Hentai Chat


I don't know whether to laugh or cry. See attachments. It's just ...

*sigh* , at least the first two came from what he's officially labeled as an omake, and not a proper full-length doujin. Too bad it's a 16-page omake with a cohesive skeleton plot. Sounds more like a doujin to me.

Goddammit. Mogudan! Please! You need to let her go! Rei's dead and she's not coming back. Please! Just let her go! ;_;
you should give up on that. there's just nothing that could kill the Eva girls. even years after the tv series ended the figurines ,fan arts, doujins etc. kept on coming. and now that the 2nd movie just came out, they've been revived and gained a new character.

i wonder if i'm the only one not getting any doujin mangas...
Tsk, tsk, tsk! :P For shame, gentlemen! Comiket is what it's all about!

You guys and your anime. ;) :P More comics for me. :3
i did get i thing out of C76,Monalisa Cult Garden. if i ever manage to attend a comiket i'll definitely end up going home with a dakimakura and oppai mouse pad hehe. still no mangas though, assorted anime merchandise and figurines would be more than enough to empty my wallet.
BLASPHEMY! :O You would attend Comiket and walk out of there having purchased many other things but no manga!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? I don't know you anymore!

lol, j/k ... and besides, for me to say that, we have to answer the question, "Did I even know you to begin with?" XD ;)

If I went to Comiket, I would shamelessly make use of every negative stereotype the Japanese have of gaijins to get towards the front of the lines of my favorite circles A.S.A.F.P. The first one I'd gun for would be Hellabunna. I don't read Iruma Kamiri's stuff much anymore, but he's probably my #1 hentai hero and always will be. At least, he will be so long as he doesn't do something stupid like assault somebody. >_> lol But I can honestly say that Iruma Kamiri is the artist who really sucked me into hentai (for better or worse). His circle's name was the first circle name I memorized. And years later, his personal name was the first personal name of a hentai circle member that I memorized. The Inu series was way ahead of its time -- a work of absolute wonder for back in the day!! -- and his Rei: Slave to the Grind series' first issue is perhaps the best hentai doujin I have ever read. I say "perhaps" only because I read that doujin so many times that I grew bored with it. That broke my heart, but I knew it was inevitable. But I don't know that I've read another doujin nearly as much as I read that one. I salute you, Hellabunna! :O

Second booth I'd gun for would be Shinjugai's (Takeda Hiromitsu). I'm a newer fan of his work -- I've only recognized him as somebody whose work I love for the last 2 years or so -- but I super-duper love his work, especially his drawing style.

I don't know if he has doujins at Comiket, sadly :( , but the third table I'd search for would be Doi Sakazaki's.

And from there, I've got loads of artists whose work I love but even I realize that you can't get 'em all. The lines are too numerous and too long, and the pocket money I would have would not be enough to purchase more than 20 doujins tops.

Even if I couldn't get a doujin though? I would beg my favorite authors to autograph my personally-owned copies of their mangas. (Yes, I'd bring those with me on the plane trip to Japan just for this very purpose!) I would also provide each of them with a blank 300-page book I would be carrying around, and I would ask each author/artist to provide his signature on one page. That way, I would have for hentai what a baseball fan has for baseball when he gets a ball signed by all of the legendary players.

That is my dream. :D I know I'm a total hentai dork, but seriously. I would love to present this book to each of the team members of my favorite teams and be like, サインを下さいませんか!?お願いいたします! I'd bust out my most humble keigo and, if they refused me, get on my hands and knees. The people in the hall could laugh at the baka-gaijin but I wouldn't care. I would be that devoted to trying to impress upon these circles, "I'm a big fan of yours and I would really love to have your autograph."

well, that was an interesting read...lol XD
The way you described it was fun, it somewhat give an impression of a different Sakun feeling. XD Like a kid at a candy store, guess I'm just too use to the punctual and meticulous you. :p

To answer your question, I wouldn't mind having a book full of autograph for all my favorite artist. It'll be a neat thing.
next (C76) batch: 250 files - 3.66 GB - enjoy...
I read a story last night which had one of my favorite story themes to it: when a good girl goes bad, becoming a naughty girl.

The thing is, I had several problems with this story.

First off, it starred Mugi from K-On! Without a doubt my least favorite K-On! girl, and I'm not even interested in K-On! hentai period. Even though they drew Mugi with semi-decently-sized breasts, 9th grade is too loli, man. Especially the K-On! girls.

Second, the story begins with an unbelievably retarded decision on Mugi's part. And I mean "unbelievably," as in, "it is so retarded that I cannot believe that any high schooler would do this." What does she do? She invites a black shoplifter home, serves him tea, listens to his sob story, and then does nothing as he proceeds to have his way with her.

Third, there were not one but two scat scenes. And it was the prominent kind of scat scene, too, where you see this oddly-shaped, enormous, lumpy, and long piece of poop spiraling out of the girl like Play-Doh. I'm sure this'll make scat fans happy, but they know that they're few in number. They know that for the rest of us, this was cause for concern.

