How to organize your JAV collection?

I keep the file names as the DVD code and handle actor name searches by the database field.

Field value could be Star 1, Star 2, Star3, Star 4

(yes the field is actor names separated by commas)

Query would be Star like ‘%Star 3%’

That would return any title that has Star 1 anywhere in the name field, either all by herself or in a title with multiple JAV stars

What about Stars who change their name? Like Kurea Hasumi, there's even some with 4 alias
I select the actress that I like most to identify my file names. But the metadata will have all actresses so it will show up nicely in Plex. Only downside to Plex is you are not able to edit metadata directly.
Hey @Casshern2, any chance you could create a Git repo so we could test out what you've got so far? That Plex plugin is OK at bet but I don't want to have to use plex just to see my JAV catalog.
Hey @Casshern2, any chance you could create a Git repo so we could test out what you've got so far? That Plex plugin is OK at bet but I don't want to have to use plex just to see my JAV catalog.
@DarkMask, I promise I wasn't ignoring your previous post, just forgot to get back to it. And, admittedly, took me a good few seconds on your new post to assume "Git repo" was something like Github repository? I Googled and I was right! Haha! Right?

I've not been on that site much, only to look at this and that and I certainly don't have a presence on it. I was trying to go for something cross platform, but, this USBWebserver is only a Windows program. I'm thinking, though, if Mac or Linux users are good with their boxes they can easily start a server to run the PHP pages that run this thing? Other than that, I have the version of USBWebserver I'm using, I think I had stumbled on them via a very old article before they changed their ways. Not sure if it is free anymore, but, I have what I have, that can be shared with some who want to give this a try I suppose. Just have find the time to get things down to bare bones.
Sounds good!

XAMP/WAMP/LAMP should work fine for those either on a different OS or not wanting to use USBWebserver.
The other thing would be what users want to track. Below are fields I use, nothing more. And some aren't populated yet either because I just haven't gotten to them (tags) or I don't know where to find them (like all idol title data).
  1. Index [database table index]
  2. DVDCode [this would be like JUFD-100.mkv]
  3. Runtime
  4. Dimensions
  5. FPS
  6. Size
  7. Bytes
  8. Disc [dual layer blu-ray disc the title is stored on]
  9. Code [this would be like JUFD, ASW, MMR-AK)
  10. Star [no idol names yet]
  11. Tags [so far unpopulated]
  12. Studio
  13. Released
  14. Label
  15. BRC [Blu-ray Code, it is a flag to know how to handle thumbnails differently]
  16. Director
  17. Series
  18. Title
  19. Month [Month released, not archived]
  20. Year [Year released, not archived]
  21. VR [flag for VR titles]
  22. DiscGroup [Wow I can't remember what this was for! LOL probably something for searches?]
  23. CW [Custom Width flag, used to handle covers that don't fit the normal layouts for standard DVD or Blu-ray titles]
  24. Bitrate
Now, before some of you chime in and say "But you're missing this field or that field!" I'm actually not. If you don't see it, I don't need it. Most likely you do. :cool::D:p

Here is the last disc I imported in the database. Index is empty, handled by the import. The fields I get later from R18 scrapes are, predictably, Star, Studio, Released, Label, Director, Series, Title.


EDIT! I thought I had included what the above disc looks like in archive:

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Hey @Casshern2, how the project coming along?

Can't wait to give it a go!
I have it running okay, but, still trying to figure out how to release a very basic version that users can build upon. I'm determined not to release anything as-is because I know what I'm after and using is not what others are and I'll be bombarded with questions and suggestions and I'm just too busy with work and life in general to see to it all.

I'm willing to help out and could probably get it running with WAMP if you wanna upload the program, if I recall its written in PHP and uses SQL for the DB right?
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all that scrapper dont work with win 10 . so i move on and start to make my website on my own pc . i think its lookalike what casshenns do in common. but i move to short and lazy way . learn how to set up server and then install wordpress . - - . at least my lovely rio look bettter on my site than that 256-256 icon in windows
Outstanding! That's what it's all about, doing what works for you! Glad you have something working! :D
That's exactly why I am beginning to use BD DL discs.
So, I am having to re-index my entire database (long story) and was grabbing data from the BD discs again. So far of the 134 discs I have BD073 and BD080 had two and three titles, respectively, that reading stopped at, so I had to replace just those titles by acquiring them again. This is exactly why I'm using BD as my storage, so I don't face another HDD crash where I lose hundreds of titles at a time. I'm still considering to buy some HDDs to throw them on as well and use the BD discs as just the backups of everything, but, haven't done that yet after all these years.

Can anyone answer this? On each disc, say, 24 titles. Titles 1-12 I was able to read info from but it would crash at reading title 13 and 14, but, I could read info from titles 15-24. Later, to recreate the disc I had to acquire titles 13 and 14 again, copy titles 1-12 and 15-24 to HDD and then burn them all again to recreate BD073. How is it possible for a disc to be readable up to a point and then again after a certain point on the disc? I guess I always thought if a disc couldn't be read, it was dead.
Posting to let other people know about Javinizer -

The author jvlflame has been very active taking over from where JavMovieScraper left off, albeit only supporting a command line interface. It has taken me a bit of getting used to, but I am now finally nearly able to move all ~ 10k movies into Jellyfin and have a perfectly organized, accessible and gorgeous media server all thanks to Javinizer.

@jvlflame - if you're here - big thanks!

Screenshot_2020-09-20 Jellyfin.jpg