Lesbian JAV Reviews~

There's always a lesbian on porn boards claiming to speak for all lesbians. That said, you misrepresent LADY's early output. They did the occasional orgy title, like all publishers have. It isn't as if it was every month. They started out releasing two, then three at the most, titles per month (two release weeks per month). I would suggest that you look back then rethink your statement. And don't simply look at the cover, see five cast members and assume it's a five girl orgy on offer.

I also think that you have the history a little skewed. The period that I referred to was just 10 years ago. That was NOT the prevailing view at all then, that g/g was sick and twisted (I love it when ppl basically read my own FAQ back to me). That was 30 plus years ago, before Chie Sugawara (google her), before the popularity of lesbian kiss fetish (pioneered by FA Pro, btw)

I would suggest that all who are interested go back and trawl through the archived boards at lezcom and such and read up on the views from the hardcore Japanese g/g fans. The view that you lot have of FA pro is just completely the opposite of the prevailing view of those fans, people who have been watching this stuff way longer than I have.

It is one thing to have an opinion and another to be factually incorrect.
There's always a lesbian on porn boards claiming to speak for all lesbians. That said, you misrepresent LADY's early output. They did the occasional orgy title, like all publishers have. It isn't as if it was every month. They started out releasing two, then three at the most, titles per month (two release weeks per month). I would suggest that you look back then rethink your statement. And don't simply look at the cover, see five cast members and assume it's a five girl orgy on offer.

I also think that you have the history a little skewed. The period that I referred to was just 10 years ago. That was NOT the prevailing view at all then, that g/g was sick and twisted (I love it when ppl basically read my own FAQ back to me). That was 30 plus years ago, before Chie Sugawara (google her), before the popularity of lesbian kiss fetish (pioneered by FA Pro, btw)

I would suggest that all who are interested go back and trawl through the archived boards at lezcom and such and read up on the views from the hardcore Japanese g/g fans. The view that you lot have of FA pro is just completely the opposite of the prevailing view of those fans, people who have been watching this stuff way longer than I have.

It is one thing to have an opinion and another to be factually incorrect.

I'm gonna repeat myself: If you and other people like FA-Pro then that is fine, more power to you guys. I (and savajex, btw she wasn't speaking for ALL lesbians, she was just stating her own opinion, just like i did before) we both just don't like FA-Pro and we stated our opinion, that's all.

But as i said: If you like t, it's all right, we don't judge you because it's like with Music and sports: It's subjective. What you like doesn't mean that other people like it, as well. We all have different tastes and it just happens that savajex and me don't like FA Pro releases. We said why we don't like it and that's it.
I mean you can throw around facts as much as you want, it won't change our opinion that we just don't like their productions at all.

Other than that i just wanted to let you folks know that i posted a new review. It's about a title from "Peter's", yep a massage themed title, but it is fairly different compared to usual massage themed titles. I'm gonna say this much: Epic. But see for yourself:

-> http://lesbianjavreviews.blogspot.de/2013/05/review-pts-189.html <-

Enjoy it :tea:
I'll repeat myself. It is one thing to have an opinion, and another to be factually incorrect. It isn't an opinion to state that most FA Pro that have レズ in the title have MF scenes. That's a factual statement which isn't true. It isn't an opinion to assert that LADYxLADY used to have mostly of orgy scenes in the past. It is a factual statement that is untrue.

If you are going to use something as a reason to dislike something, for your opinion to be valid it should be based in fact at least (i.e. "I don't like goats because they have horns" and not "I don't like goats because they are green.")

This is not about defending FA Pro, it is about clearing up a misconception.
If you are going to use something as a reason to dislike something, for your opinion to be valid it should be based in fact at least (i.e. "I don't like goats because they have horns" and not "I don't like goats because they are green.")

Buddy i did just that. I clearly stated why i don't like FA-Pro. First because of the fake レズ titles. I just use common sense that "Lesbian" means just 2 (or more) girls and no guys.
And secondly, about their actual レズ titles. I don't like them because i. Okay? I don't like the prodction quality. It all looks cold and loveless, i don't sense any kind of closeness between the actresses it looks to forced and just unrealistic. And they were clearly trying to do it as realistic as possible.
I just can't get into those titles because of those reasons.
But you can see that we are going back and forth here, that's why this is my last statement about it. I don't like FA-Pro for the reasons i stated above. But that doesn't downplay them. Once again: It's subjective. I don't like their production quality, but that doesn't mean that it is bad in general, because as i can see, some people like it, and that's okay. Nothing to get upset about.