The thing is ...

... the story did an otherwise pretty good job of exploring this theme. It had a nice gradual transition for Mugi. At first, she made love to the guy of her own free will. Then she got a couple of easy-to-hide tattoos to show that she was his girl. (His body was covered in tattoos.) Then she got more tattoos and also some nipple piercings. She mentions that her new tattoos will make it impossible for her to go to the hot springs or to swimming pools with the Keionbu because they're in places not easily hidden by a bathing suit. As the story goes on, Mugi begins to take it up the ass (literally) and gets more piercings. At the end of the story, she's got a lot of tattoos and is walking in downtown Shibuya looking like a lady of the night. Some sleazy guys hit on her but she brushes on past them and heads for a shady hideout where she finds her boyfriend and sluttily kisses him in front of the other thugs.

That aspect of the story is really good. It's just too bad (from my POV) that it's loli, K-On!, Mugi, scat, and a retarded beginning. Would have been a shitload hotter if she'd been a no-name girl of the artist's own invention, if she'd been in her early 20's, and if there was no scat.

But I'm sure lots of people disagree. And I'm sure the K-On! lolikons who are also fans of scat consider this doujin to be the best thing out of C76. ^^;

P.S. I almost forgot!

Fourth, the black gaijin is supposed to be an American, and his dialogue is reaaaaaaaally insulting to any black Americans. I'm not black, but I felt it was offensive. The man is given the vocabulary of an SNK fighter character. Anyone who plays fighters knows what I'm talking about. Yeaaaah. Pretty damn insulting that over 50% of his dialogue was イエァー!
^ Everything is very similar to my feelings when I was reading "Four Leaf Lover". Gainjin corrupting stupid girls seem to be popular this year...
I liked Four Leaf Lover, it's one of my top picks from C76... well maybe not Top picks, but I like it.

On the other hand I didn't like this K-on one, Black something-or-other, can't remember the name. Mainly due to the scat I'm sure, but overall I found it to be gross. No, not that I was disgusted with it like I was with the one I warned everyone about a few pages back, but I still thought it was too dirty for my taste- wow I guess that's saying something.

Also weird considering that Mugi is my second favorite K-on girl. I don't know that I'd really want to sex her up like I would with Mio, but I find her cute and interesting. Eyebrows!

Also I found this interesting. Mainly because of Japan's lack of taste for the most part apparently. I mean sure some of these are great, but other ones? Wha?

OH SNAP! I posted something from Sankaku Complex, flame on!!! (Yeah, I'm still sore about that)
"These lists only apply to a specific brick and mortar store’s inventory," it reads. Sankaku or no, that means that these results are totally worthless for anyone who is trying to claim he knows what the most popular doujins from C76 are. That stated? I'll review 'em in order:

  1. Makes perfect sense. Popular in-season anime, check. Famous circle, check. Talented artist, check. Remember: I said I liked this one too, except that I didn't think Saga Jou's artstyle was appropriate for a high school girl because he draws women as very, very mature looking. (So does Linda, and yet somehow Linda managed to flawlessly pull it off with Hinata in that awesome, awesome Naruto x Hinata doujin of his.)
  2. Makes sense, sort of. Udon-ya is a bronze medalist in my book (always has been: I find his stuff to be very boring), but there's certainly no denying the circle's artistic talents. This is another famous circle, so it makes sense that they'd be in a Top 50 list or maybe even a Top 20 list. Position #2? I wouldn't put 'em there. But let's just put it this way: I'm also not surprised to see them here. I don't see that and go "WTF!?" I see it and go, "I disagree, but it makes sense."
  3. Who the fuck is TTT? Maybe this is a non-ero circle?
  4. Who the fuck is Overall!? What the fuck is this!?!?!?!? XD It's cute, sure, but ... who the fuck would want to fap to this chibi cute Nagato!? lmao I guess somebody, but ... I'm hoping, and betting, that this could be another plain ol' doujinshi with zero sex in it.
  5. Cyclone, huh? I've never been impressed by them. Bronze for (iirc) every single work of theirs I've gotten, and a solid bronze ranking to them as a circle overall. But I guess Fate is enough to pull them up into the Top 10. Sort of pathetic, but whatever.
  6. Renaimangaka, huh? A new name to me, but judging from the cover, they probably deserve to be ranked #6. That's some very nice artwork.
  7. I have to admit I'm surprised Fatal Pulse wasn't higher on the list. I'm still looking for his doujin in my torrent packs. Maybe he's not there, or maybe my eyes just keep missing his name. *sigh* I want to read his newest story. I have to admit though that the only stories of his that I have liked have been #1 (Ragnarok Online girl becomes a dancer instead of a hunter) and #3 (magic schoolgirls play with fire and get burned when a Venomena transforms them into its reproductive vessels). Didn't like #2 (the No-Bots), didn't like #4 (but I looooooooooooooved that scene of the four girls hooked up to the dairy cow milking machine. FUCKING HOT! :D), and didn't like #5 (felt like a lame copout). #6 wasn't very good, either. Karen was hot but not in her sex scenes, and the best cel for her boobs is sadly the same cel where you see her dentures being removed/inserted. Major turn-off. D:

