Warning in advance: the 4.x gigabyte torrent for C77 doujinshi has multiple repeats. If you take your time and look through the list, you can save yourself a good amount of bandwidth. You don't even need to be able to read Japanese since in over half of the cases the duplicates are listed one after the other and their only difference is the presence or absence of a space. Like, literally:
[hide](C77) (同人誌) [666プロテクト (甚六)] まにゃしょた (ドラゴンクエスト4)
(C77) (同人誌) [666プロテクト] まにゃしょた (DQ)
Same exact thing. Top one provides the author (Jingrock) and spells out "Dragon Quest 4."
(C77) (同人誌) [CELLULOID ACME (チバトシロウ)] Hi-SICS 05 -とある魔女の快楽生活- (Bayonetta)
(C77) (同人誌) [CELLULOID ACME(チバトシロウ)] Hi-SICS 05 -とある魔女の快楽生活- (Bayonetta-ベヨネッタ-)
Talk about "wow." Only differences here are the absence of a space before the author's name (following the word "ACME" in the name of his circle, Celluloid Acme) and the added katakana for "Bayonetta" in the franchise information at the tail end.
-_-; ... this one just hurts to look at. First one is 14.2 MB, second one is 14.0 MB. You might be thinking that they're a pair ("1 and 2, right?"), but the absence of a space before (2) and the fact that the (2) is in parentheses in the first place screams Mozilla Firefox download of the same exact doujin to the same directory.
(C77) (同人誌) [ManiacStreet] Plug in baby (エヴァ) (透かし無し)
(C77) (同人誌) [ManiacStreet] Plug in baby (エヴァ)(透かし無)
Woooooooooooooooooooooow. One guy believes the circle name has a し on the end while another guy doesn't, and the result to you is a wasted 19.7 MB of bandwidth. (Edit: oh, and I guess he thinks the space of Guy #1's is unnecessary, too. Didn't notice that.)[/hide]
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this torrent.