Oh and about LADYxLADY: Just compare the 001-030 releases from them with the 001-030 releases from ANND, they clearly have more "orgies" than ANND. I'm not talking about that every scene has an orgy scene, but more like that in most movies there is one scene (mostly at the end) with more than one actress. Look it up.

But i liked the conversation. It's seldom that i write with someone who has a completely different opinion on things. Cheers =)

please if anyone can help me know what movie is this from:


I've been looking for this for over 2 months.

Ah~ i almost forgot. I looked at it but unfortunately i have no idea :(
But i assume that this is a title from LADYxLADY. Try to search around in the thread, maybe you'll come across it: http://www.akiba-online.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140464
Just look for the titles with schoolgirls, maybe it's one of them.
There's always a lesbian on porn boards claiming to speak for all lesbians. That said, you misrepresent LADY's early output. They did the occasional orgy title, like all publishers have. It isn't as if it was every month. They started out releasing two, then three at the most, titles per month (two release weeks per month). I would suggest that you look back then rethink your statement. And don't simply look at the cover, see five cast members and assume it's a five girl orgy on offer.

I also think that you have the history a little skewed. The period that I referred to was just 10 years ago. That was NOT the prevailing view at all then, that g/g was sick and twisted (I love it when ppl basically read my own FAQ back to me). That was 30 plus years ago, before Chie Sugawara (google her), before the popularity of lesbian kiss fetish (pioneered by FA Pro, btw)

I would suggest that all who are interested go back and trawl through the archived boards at lezcom and such and read up on the views from the hardcore Japanese g/g fans. The view that you lot have of FA pro is just completely the opposite of the prevailing view of those fans, people who have been watching this stuff way longer than I have.

I admit my judgment of LADY was rather hasty, but in my opinion, that’s plenty enough of orgies.

As loveGIANT said, I never claimed to speak for all lesbians. I mentioned my sexuality only to give background to my opinions and preferences which come from a different perspective than the majority of members (hetero men) here. I never suggested or meant to suggest that I lord my opinion over others or that my opinion is authoritative. Unlike you have, on the basis of having written a FAQ and watched JAVs longer than others have.

As a non-Japanese speaker, there isn’t much for me to read about Chie Sugiwara in English. Nor am I able to read the Lezcom archives. So that’s sort of a moot point.

I was referring to 10 years ago as well. I never suggested that was the prevailing view of the industry. What I said was that I wasn’t comfortable with how much more lesbianism was portrayed as a fetish or deviant behavior in the past than in the present. If I had to surmise about the view of lesbianism 10 years ago, I would say it would be a mix of different views proffered by the different studios’ approaches—very much like now, but with a smaller base and less lesbian-only studios. Perhaps I’m the only one that still found some of those vids from 10 years ago problematic. But it’s sort of impossible to be factually incorrect when we’re dealing with subjective variables in the first place, don't you think? And no, I don't necessarily count the opinions of grizzled, Japanese hardcore g/g fans as fact.

I don’t know why you get your hackles all raised when we’re just expressing our opinions that we have repeatedly stressed are subjective. Frankly, the opinions of Japanese hardcore g/g fans won’t affect my opinion of FA-PRO. If you and they think I am in the wrong for disliking FA-PRO for the personal reasons I’ve given, then so be it. I am open to acknowledging the merits of FA-PRO that these hardcore fans have, but personally, I have yet to see these merits or they don’t align with my tastes. Be that as it may, I will pull the lesbian representative card just this once and say that, for sure, the vast majority of lesbians would choose DEEP’s tired student-teacher romances any day over FA-PRO.

Why is this even an issue right now?
I was abt to drop this whole thing until
Be that as it may, I will pull the lesbian representative card just this once and say that, for sure, the vast majority of lesbians would choose DEEP’s tired student-teacher romances any day over FA-PRO.

Okay that's just ridiculous. You can't simply say that with a straight face, so I hope that you're joking. It's just the same as you two have been doing, couching your opinions as facts. It would be like me saying "I'm quite sure all Japanese prefer nigiri over inari." Without something to back it up, it's just a meaningless statement. The lesbian card is meaningless; you just don't speak for all lesbians (the world over, really?) 2)you haven't seen enough FA Pro to compare and 3) your sexuality is irrelevant to what people actually like.

