JAV VR: News, comments about releases, recommendations, hardware

Let's see how well the 4k Takumi releases of her can be improved with the AI.

These are the editions that look best at 4K, so at 8K with the AI cleanup, they have to look great. You'll tell us...

My favorite studio of 2025, not even close

You explained it very well. Madonna VR has the higher bitrate of Fanza, although not in all movies. In one that I bought a couple of weeks ago, JUVR-220, the bitrate is 15 Mbps...
Right now Madonna VR is the studio that takes the most care with sets, staging, and scripts. But they need to improve the lighting of their rural films. It's not that they do it badly, the problem is that they use warm lights to simulate the rural environment at night, and that makes the girls look very brown. You don't see their natural skin color.

As you say, Mariko Sata's VR is a perfect farewell, with very careful scenery, nice story, sex scenes from all angles, and even Mariko Sata's tears of emotion because it's her last VR. Actresses have retired lately from S1, Moodyz, and not a farewell VR....
Plus the immersion and angles are near perfect. Madonna VR was another KMP for years until Yazawa Reiceve came along, and changed their VRs from top to bottom. Now they use also other directors but they shoot like him, it seems he has instructed them with what to do, and they follow his school of knowledge...

As you say, fingers crossed that they keep it up, because right now their VRs are a total joy, to the point that I'm not a big fan of the above two actresses, but I'm going to buy both VRs.
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You have a point and it let me down the rabbit hole of all the different missonary angles that exists in VR. I personally consider the angle they use in this release on an acceptable level and there are many different layers to the "pillow in the back" angle. But let's see what's out there:

F-Tier ('tube angle')
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This angle is the worst and for the most part only seen in western VR. The girl is a kilometer away from the camera. You see more from the guys chest than the girl itself and 60% ist the decoration of the room. I call it tube angle because it feels like looking down a tube and at the end of it somewhere is the girl. I will never understand why this is a thing but it is how most western VRs are still made and they have done so for years. Just terrible...

D-Tier (the worst KMP angle)
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You have a better look at the girl than in the F-tier angle and you don't see the guys chest but besides that everything else is wrong about this angle and it is the worst "pillow in the back" version and for some reason KMP keeps using it to this day. The girls bottom is cut off and you look at her from an unnatural angle. Just imagine yourself doing it like that to the girl. How is it possible? You have to kinda knee down and then... no idea how this makes any sense and it is completely immersion breaking for me. Unwatchable.

D-Tier (the old way)
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Similar to the F-Tier angle but they put more effort into it and zoom in a little bit more. This is how most JAV VR movies looked until 2022/2023. The girl is still too far away and I have always skipped this part if they have presented the missonary with that angle

C-Tier (the old way part 2)
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This is also how many old JAV VRs looked. Even many of the premium studios used this angle until a little over a year ago. The limitation of this angle is obivous, the bottom part of the girl is cut off and the angle not ideal but at least she is close to the camera.

B-Tier (the imo acceptable pillow angle)
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KMP: "the best I can offer is this angle". The camera is close, you get a good look at the girl and see all of her upper body. But the center is wrong and half of the screen is empty while her legs are in a weird position. To me this is not ideal but still ok, for @Walle12 not good enough

A-Tier (almost there)
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This is almost it. The position in itself is the right one but angled a little bit to 'high' so you kinda look down at the girl. At least the head is still centered and overall it's pretty good because you can look were you want and see all of the girls body. It's for example the angle that ZAMPA and Member Miyasako uses for most of there releases.

S-Tier (perfection)
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This is how it should be done. The camera angled so you can see everything and choose yourself were to look while the girls face stays in center and everything is close to the camera. Bonus points if they move the camera closer inbetween for a kissing segment
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I mean it's not rocket science and this angle is now known for over 4 years but still besides a few studios that use it consistently it's a rarity if you consider all 8k releases. Luckily overall it got better last year with many of the premium studios starting to use it. But for example Unfinished who had in my opinion the best lightning coupled with the right angle (the crack cocaine version of the S tier angle bascially) in most 2024 releases have now unlearned how to do this angle or they stopped caring about it. The struggle continues...

I might have missed an angle. Let me know if that's the case.

I struggle to enjoy missionary scenes because the scale never seems to be right - you can see her face, but sometimes feel too close. i typically want to feel like i'm 2+ feet away.

In need inspiration from you guys. What is everyones favorite Mori Hinako VR release before she has changed how she looks?

Because if I compare how she looks now to a few years ago it is night and day
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I think she was really cute in like 2021-2022. What is everyones favorite releases from her from that time?
I actually enjoy how mori has changed. younger and sexier.

Nice, I see you also like it thick :p and yes she looks fantastic.

What's everyones favorite busty girl in JAV VR?

Mei Washio maybe?
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What about Konan Koyoi?
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Or for those who like it more mature maybe Ai Sayama and Kusakabe Kana? Unfortuantely they only appear in like one VR in 3 years.
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It's shown as "L-Point" and they charge in Yen.
Busty is my favorite. Momo Sakura and Mao Hamasaki would be my top 2.

There are a lot more entering the industry too now. What a luxury it is to be able to have this.

Re: clothed vs nude, I think there's a great place for both. Sadly the usual scenes clothed don't really do the clothed look well. They just play with it for a few minutes and then it's fully off or ignored. Sometimes the outfit works great in hiding the flaws of an actress and it ascends them to S tier.

