Thanks guys for the advice. Yes, ultimately I would like something that is wireless like the Quest. I am just concerned that it won't play the 4K/5K files properly. Walle12 and Restaurant - I presume you both have one and therefore have no issues playing high bitrate files? If that's the case and your both happy with the Quest then I will probably just go for the Quest. Thanks guys
If you just want to watch JAV or videos and not really games, I can suggest the Oculus Go over the Quest. It's cheaper and is targeted for videos. You still can play games but they are different from the experience you would get with the Quest of course (still very fun though). The Oculus Go can handle
4096x2048 for 60fps 180°.
I was using a Gear VR (first gen) with a Galaxy S6 Edge + before, and back when I started watching VR, there was only 2K max. The first VR JAV I've seen is CRVR-006 lol, 1600x1600, 29 fps. Then, maybe a year after, 4K VR movies started to be released but unfortunately, my phone couldn't play them so there was less and less movies I could watch. So, after few months, I decided to buy a standalone VR headset, easier to use and to set up rather than using your phone. After tips from other members here and videos on youtube, I bought the Oculus Go. From the start, it's way more comfy, the joystick is perfect for the navigation, way easier. When I finally downloaded 4K VR JAV and play it, it was a whole new experience. The screen-door effect, very strong on the Gear VR, is gone (I can't see any pixel or maybe you have to really really focus on it which is impossible), no more weird sized girls lol (it happened a lot before). 3840x1920 (3K ?) works really well, and 4096x2048, it's top notch !
When I played it, I think it was the first 4K movie I downloaded and I thought "OMG, it's like she's right in front of me".