Lesbian JAV Reviews~

!new post!

Heeey you beautiful people out there!
It's still some time until our first appreciation month since our relaunch, but that doesn't mean that we don't give you some new content before.

I just posted a new "Studio Spotlight" article. I go in-depth about the new lesbian-only studio "レズレ!."
I take a look at their releases so far, how they differ from the other 2 lesbian-only studios "LADYxLADY" and "ANNA AND HANAKO" and what we might expect from them in the future.
Make sure not to miss it

-> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/studio-spotlight-rezure-レズレ!-a-new-lesbian-only-studio/ <-

Enjoy the article :tea:
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!Appreciation Month!

You had to wait a long time until we were able to provide you with new content and because of that savajex, me and JTM we are now back with a blast. It's time for a new Appreciation month.
The actress we feature this month, believe it or not, we haven't reviewed a title with her yet. We launched the blog last year in August and during that time span we haven't reviewed a title with Haruki yet.

Yes, this month is dedicated to the meaning of cuteness and sexyness:

:confetti: HARUKI SATOU :confetti:

We give you 3 Reviews, (one is already up and the other two will get released every sunday) an JAV Actress thoughts post and, of course, an entry into the Lesbian JAV Database.
Wanna celebrate with us? Here is your guide:

-> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/hot-stuff-aka-haruki-satou/

You'll find all link to the Reviews, Actress thoughts and the dabase there.
And now, as i said in that post: Aaaall haail Haruki Satou :inlove:
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Haruki Satou Appreciation Month Review #2

I blame the weather for not being able to upload the second Review 2 days ago. Well that and the functionality of my brain.

Anyways, Haruki Satou Appreciation Month is still in full effect and our 2nd Review is another joint-Review by your's truely, me and her's truely, savajex.
We came together to Review a title that is known as DVDES-465. That Serial can be replaced with words such as "Awesome", "Absolutely great" or "Gorgeous."
But i don't want to spoiler too much, take a look for yourself:

-> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/review-dvdes-465/ <-

Enjoy the 2nd Review to the Haruki Satou Appreciation Month :tea:
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Phew. I would've never thought that winter can be THAT hot. Not only can i present you the "pre-last" and the actual last Review for the "Haruki Satou" Appreciation Month, but i can announce a couple of things for you guys, but first things first:

LES-007, which went live this week, can be found on your (hopefully) most favorite page (alongside with akiba-online, that is) as well as the Review to YUYU-004 which went live just a couple minutes ago. Make sure to give 'em a read

LES 007 -> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/review-les-00007/ <-
YUYU-004 -> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/review-yuyu-012/ <-

That's not all, though. Starting with this month, JTM is gonna give his thoughts about JAV Actresses who don't starr in many レズ JAV's. He'll give you a little JAV Actress thoughts post on them and Review a レズ title that features this actress. Sort of like a small Appreciation Month.
The first actress he covered was "Hisae Yabe." Need directions? All right:

JAV Actress thoughts -> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/jav-hottie-of-the-month-november-矢部寿恵yabe-hisae/
Lesbian JAV Database entry ->http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/lesbian-jav-database-矢部寿恵-yabe-hisae/
(Review) VEZZ-004 -> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/review-vezz-004/

Additionally, you may know that JTM provides you with the News. Every week he's dropping a post to let you know what new releases are about to come out. I kinda got ahead of him for one particular release: After about 2 years, we finally get a new release under the "ADU" release. If you want to know my thoughts, make sure to pay us a visit =)

Last but not least i want to remind you guys, that we are going full-course next month again. In december we will hold yet another Appreciation Month. And yes, we will give you 4 Reviews on every sunday again, starting on December, 1st. So you will definitely get your... er... satisfaction... worth... or something =D
A little teaser: This AM is going to be a special one. It will not cover one particular actress, but it will cover a particular series. We actually haven't reviewed one title from this series, so we are bond to change that.

With that being said: Happy reading, thank you for all of your support and look forward for the content we are going to present you in the next couple of months.
And of course, if you have any comments, corrections or additions about Reviews, JAV Actress thoughts or Lesbian JAV Database entries, feel free to let us know in this thread. :tea:
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And so it starts! December is Lesbian Night Crawling Appreciation Month!


We're featuring the first four volumes of this great series! Every Sunday, catch our reviews here! FSET-298 is up and it stars Azumi Mizushima, Hibiki Otsuki, Rio Hamasaki, and Yui Misaki! :shooock: Whether they pass muster, well... But oh, to have been in the studios that day... WHY am I NOT a JAV actress??!!! Terrible life choices, that's why.

Drop by and share our love for this series!

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Merry post-Xmas, guys! Just to let you know, all the reviews for Lesbian Night Crawling Appreciation Month are now up! That's FSET-298, FSET-309, FSET-334, and FSET-361.

We also featured the gorgeous Maria Ozawa as our Hottie-of-the-Month, including a review of her work, LADY-061!

And also a review of DDT-416 starring Rei Mizuna and Yui Misaki which should not be missed for any Rei fan.

Get your read on! And more goodies still to come this month! :ohgosh:

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There is one thing i haven't done yet in this thread:
明けましておめでとうございます~ (HAPPY NEW YEAR~) Dear readers =)

I have a new review for everyone of you. Actually it's a single review from me and before i wrote the review, i checked the blog when my last single review was and, as i turns out, due to the closure of our old home, my last single review was last year. On the 27th of June to be precise! Damn that's a long time ago.

