Learn Japanese culture from JAV (sex as sin; sex as commerce; bath; lesbian and everything)


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Here is a very good translation of BKSP-314, the video of which is available at https://new-jav.net/archives/3574. I did not do anything to this file, so I don't claim any credit, and unfortunately I don't know the original translator to be able to give credit where due.View attachment 2087210
Thanks @Makkdom for awesome post. Finally got me to make my omni- J-culture thread. The idea is talk about J-culture (both traditional and Western-influenced)

I wish to break it up into multiple threads but worry most will not be sustainable... sooo... let's try mega-thread for now...

SEX as (NOT) SIN: Japanese have a well deserved reputation for being polite and very strict with decorum, which is very similar to Chinese and Korean. The un-spoken aspect of that is that what happens privately/secretly is FINE, since secrets don't disrupt decorum. So far, C/J/K are still pretty similar. But J have a very unique take on sex. For C (not sure about K), anything related to sex is something deeper and more sinful than decorum. Of course for Western/Christian tradition, sex is even more strict. Sex is the original sin.

But for J, a woman's sexual history or experience isn't such a big deal. I think Japanese defines "sex" quite differently than most cultures of the world. E.g. seeing or touching of a woman body is the boundary between sex or non-sex. Some more relaxed standard would put the boundary of touching of penis or pussy. Some would say insertion of penis into any orifices, like mouth, pussy or anus. Most cultures would add hand-job too. Or how about a man masturbate in presence of woman? I think J mindset is that even with insertion of penis in pussy it may still not quite be sex, it might be just a massage. It's only sex if sperm is ejaculated into a pussy. Not even the mouth. So sex is strictly and narrowly the activity that causes pregnancy.

Yeah I know... it's a very radical idea, esp. when written out. But I think many J men and women think or feel the same to some extent. Anyway let's discuss or debate.

In according to JAV, esp. BKSP-314 officially "Family Bath" but as well call it "wet outdoor incest orgy". The father got an erection (see family bath below) so it's no big deal his wife stroke or suck his cock in front of the kids. Even it's ok his wife allow or encourage their daughters to do the same, that way the father gets "relief" of his "tension" and daughter gets a lesson/skill that she may need for future. It's even ok to ejaculate to ejaculate on her tits, on her face or even inside her mouth. No pregnancy, it's OK.

Earlier we heard many idols draw the line at internal ejaculation/creampie.

When I translate subtitles you see many JAV plots make a big deal about ejaculation in vagina.

Of course I know that JAV is fantasy, not reality. But well here I'm fooling around with the fuzzy boundary between JAV fantasy and reality.

BATH: From BKSP-314, we start with bath. Compared with the world, esp. other East Asians, Japanese love taking baths. Esp. for social bonding. Taking baths together, at least between same sex family members, and/or married couples, and/or kids before sexual maturity. E.g. father and mother and kids either boys or girls or even boys and girls, under the age, say, 9 years old. Is quite acceptable, or even GOOD, as family bonding activity. Taking baths with someone same sex in the extended family, neighbors/friends, from work place (esp. counter-parties in business negotiation), or same association (including gangs) is not just allowed but encouraged.

Esp. between men, giving and receiving physical contact and pleasure and comfort is important for bonding and trust-building and establishing/confirming power hierarchy. E.g. a business manager would seek to scrub CEO's back during a company onsen trip if he wish to be promoted to VP.

So in BKSP-314, and so many vids from SW- and HUNTA-, they just play that into sexual fantasy. Whole family all get naked and take a hot spring bath. Wife and daughters can and should give pleasure to the patriarch. Or mother, mother's friends or older sister can take shota son or kid brother to bath, and check out his growing up between the crotch.

(future episodes: lesbian love and sex work such as hostess)


Active Member
Dec 6, 2008
Thanks @ding73ding for a great article about sex in Japanese culture. It made me think deeper in my mind and found many similar thoughts to the article mentioned.

Waiting for the next article in this series. I will think more about and come back to this topic later.

P/S: I think with such valuable topics like this, there's something needs to be distinguished from the rest. So I really want to know the opinion of the administrators of this box?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Seems not a very successful thread.... anyhoo...

Interrealm sex: Yōkai

Japanese religion is very complicated and not easy for interested foreigners to understand. But it's very deeply rooted in Japanese psyche and appears in all culture when the creator both consciously and (especially) unconsciously insert it.

The dominant belief in Japan is Shintoism, but for us mortal civilians, we maybe more concerned of Yōkai. whereas gods Kami (神) are lofty beings that commoners would almost never encounter, yōkai are everywhere, responsible for everyday events such as wind, rain, forgetfulness, hunger, noises at night, etc.

One of the odd thing you may notice in JAV is sometimes the plot center around a guy who's very lonely and live by himself. When he gets home, knowing full well the house is empty, he always dutifully announce "I'm home~~" as if there's a person or a pet. Most funny is when a small-time thief (not usually a seasoned criminal) sneak inside a home or shop to steal, he would mutter, quietly enough not to alert any living things but loud enough for the invisible creatures and spirit to hear, "I'm here~~" as if he can't help himself being polite to the house that he's about to steal from. In fact whenever a Japanese say out loud "I'm home!" s/he is literally talking to the house as a sentient being.

Anyway that's just one interesting quirk of J-culture, doesn't affect JAV in any particular way.

