
leeches,too many?

  • yup

    Votes: 18 29.0%
  • YEA WTF !?

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • nope

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • Eh.... dont care

    Votes: 30 48.4%

  • Total voters
there are leechers on every website becaus epeople are either too lazy to look for it themselves or are too cheap to purchase. I mean we are on this site for that reason but not just that.
there are leechers on every website becaus epeople are either too lazy to look for it themselves or are too cheap to purchase. I mean we are on this site for that reason but not just that.

You know, you don't have to post on all my threads....

But that's how I got to know how forums work, so I can't complain...
Hey, we need leechers 2 'patronize' our shop n hope they do drop a 'thank you' along the way. No 'demand' no 'supply' :evillaugh:

Btw, i'm a contribute leecher:lols:
you never know how much the seeder save our pocket's life
until you start counting the true value of everything

still,want to buy a mountain of book after i get a job^^
thank to all of the sharer for now^^yeah .3.
Leeches & forums go hand in hand.
The reason we use host sites like RU & MU,etc is to benefit from all the leeches trying to be sneaky, @ least we get to cash in on the points.
i never really started posting until today. i've been on the forum for about 2 years and i love it. i've uploaded one video this whole time, because quite honastly, i dont know where else to get the stuff i get here.

however, i justify my existance up till now by seeding what i download, and clicking and ordering from jlist
Yea, there are really more than there need to be but that's just human nature. Wild fucking animals I tell ya! I don't care that there are so many but the fact is there are. I also understand that most of the leeches are that because they can't for whatever reason contribute. I have to imagine that some would like to...
Leechers can be found in every sharing site like this. There is no stopping them and they are here to stay. Just hope more people are able to participate in the discussions in other parts of the forum. The forum is pretty much dead other than the download sections which is pretty sad.:sigh:
Leechers can be found in every sharing site like this. There is no stopping them and they are here to stay. Just hope more people are able to participate in the discussions in other parts of the forum. The forum is pretty much dead other than the download sections which is pretty sad.:sigh:

Too true.....:abandoned:
internet age. most people will atemt to get something for nothing.
I joined yesterday I'm liking the forum so far
Then you mean we need some spammers :S?

btw, what is this girl 's name?
Logic states there have to be more leechers than there are seeders.
After all, without someone to upload to, you can't be a seeder.
But rather than saying there is too many leechers, I think it's better to say there's not enough seeders.
As with all things, moderation is key.
You know leeches woundn't be so bad if they gave a thank you once in awhile...

I mean WTF!? There's like 400 hits on a link i posted and I didn't get one thank you :pissed:
I think the problem with banning leechers is that it will lead to a drop in popularity and a subsequent drop in seeders. Or something.