Well, my subtitles I don't think will work for you, because they're not really subtitles, I've converted them into adaptations.
Since I don't understand any Japanese, beyond the basic words, and most of the plots are with daughters, nieces, mothers and fathers, which is of no use to me, I literally make up the subtitles, completely changing the plots according to my tastes. It's what I talked about a few posts back: in a 2D movie I wouldn't touch the subtitles, but in a VR where the main character is me, I can't have immersion if in the dialogues I'm fucking with my sister or my daughter....
In some of them I have added quite personal things, and also if you know some Japanese, well you can tell it has nothing to do with what they say.... On a personal level it works for me, but although they follow the thread of what happens, most of it is invented.
If you have a very desirable movie that you want with subtitles, and I have it, what I can do is capture the original English subtitles for you, and upload them. But only with a few titles, as a personal favor, as it takes a while.
Anyway, the method I use is easy to apply, and doesn't require much hardware. Did you see it when I posted it a few months ago?
You only have to download
Subtitle Edit, which is a free and open source program.
In the
Video Menu, choose
Audio to text (Whisper). In
Language, choose
Japanese. In
Engine, choose
Faster Whisper, which is the fastest and the one that requires the least resources. In
Model, it depends on your graphic card. If it has 8 GB of VRAM choose
Larger. If it is less, then
medium or
Tiny. The larger it is, the more accurate the translation is.
You can check
Translate to English to translate the subtitles to English. But I recommend not to translate to english, it's better the other method that I am going to tell you about:
View attachment 3639636
It only remains to choose the movies that you want to translate, with
Add, and
Generate. It generates you a SRT file with the subtitles of the movie in Japanese or English, depending on whether you have checked or not the Translate to English option.
It only remains to open the SRT file with a text editor like Word Pad, copy the text and paste it in
DeppL Translator to translate it from Japanese to the language that you want. Without account DeepL Translator only accepts text blocks of 1,500 characters, so you will have to translate the text in pieces, with patience. Paste the translation into the SRT file, and that's it.
EDIT: The user Teiji_ishida has found a better method to translate with DeepL. Thanks! : "I found this site
https://www.deepsubtitles.com/ which will automate the translation using DeepL API for you. You have to register a free DeepL API account and paste in your auth key. Then just browse to your srt file, and it instantly translates the whole file for you in a few seconds and let you save it. Beats having to copy and paste line by line through the DeepL website".
Make sure that this SRT file has the same name as the movie, so that the player recognizes it and associates it with the movie. Save it in the same folder as the movie, and you are done.