But the thing is in Japanese psyche, man (woman), animals, things, ghosts, yōkai, kami, spirits, these are not all clearly distinct. Actually in most non-Western cultures, humanity sits at equal footing with other real or imaginary creatures of the universe. But I argue Japan is especially special even among oriental cultures. E.g. Buddhism place humans at the top of the living creatures as only humans are intelligent enough to attain enlightenment. But Japan really merge humanity with all things of the universe as (somewhat) equal. So e.g. a fox (very common animal) with magical power turned into a beautiful lady and married a man, and gave birth to a baby. She later passed on her magic power to her son who became the historic figure Abe no Seimei. I think it's possible Abe no Seimei himself may have spread the rumor that his mother is a yōkai, an animal or a demon. Whereas such rumor anywhere in the world would cause either a horrible death or at least horrible stigma. In Japan it's self-promotion, even after his death, his clan controlled a powerful government ministry for several generations.

In China there were legends of romance between man and snake-demon or fox-demon, but the stories all ended horribly for both the man and the demon.

So when you see:
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(HOMA-084 English sub link, the end result for the man was that the demon use her magic power to make him rich and she become sex slave to him.

Remember sex between humans and non-humans isn't the Devil's luring man to eternal damnation in hell, it isn't even just tolerated in Japan. It could lead to wonderful and fantastic outcome.

PS: I can't help but wonder if the romance between Lando Calrissian and the droid L3-37 is a conscious/unconscious influence of anime/J-culture on Star Wars. I found it not too difficult to bend my mind enough to enjoy sex between human and non-human in JAV and manga. And previously I had no problem with Capt. Kirk with any female aliens, I think SW crossed a line clumsily and failed with L3-37. Much of it is SW (at least the new one) are very firmly Western culture and just doesn't compatible with inter-species sex.
(and don't bring up Jabba the Hutt, we all know Princess Leia was still a virgin when Death Star II blew up, but that night... well...)
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Akiba Citizen
Sep 13, 2015
In light of your post, ding, do you think that this is where the furry culture (and its sexual aspect) comes from?

johnny fontane

Active Member
Mar 11, 2016
Mr. Ding, thank you very much - I haven't read something so interesting for a long time. I am waiting for more ;) please...


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
In light of your post, ding, do you think that this is where the furry culture (and its sexual aspect) comes from?
Oversimplified answer: No. It seems furry is very recent and originated in USA, way before Japanese culture (anime, manga) made any impact in the West (outside of Italy and France).

Now that you caused me to Google it up, I'm delighted to discover Omaha the Cat Dancer was a founding comic for furry culture. I collected Omaha back in the day. I wonder where it is now. Could be my partner threw it in the trash years ago LOL.

China's legend dates to 1050 BC, as a fox demon turned into a beautiful girl and corrupted the (historic) last king of the first dynasty. In fact the collapse of the first dynasty is conveniently blamed on her, the great great ancestor of China gender inequality. More fox demons appeared in different stories in 850 AD and 978 AD. Abe no Seimei the historic figure lived from 921-1005 AD, the legend of the specific "fox with nine-tails" dated to 220BC in China and 794AD in Japan. All these the fox demon transformed into a fully human appearance and maintain human appearance when they interact/intercourse with humans. Seems all these have no contribution to Omaha and Furry.

And yes there is a furry culture in hentai manga too. I am not interested in either Western or Japanese furry (not since the early 90s) so my knowledge is very shallow. It's possible manga's version of furry is just a direct transplant of Western furry into manga form. Like manga version of Star Wars, other than manga style art and layout, there's no Japanese influence injected. So my weak theory is Japanese furry doesn't share any common ground with yōkai sex.

Before anyone ask, I can't figure out tentacle porn. Way back I watched Urotsukidōji like 15 times but now wish I could unwatch it. Supposedly it started with classic yōkai story of two octopuses DP a female diver (1814 AD). But Urotsukidōji and numerous tentacle porn evolved to something else (???). Tentacle porn has pretty much disappeared in last few years, which is fine by me. I still remember Maria Ozawa's and 氷高小夜 Saya Hidka's versions fondly. But probably cannot bear to watch them again.
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Active Member
Sep 28, 2012
@ding73ding I somehow missed this thread then it was posted in May. I find it very interesting and hope you continue. Can you clarify, are you speaking from the standpoint of "this is actual Japanese culture" or "if we only observe from JAV, this is what we can deduce about the culture"?

Also, did you ever get to the Lesbian topic?


Akiba Citizen
Oct 25, 2009
Of course it's slightly tongue in cheek. "this is actual Japanese culture" or "if we only observe from JAV, this is what we can deduce about the culture"? I'd say a bit of both. Yes.

Put it this way, I am no expert in Japanese culture. But I watch JAV, I used to watch a lot of anime, my main hobby is plastic model esp. gunpla. I have read more than one book on Japanese history. I watched a few J-films, my wife watch J-drama sometimes, and sometimes I watch with her. I am not J-pop fan, but I can name more than 10 Japanese songs that I really enjoy. And also I know more Japanese politics than the average non-Japanese. I visited Japan only twice, but both times (second time with my wife) I was house guest at a older friend's house in suburban Japan and experienced a lot of culture not easy for tourists to see or experience.

Come to think of it, I am Japan expert, at least compared to most of you, LOL

Part of it come from occasionally doing subtitle translation. Some dialog line is super obvious what it means to Japanese audience but pretty opaque to us foreigner. Or to understand why someone would invent such crazy themes or settings for some vids.

When I wrote this topic, I am kind of at the angle: "what bits of Japanese culture should I know to maximally enjoy JAV"? Or say I'm masturbating and something odd happens on screen. Without missing a beat, I already know that "yeah that's a thing", rather than distracted "what does that mean? what's going on?".

No I have not done the Lesbianism one yet. Currently it's a bit on the back-burner. This thread is NOT meant to be a one-way broadcast channel for me. It's casual chat, please talk about JAV X J-culture as anywhere between educated analysis to completely wild baseless speculations. Maybe your discussion will inspire me to make the next article.