Remember, the laptop is supposed to be read-only mode. i.e. no scanning or editing of any sort. To sync them after making changes from your primary machine, you need to copy from primary machines' settings folder to the laptop's settings folder. It's not just a one-time thing - those files need to stay in perfect sync whenever changes are made (adding or editing or moving), or the newest changes won't be found. Any desyncing is likely to cause crashes like you're experiencing.
You need to be very careful with this "feature" until it's officially supported. I really can't help too much until then except with general advice about this.
Yeah, I think I can do when switching modes.
Oh so you mean even moving files is not permitted in read-only mode? I had assumed that only changes to the actress info database was what wouldn't get updated across machines.
I figured moving a file would be recognized by the NFO, no? Perhaps a better question to ask would be, Where is the "which folder is a movie stored in" info located, anyway?
While I'm on that topic, a related question about file searches. I seem to recall a while back that searching the machine's file structure was supported in the search box.
What I would like to be able to do is to show a search result for, say, every folder that I have labeled as "schoolgirl". Since I categorize and store my movies partially by character, then situation, I have multiple folders named "schoolgirl" then each different folder is further refined with additional text, like "schoolgirl - classroom" or "schoolgirl - apartment", you get the idea.
I'd like to be able to type D:/Jav/schoolgirl* or something like that, and have JavLuv display my entire collection of films in the all of the "schoogirl" folders at once.
Is something like this already possible? Or maybe some less-robust version of such a search ability?