However, for my comeback and for my first Review this year i chose to Review a title that has been on my favorite titles of 2013 list, namely


And i'm just gonna say this much: If Maki Hojo had a sister... everyone who enjoys lustful, passionte レズ JAV's (and everyone who has even just a slight foot fetish) should give it a read

-> http://vidpole.com/lesbianjavreviews/review-aukg-167/ <-

Enjoy it to the utmost :tea: ;D
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Hey guys! It's been a bit quiet and peaceful here... so I thought I'd disturb it. :pandalaugh:

In case you haven't dropped by our blog recently, there's an Appreciation Month going on full-swing right now! And this month we're appreciatin' none other than the gorgeous, talented, funny, sweet, sexy, passionate... Misa Yuuki!

That's right, Misa Yuuki Appreciation Month! :beautifu2::beautifu2::beautifu2:

Yup, about time too! I mean, who doesn't love her, right??

We've reviewed so far AUKG-083 (my personal favorite!) and VEZZ-007 but there are a couple more goodies coming so stay tuned! Don't miss our JAV Database either--we have Misa's entire rezu filmography for your info!


And as always, thanks for your kind words and support, guys! :bigkiss:
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With Misa Yuuki’s retirement what movie starring Misa would I have liked to have seen her in. For overall plot, I have to go with the three generational MESS-023 – mom, daughter and maid to be played by Misa Yuuki.

For mom, it would have to be Hisae Yabe. We have the benefit of seeing Misa and Hisae in ADU-01:

hisae yabe.jpg

Now for daughter I will go out on a limb and pick Arimoto Saya who Misa appeared with recently in BNSH-016:

Arimoto Saya.jpg

4 or more scenes with no toys except one with all are wearing formal kimonos in which Misa reveals eventually a hidden strap on to let mom and daughter know who the real man of the house is. A scene with water and bathing suits, then one where Misa performs a tea ceremony for mom and daughter where after the matcha, Misa is the source of sweetness. I would leave the rest up to the imagination of Nao Masaki as director since she always lets Misa be Misa.
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I liked watching Saki Hatsumi & Konomi Futaba in KAWD 532. They are just so cute together especially when they are having the foreplay. They don't have the big boobs but at least they look very cute. Maybe its because they don't have the big boobs which helps make them more cute lol. If anyone wants to watch KAWD 532 I left a link where I got it enjoy!

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Really into the Female Director Haruna series lately. Kind of wondering... does she ever get involved on camera?
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I liked watching Saki Hatsumi & Konomi Futaba in KAWD 532. They are just so cute together especially when they are having the foreplay. They don't have the big boobs but at least they look very cute. Maybe its because they don't have the big boobs which helps make them more cute lol.
So far i think you get that in all lesbian titles from "Kawaii" as they call themself.
Sadly they don't produce that many lesbian JAV's, but whenever they do, they go with the name of their label, they go with cute actresses. If you enjoyed KAWD-532, make sure to check out KAWD-335 (http://lesbianjavreviews.xobler.com/review-kawd-335/) Haruki Satou and Sae Aihara are cute in general, but they are exceptionally cute in this one =)

Really into the Female Director Haruna series lately. Kind of wondering... does she ever get involved on camera?
Um... you mean as in "jumping right in the pack?" If you mean that... i don't think so. Ocassionally she grabs ahold of a vibrator or "helps out" pleasuring another girl with her hand but other than that i think she doesn't get involved. However, i think "vaampy" may know more about this than me
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Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit... well don't actually do that. I just noticed today that our little thread is actually a sticky and I haven't updated it for months, so let me change that now.

For everyone who hasn't checked our webpage in the last couple of months, maybe you should pay us a visit again, because we have a huge amount of new content on Lesbian JAV Reviews at the moment.

And just a s a little "Refresh" or if u have never checked us out before, I want to let you beautiful people can find on our little webspace:

We constantly update our Lesbian JAV Database. So far we have listed all titles (to our knowledge, if we miss some Lesbian Releases from any actress, feel free to let us know and keep in mind that usually we tend to stay away from compilation titles, since they contain scenes from other titles so these releases are not really necessary for the database) from Maki Hojo, Ryo Matsuno, Lesbian JAV Godess Azusa Kirihara, Haruki Satou, Yabe Hisae, Maria Ozawa, Minaki Saotome, Misa Yuuki, Eri Arai, (Yuka Oosawa) Yuu Kawakami and Uta Kohaku.

Up until now we did reviews to about 112 titles and we cover pretty much everything from schoolgirl-themed titles to mature-themed titles and even a fetish title here and there

And every 3 months we do an appreciation month, where we write a post that we dub as "JAV Actress thoughts" where all members of the page write their thoughts about whatever actress we cover, this actress gets added to the Lesbian JAV Database and you will get 2-4 reviews to titles in which this particular actress is featured in. This month, for instance, we featured the sadly retired Uta Kohaku:

We also like to help out people who have trouble understanding Lesbian JAV's, so we introduced the "Lesbian JAV Dicitionary" where you can find words and phrases that you might come across when you watch lesbian JAV's. Needless to say this list is nowhere near complete, so let us know in this thread or in the comments below what we can add:

And last but not least, JTM posts the new lesbian JAV releases every month. Of course it can happen that he misses out a couple of titles (for instance NATURAL HIGH releases) but you can find pretty much every lesbian JAV that is coming out in his posts. Here a little example for december:

So make sure to check us out sometime. As I said, I just realized that this thread is a sticky, so whenever we hold a new appreciation month or if we have interesting news or a review, i'll post it here so you don't miss out on anything.

And if you have any feedback or anything concerning the reviews, database, news or anything else, let me know. It's a team effort and we want to make Lesbian JAV Reviews your #1 spot for everything related to Lesbian JAV's and everyone's opinion is welcome... that sounded kinda corny didn't it? Ah well ;D