I don't have a particular scene in mind but there are def some actresses where I probably wouldn't have paid them any attention but in clothed scenes they can become whoever you want them to be (like facemasks).

re: subtitles/adaptions

I think this is a fantastic idea. Making your own subtitles is like being your own director. What a genius move. I'd love to do this but your two step process sounds tedious.. or maybe i'm misinterpreting?

re: AI

I have a 3080... if your 4070ti is taking 10 hours at 100% to upscale a scene I think I'll just wait until this tech becomes more resource efficient.
I struggle to enjoy missionary scenes because the scale never seems to be right - you can see her face, but sometimes feel too close. i typically want to feel like i'm 2+ feet away.

if you have HereSphere, use this:


Forward, move it to the left. This throws off the faces, if you see them too close.

I think this is a fantastic idea. Making your own subtitles is like being your own director. What a genius move. I'd love to do this but your two step process sounds tedious.. or maybe i'm misinterpreting?

If you mean to create the subtitles, it is simple, just choose 3 or 4 options in some menus, as explained above. It takes a few minutes.
Then adapting the dialogues, it depends if you want to change a lot or a little...

I have a 3080... if your 4070ti is taking 10 hours at 100% to upscale a scene I think I'll just wait until this tech becomes more resource efficient.

The RTX 3080 is a good card, even if it takes a little longer, there is a demo, you can try it if you are interested in the subject.
The application allows you to select only a part of the video, you can enhance only 5 minutes for example, or parts that interest you.
if you have HereSphere, use this:

View attachment 3643234

Forward, move it to the left. This throws off the faces, if you see them too close.

If you mean to create the subtitles, it is simple, just choose 3 or 4 options in some menus, as explained above. It takes a few minutes.
Then adapting the dialogues, it depends if you want to change a lot or a little...

The RTX 3080 is a good card, even if it takes a little longer, there is a demo, you can try it if you are interested in the subject.
The application allows you to select only a part of the video, you can enhance only 5 minutes for example, or parts that interest you.
I found increasing the pd did a lot more for me that forward. Thanks a lot for the recommendation. Truly game changing.

Might give subtitles a shot for the hell of fame scenes in the near future

Great idea on only enhancing favorite parts instead of entire videos.
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I found increasing the pd did a lot more for me that forward. Thanks a lot for the recommendation. Truly game changing.

I'm very glad you found it useful.... :) It's a problem for me too, so I know how important it is to fix it....
I took a look at ZENRA, and found a couple of interesting tidbits.

@chewbaka , this underwear of Ishikawa Mio has been sold for 2 million yen (14,000 dollars)... WOW


FANZA has published the ranking of the 100 best actresses of 2024, in both halves of the year. I don't know what it's based on, I guess it's based on sales...



The truth is that we are lucky that we have VRs of most of them....

And, unfortunately, some bad news for her fans: Amiri Saitou is retiring in December... :(


One of the most beautiful girls in JAV VR.
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Right now Madonna VR is the studio that takes the most care with sets, staging, and scripts. But they need to improve the lighting of their rural films. It's not that they do it badly, the problem is that they use warm lights to simulate the rural environment at night, and that makes the girls look very brown. You don't see their natural skin color.
Good point actually. Yes, the sets are among the most realistic and the lightning is appropriate for it. But I agree that at least for the sex scenes they should bring more of the studio lightning and tone down the realism. To me these mature actresses have nothing to hide, they are beautiful as it is and the setting should bring this across as clear/crisp as possible. I think for the tudor release you have posted they have better lightning

JUVR-222 March 28
I just watched the trailer and it seems this release has a voice over. I don't understand why they do this. The release would be perfect without it. I hope it isn't too distracting and hopefully they don't do the voice over too much

I struggle to enjoy missionary scenes because the scale never seems to be right - you can see her face, but sometimes feel too close. i typically want to feel like i'm 2+ feet away.
I guess we want different things from the VR missionary. You want to have a look from afar at the girl, observing the scenes as it happens. I want to be immersed into the action, as close as possible to the girl and it should look exactly like in real life and that's the perspective you are getting more with the S tier angle. Now as you mention it, I think I have never experienced a VR missionary in which the girl was too close for my taste. Speaking of...
Last scene of AJVR-151
This movie is insane when it comes to distance to the camera in a good way. The missionary was perfect for my taste and Mori shows an amazing performance. I recommend this back to you @Walle12 try this release upscaled if you haven't already, wow.

I actually enjoy how mori has changed. younger and sexier.
You are not alone, she is still very popular and I'm in the minority with this opinion I guess.

I have a 3080... if your 4070ti is taking 10 hours at 100% to upscale a scene I think I'll just wait until this tech becomes more resource efficient.
Yes, it is a very resource intensive process. The AI goes pixel by pixel. So the more pixels you have to process the longer it takes the AI. VR movies have a very high resolution from the start and upscaling them from 4k to 8k or even improving 8k sources are the most demanding tasks you can do with current encoders. I don't know if the algorithm gets much more efficient in the next couple years but your RTX 3080 would be good enough for the process. As already mentioned, maybe try the free trial and make some test runs on your older favorite VRs and see if the improvements are worth it for you.

FANZA has published the ranking of the 100 best actresses of 2024, in both halves of the year. I don't know what it's based on, I guess it's based on sales...
These rankings never made any sense to me. Besides the fact that VR is only a tiny subsets of total sales it always seems completely random. Like someone took all the JAV actresses and simply shuffled them around and picked them randomly. I guess because like 95% is 2D sales

And, unfortunately, some bad news for her fans: Amiri Saitou is retiring in December... :(
Oh no :( I at least hope we get some good VRs with her in 2025 besides the mediocre KMPs that have been releases recently