So I've actually created an excel that generates a URL for the covers of movies from MGStage / Heyzo / Caribbeancom / scute and 1pondo that is then put into a download manager to download all the covers by batch.
Was getting annoyed that most of the 'amateur' studios wasn't scraped by the javscraper. It's a caveman approach but saved me tons of manual labour and all my 'amateur' studio collections has covers (minus .nfo)
To use this excel all you need is to make a file directory listing of the videos that is properly named and the excel will pick up the name and change the studio name of the url (e.g. SIRO format videos are from shiroutou studios)
Have done over 100 videos in one shot and haven't gotten any error so far
edit : attached link to excel file. Only fill in the cells that is highlighted in green
To utilize this first you need a make sure that all your MGStage videos are in their proper video name folders as such :
After that we need to create a listing using command prompt with a batch file :
Copy the batch file that we created into the folder where we want to create our listing :
The batch file will spit out a text file with the listing of all the folders.
Next thing is that we need to use the replace function within notepad to replace the dash characters with tab dash tab to fit into our excel field :
After replacing it should look something like this :
Next step is to open the excel file that I created and paste all the content into green highlighted cell in the first worksheet of the excel :
Which will then automatically fill out the rest of the URL parts :
After that copy the entire url from http to .jpg to your download manager to download all the covers of the video (I myself use flashget 1.73 for simplicity sake)
After download is complete I would recommend using Bulk Rename Utility to trim the "pb_e_" part of the filename and then use another batch file command to move all the photos into the video folder.
The batch command that I use is as follows :
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b') do (
if not "%%~fa"=="%~f0" (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
if exist "%%a" move "%%~na.*" "%%~na"
Which moves the current files where the batch file is to a folder of it's own filename.
The above tutorial is only for videos that are released by
For Heyzo / Caribbeancom / S-Cute and 1Pondo.TV you will need to seperate them as their covers are from their own respective studios. The excel includes the 'codes' to get their cover as well.
Although I must note that some older releases might have been taken out by the studio due to licensing or something.
Was getting annoyed that most of the 'amateur' studios wasn't scraped by the javscraper. It's a caveman approach but saved me tons of manual labour and all my 'amateur' studio collections has covers (minus .nfo)
To use this excel all you need is to make a file directory listing of the videos that is properly named and the excel will pick up the name and change the studio name of the url (e.g. SIRO format videos are from shiroutou studios)
Have done over 100 videos in one shot and haven't gotten any error so far
edit : attached link to excel file. Only fill in the cells that is highlighted in green
To utilize this first you need a make sure that all your MGStage videos are in their proper video name folders as such :

After that we need to create a listing using command prompt with a batch file :

Copy the batch file that we created into the folder where we want to create our listing :

The batch file will spit out a text file with the listing of all the folders.
Next thing is that we need to use the replace function within notepad to replace the dash characters with tab dash tab to fit into our excel field :

After replacing it should look something like this :

Next step is to open the excel file that I created and paste all the content into green highlighted cell in the first worksheet of the excel :

Which will then automatically fill out the rest of the URL parts :

After that copy the entire url from http to .jpg to your download manager to download all the covers of the video (I myself use flashget 1.73 for simplicity sake)

After download is complete I would recommend using Bulk Rename Utility to trim the "pb_e_" part of the filename and then use another batch file command to move all the photos into the video folder.
The batch command that I use is as follows :
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b') do (
if not "%%~fa"=="%~f0" (
md "%%~na" 2>nul
if exist "%%a" move "%%~na.*" "%%~na"
Which moves the current files where the batch file is to a folder of it's own filename.
The above tutorial is only for videos that are released by
For Heyzo / Caribbeancom / S-Cute and 1Pondo.TV you will need to seperate them as their covers are from their own respective studios. The excel includes the 'codes' to get their cover as well.
Although I must note that some older releases might have been taken out by the studio due to licensing or something.
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