    Sorry. Tangent. ^^;

    My point was that despite my disdain for most of his work, I really did enjoy #1 and #3, and I know tons of others have enjoyed these too, so I would have thought his seventh doujin would have placed higher than (lol @ coincidence) seventh place.
  8. Fujiya who? Never heard of 'em, but maybe it's because I could give a shit less about Monster Hunter and small boobs, and this doujin's nothin' but both. (Already read it. Already bronze-ranked it. Almost deleted it! XD lol)
  9. Ehh, I'm not seeing it. This does not deserve a spot in the top 10.
  10. WHAT THE FUCK. D: Well, at least it's Matsumoto Drill Factory (well-known circle), but goddammit. I guess the DFC crowd had to get at least one doujin up into the Top 10.

Yeah. I definitely don't agree with this list. But you know something? Almost no one will. This list is moreso a reflection of 10 different groups' top pick than it is a reflection of a single group's top ten picks. "My" group obviously picked Saga Jou's, and I am okay with my group picking that. The hardcore /d/ group picked Fatal Pulse's. The DFC group picked one of the Nagato Yuki ones or the Monster Hunter one. So on and so on and so forth.
I forget if I deleted that one or not, Gakido. I saw it last night and recognized its name as being the one you'd said you quite liked. I'm totally XO "DO NOT WANT" as far as Yotsuba (the main character) hentai goes, and she's featured in this one rather prominently. But iirc I might have held onto it because of the brunette, and my curiosity to see what the circle next puts forward.

But I definitely wouldn't ever want to read it again, let alone masturbate to it. Yotsuba is way, way too young. Way too young.

Sort of a lame excuse, but Mugi (quote unquote) is "at least" 15 years old, the traditional marriageable age for Japanese women, and she's drawn to have pretty large breasts, and (once the reader reaches Day 14) she's no longer behaving like a girl anymore and is very much behaving like an adult harlot. That final scene of her walking through the red light district is definitely one which, if you didn't know who she was and you hadn't read any other pages in the story, I don't think you'd guess she was a day younger than 18 years old.

Yotsuba ... this circle definitely drew her to resemble the manga variant, and that's enough to drive me away.

Likewise, I'm already on the fence when it comes to Nodoka (the busty pink-haired girl) from Saki, but besides her I wouldn't want to read any hentai about any of the other characters in that show.
whew with all the talk about C76, I'm pretty sure you guys have seen most of it
soooo do you guys have any doujin recommendation for me ? maybe something with eyes not too big drawing style ? (somekind of oda non's eyes drawing style sizes)
maybe something like these

Don't thank me: loathe though I am to admit it, thank 4chan. Specifically, you can thank their regular contributor clearly not enough bolze. (I remember him from last summer! :D) I've been typing "Fatal" into /rs/ 's search engine constantly and it finally returned a positive hit today for the C76 doujin. And this came after I checked Nyaa again today (still not there) as well as Akiba-Online.

Now I'm just waiting on Macxe's Dinaranger 3.
next (C76) batch - 130 titles, 2.02 GB...

complete cover attachment
For the first time ever, uploaded a torrent to TT. For the first time ever, uploaded a torrent to Nyaa.

TT: it was confusing. I expected that I would be allowed to name the file on the next screen, but there never was a next screen. I also didn't like how it demanded a URL of me for the torrent, but thankfully since I'd already uploaded it here as an attachment, I was able to tell it to go look there. And I guess it did.

Nyaa: Very frustrating. The guy who runs Nyaa has always been a bit on the temperamental side, but it's just dumb that you have to have Nyaa's tracker be your primary or else it rejects you. So I made it my primary. And it's STILL rejecting me. WTF. Goddammit.

So basically, the only people in the world who can download the torrent are people who visit A-O, TT, or Nyaa and who have DHT enabled. Otherwise? They're fucked. One tracker's offline, and the other tracker's telling me to kiss off. -_-;
as this is the thread where (C76) stuff is discussed...

I´ve found a CD-ISO of a brillant short new animation from (C76) by [ElectromagneticWave] which I ripped. It´s Doki Doki - she´s a play clock only dreaming of better times in the past...

This stuff is excellent, I hope to see more from this / these guy(s) in the future. It´s really worth watching. I uploaded it to Rapidshare but as I have no account it´s free only for 10 downloads, that´s the reason I post it here where (C76) has been discussed.

Title: [C76] [同人アニメ][ElectromagneticWave] kowa re kake no orugooru PV VOL. 2 - こわれかけのオルゴール PV VOL.2

Size 61 MB, 05:51 mins, AR 720x400.

Rapidshare link: http://rapidshare.com/files/2721831...__12369___12398___12458___12523___12468_.html

screens attached...

...it took me more than half an hour to handle the attachments - near midnight in Tokyo...