000 figure represents the total head count over the 3 day period.

First of all, that 560,000 could just be the same 200,000 heads give or take a couple ten thousand. :| He doesn't specify that the 560,000 (over the course of three days) were verified as being different ticket holders. In fact, he's specifically boasting about how jam-packed the convention hall became. In which case it's more likely that one-third that figure (or approximately 180,000) were present on average, with 200,000 present on the last day and (estimate) 140,000 to 160,000 present on the other two days.

In other words, if you assume that Comiket's most popular event -- Day 3 -- loses barely anybody and gains tens of thousands in new attendees, it still means that Comiket 76 may have only gotten 200,000 unique human beings to attend it.

Even if I am wrong -- and the 560,000 head count is reflective of 560,000 unique individuals -- it still doesn't change the fact that those 560,000 were not all present on the same day. He admits that Day 3 drew the biggest crowd and it had approx. 200,000 attendees. This means that, at most, C76 drew 200,000 people on any given day.

I said that I had heard the convention hall can only hold 70,000 people. I believe I am correct, but I may not be. Suppose I am correct. Then in that case, it makes sense that Comiket has become a fire hazard (so to speak) with people jam-packed like sardines in there if the figures are double 70,000 (or approx. 140,000). Indeed, if 200,000 people attended on Day 3, it could be possible that 140,000 of them were shoulder-to-shoulder inside the hall, and the additional 60,000 were either on top of the roof or on the ground level outside of the main building.

(a) I really doubt it,
(b) I wonder where they get these figures (tip: TICKET SALES DO NOT REFLECT ACTUAL ATTENDANCE!, lol, so I hope they're not basing it off of these), and
(c) seeing as they're already playing the Shady Journalism game (by precisely picking and choosing their words so as to make mountains out of molehills),

I wouldn't put it past them to have even made up the 200,000 figure. :\
Also? How biased/shady as a journalist do you have to be to label 550,000 "piddling" but 560,000 "whopping" -- and in the same sentence!?

What a moron.

EDIT: He posted his source, at least. http://mainichi.jp/enta/mantan/news/20090816mog00m200015000c.html

This doesn't have any of that "piddling" or "colossal" garbage he invented. All it says is that Comiket is Japan's biggest comic convention, and that the 76th one wrapped up on August 16 with an estimated 200,000 in attendance on the final day, making for 560,000 when you over the 3-day period vs. C74's 550,000.
Isn't that comment just the usual snark you get from these websites? Like saying 550,000 people is piddling is just a sarcastic comment.

Either I'm missing something(likely), or you are. I'm not sure which though. lol

I just don't care for any journalist -- CNN, New York Times, college newspaper, or Sankaku Complex -- who breaks the First Rule of good journalism: speak the truth clearly. You don't lie, and you don't speak in half-truths, and you don't (as Sankaku did here) speak in whole truths which have been specially phrased so as to deliberately lead 9 out of 10 readers to reach the wrong conclusion, a conclusion which the journalist supports and wants others to support too.

But if Sankaku is always like that, then okay, whatever. Some people like Fox News, some people like Sankaku Complex. I'll move along. XD
When I look around to see what has become out of Akiba´s hentai section during the last two years words are missing, it´s just beautiful...

...not to forget the animes without the "H" in front...
Looks like Red's made a new friend. :D *points to Mugesz* Somebody new who shares Red's love of and hardcore knowledge of old-school hentai. Even if it does say he signed up two years ago. :P