I've read some more pretty darn good stories recently.
Drill Murata:[hide] I finally finished up his most recent tankoubon,
Aegu Nureru. Very nice. There was sort of a lull in the quality of his stories in the last one to two tankoubons, but 2009 was a very good year for Drill Murata and his fans: his best art to date coupled with some pretty great stories. (Nothing new to see here! They're all Drill Murata's own take on classic cliches.)[/hide]
Asanoya: [hide]
Ore wa Otoka da! ("I'm a guy!") is Asanoya's Kampfer doujinshi. Pretty nice for fans of stories where a guy becomes a girl, realizes that sex is so much better as a woman, and decides to remain a girl for the rest of his life.[/hide]
Shirota Kurota: [hide]this one really caught me by surprise. Normally I consider Shirota Kurota to be somewhere between my Silver and Bronze rankings. Never Gold. But this collection of his most recent stories from last year (2009), entitled "美少女が騎乗位でがっつんがっつんで激しく揺らすエロぼいん", was jam packed with Silver medal-caliber art (bordering on Gold) with some epically Gold-caliber stories. My favorites from this one include:
- the story of the girl who really would like an engagement ring for her birthday, and her boyfriend tells her she's allowed any one wish, but he manipulates her into getting really horny, and she spends her wish on his dick. The last page is priceless: she says his dick belongs to her with this pouty, childish look on her face. And the dude's all "Yeah, yeah ^^; " to her childish demands, all the while palming a jewelry box behind his back --
he's about to propose! (Awwwwwwwwww.

- the story of the girl who cosplays as a maid pretending to be somebody else so she can find out for herself just how big her boyfriend's brother's dick really is
- the story of the little sister who walks in on her sleeping otaku older brother, sees his porn stash, files through it, gets horny herself, and (things go from there)
- the story of the girl who's in last place in a local marathon, stops to take a break underneath a bridge, and encounters one of her male classmates there. (It's a cute story where the self-purported school genius is having sex with this
dojikko, only to find out at the very end that she was playing the role of a dojikko the entire time because she thought he'd like it.)[/hide]
Mozuya Murasaki: [hide]this guy is a specialist at drawing lolis with big boobs. I like the big boobs: I don't like the lolis. But every once in a while he'll write up a story with a girl who's borderline (almost too old but not too old to the lolikon, and almost too young but not too young to me), and in his most recent tankoubon, "エッチなことしよ・・・", the last three stories were exceptionally erotic examples of this. I'd recommend checking it out even if you don't like loli (just like me), but if you do like loli? You'd have to be crazy to miss out on this.[/hide]
Kase Daiki: [hide]"むにゅっ娘☆Hiスクール" is a great example of G-G-G-G-GOLD art coupled with a controversial plot that you will either love or hate. It's the story of two girls and two boys whose lives become interwoven when one of the guys has train-sex with one of the girls, setting off a chain of events. In the end, two different guys are in love with the same girl and the guy who
said he was in love with Girl #2 is one of these guys. Girl #2 is aware that he likes Girl #1 more but she still likes him and wants him to be hers. Girl #1 is originally happy to let her best friend have him (because earlier in the book she actually dumped him for the other dude of her own choosing), but as time goes on she can't get him out of her mind, forcing her to confront herself, her current boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend, and her best friend.
That's confusing. Let's run through it with their actual names:
Yoshiaki has train-sex with Misa.
Misa introduces her best friend Maki to Yoshiaki.
Maki and Yoshiaki become a couple.
Misa and Daisuke, a boy in her class, become a couple.
Yoshiaki decides he likes Misa, not Maki. (Keep in mind: he's dating Maki! But Misa's the girl he originally had sex with on the train.)
Yoshiaki tries to get Misa back but Daisuke tells him to fuck off.
Daisuke, concerned he might lose Misa, tries to prove himself to Misa as the better man.
Daisuke might have succeeded,...were it not for the fact that Misa just can't get Yoshiaki out of her mind. Daisuke's the victim here, but ... Misa can't help that she wants Yoshiaki's cock inside her so badly!!
So in the end, Misa realizes that she likes Yoshiaki more and starts cheating on Daisuke; and Yoshiaki realizes he likes Misa more and starts cheating on Maki. Maki likes Yoshiaki even though she knows he would prefer Misa.
Like I said: you'll either love the romantic drama at work here or you'll RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE at her for being such a playgirl.[/hide]
So there you have it. And this is just from the tanks (and one doujin). Wait till I report back on the magazines!