interesting. Could be a bug. Removed now but the studios messed up like this all the time. She was on that list and MUTEKI hasnt had a debut in a long time. I think there could be smoke.
Why was this removed if it was just for the photobook? If MUTEKI is releasing FEB 1 this could be the time the database gets updated.
Also with her on that muteki list she also quit twitter. That usually happens to ever idol before their debut. I remember Ai (erica from draft king) last year deleted her twitter posts. Then after her tek-086 came out the entire twitter account got deleted.
Sora Aoi's engagement and China's internet reaction prompted BBC to post a whole article of her history.
If it is Takako Uehara she is not a nobody!
She was in SPEED and was pretty big in the late 90`s early 2000`s Japanese know her well.
She has been on TV, commercials, radio and I`m sure a lot of guys would be happy to see her slide up and down a porn stars cock!
Hey, heard about this crazy idea by SOD to crowdfund a new girl into debuting for them ? :-
To show their sincerity, a picture of the yet nameless girl is already up. All that is left is for the direct-from-SOD preorder numbers to hit 10,000 copies by end of Feburary, else it's a no go
Given that the counter reads 108 at the time of this postings, it a bit of a tough call since they need to hit about 200+ sales per day. We will see if they have the guts to follow through their promise.
There are already too many girls in the industry but SOD needs to do a crowdfunding project ? lol. The page description is the typical fake background story of the girl. There are way too many girls that release 2-3 movies and then vanish.
I think it's more of them doing a test, you know the bigger the crowd interest the faster they debut. She's debuting no matter what the thing is just when, fan interest brings it sooner rather then later. Also even though there are many girls it doesn't mean there's a lot of money to go around to them, this can show if a girl is worthwhile to give that money to
I would say that the gravure idols so far, weren't that good looking. I probably missed few as I took a look once in a while to the Muteki releases. I remember one with a 100cm bust, but she was fat.I understand about the failed pop idols. I dont think they make good porn stars. What I like is MUTEKI debut the gravure idols. These gravure dvds cant sell much. So I dont think money is the problem. MUTEKI pays well for the first debut. Plus after watching a good gravure I like seeing them make the switch. But who knows. Maybe MUTEKI is just dying like so many other brands.
I understand about the failed pop idols. I dont think they make good porn stars. What I like is MUTEKI debut the gravure idols. These gravure dvds cant sell much. So I dont think money is the problem. MUTEKI pays well for the first debut. Plus after watching a good gravure I like seeing them make the switch. But who knows. Maybe MUTEKI is just dying like so many other brands.
I would say that the gravure idols so far, weren't that good looking. I probably missed few as I took a look once in a while to the Muteki releases. I remember one with a 100cm bust, but she was fat.
You are right, if there are other movies, they probably pay less.
Personally I think it has little to do with the prospective idol or her (weak) celeb status or if or when she would debut. I also doubt she has any serious risk of exposing her real identity yet.
I mean this seems to be both a gimmick and an experiment. And this particular debutante is just the (almost) random-selected guinea pig to run this experiment, well at least that's my working hypothesis.
My guess is there are two concepts to be tested: (1) can crowd-funding works as a business model for AV? (2) can crowd-funding works as a marketing gimmick to inflate a vid (or a debutante) sales/ranking?
(2) is more modest and realistic. It's possible that 3-4 months from now, the marketing fad is over and we will never hear about crowd-funded AV again. It's also of course possible that it would work and we will see this becoming a "regular gimmick" that get used from time to time to promote sales for certain idols and/or vids. But personally I doubt this will work out in the long term.
(1) is more crazy, but if it works out it could be a revolution. Suddenly prospects (potential debutantes), current idols and retirees can all interact directly with customers and fans in the business of AV. For both prospects and retirees the decision to debut/unretire is often tipped by the amount of money. So either a studio/producer/agent front the money to the girl, he would then profit (or loss!) from the sales, and also because of his role of "developing" an idol, he would "own" the idol. At worst this makes it possible for some bad apples to exploit and abuse the girls, as there were already enough accusations and cases. At best, we still have the "development" of an AV idol/career a dark art, so the industry does a lot of things that seem quirky and disappoints the fans. And we as fans can't tell if a certain disappointing quirk is because we fans lacks understanding and unrealistic expectation, or because the industry is stubborn and ignore fans. Now if the bottleneck is not the big capital requirement any more, anything new (new debutante, or new ideas) can be tested by a very democratic process: if the crowds fund it, it goes.
Perhaps 20 years from now, most AV idols will become self-employed small business. Studios will become only a production house. The idol raise the investment funds from the crowd, pays a studio/production house for the service of shooting and producing a vid (she will hire a director/photographer to shoot the vid, some AD/tech to do lighting and sound, either a writer or a license fee for a stock-script, and most funny to imagine: she will pay some studs or shota or ugly men to fuck her) , then pays DMM/Amazon a cut for sales and distribution service. She can at least guarantee break-even even before taking off her cloths, and any excess sales would be 100% in her pocket.
Yeah I know... I'm off to crazyland... But can you totally deny the possibilities?