It was always the worst instinct of g/g fans to assume that they must see some approximation of "real lesbian sex" to enjoy a scene validly. That was the worst trend to emerge over years, thinking to which I at one time subscribed. No one started in the obvious place asking "what is real lesbian sex?" Can women who are not gay/bi in real life performing in a video directed by a man even achieve that? It's just silly. All this "OH NO TOYS" nonsense started in the same place. A bunch of boys assumed that real lesbian sex did not include sextoys. (And then the SF dykes came along to blow that out of the water!)

Like what you like, fine, just don't twist yourself in a knot trying to be "right."

I would not have commented had you guys just said "I don't like it because I don't like it." You guys have been presenting opinions as authoritative and don't like it because I'm calling BS on that. I don't give a crap about opinions but I do care about accuracy.

Anyway, back to your reviews. さよなら。
I was abt to drop this whole thing until
Be that as it may, I will pull the lesbian representative card just this once and say that, for sure, the vast majority of lesbians would choose DEEP’s tired student-teacher romances any day over FA-PRO.

Okay that's just ridiculous. You can't simply say that with a straight face, so I hope that you're joking. It's just the same as you two have been doing, couching your opinions as facts. It would be like me saying "I'm quite sure all Japanese prefer nigiri over inari." Without something to back it up, it's just a meaningless statement. The lesbian card is meaningless; you just don't speak for all lesbians (the world over, really?) 2)you haven't seen enough FA Pro to compare and 3) your sexuality is irrelevant to what people actually like.

It was always the worst instinct of g/g fans to assume that they must see some approximation of "real lesbian sex" to enjoy a scene validly. That was the worst trend to emerge over years, thinking to which I at one time subscribed. No one started in the obvious place asking "what is real lesbian sex?" Can women who are not gay/bi in real life performing in a video directed by a man even achieve that? It's just silly. All this "OH NO TOYS" nonsense started in the same place. A bunch of boys assumed that real lesbian sex did not include sextoys. (And then the SF dykes came along to blow that out of the water!)

Like what you like, fine, just don't twist yourself in a knot trying to be "right."

I would not have commented had you guys just said "I don't like it because I don't like it." You guys have been presenting opinions as authoritative and don't like it because I'm calling BS on that. I don't give a crap about opinions but I do care about accuracy.

Anyway, back to your reviews. さよなら。
Like what you like, fine, just don't twist yourself in a knot trying to be "right."

I would not have commented had you guys just said "I don't like it because I don't like it." You guys have been presenting opinions as authoritative and don't like it because I'm calling BS on that. I don't give a crap about opinions but I do care about accuracy.

Anyway, back to your reviews. さよなら。

Just one more thing about this: The one who is continously trying to be right is you, in my opinion. Because we didn't say "I don't like it because i don't like it." Me an savajex, we both were clearly stating why we didn't like it. That's why i don't understand why you went full aggro mode right there. And if i look at the anger you put into the post it shows to me that you probably can't accept that there are people who just don't like the same things you like. That's just what i think, though. But let's drop this. In the end i can just say: It is subjective and everyone has his own taste. Period.
In some ways I wished I'd never asked why FA-PRO were unpopular with LoveGiant et al. Though I did mention how good [FAX-113] was did I not?

Looking through my Jav archives, I see I also have [FAD-1404] Hungry For A Dominant Lesbian Partner, with 4 excellent and very different scenes. A good cast as well with Ryoko Mita and Maika Asai among others. Perhaps this embodies what is so good so often about FA-PRO - what looks like some real passion - at least to my eyes - on screen. There are also (whisper it softly) men in this but not as sex partners but as counterpoints to the lesbian sex.

Another couple I like as well are [FAX-458] Submissive Lesbian, Dominant Lesbian – Lesbians’ Daily Depravation and Obscenity with the ever lovely Ayane Asakura and Maika Asai and Miya Tezuka and Moe Osawa. Not really very submissive and dominant related - thankfully but horny all the same.

And don't forget [FA-512] Classic Old and Young Lesbian again with some terrific scenes especially some lustful kitchen sex at 76:18 onwards. This link hopefully still works:


I have no wish to prolong the argument about this studio - if people do not like them, then fine. But as a lesbian non-expert, I like their variety and daring. There are lots more FA-PRO lesbian titles that are much loved by many (including here) and it's a good job that we all have different personal preferences and choices.
is it one of the NHDT series the two school girl teams fight each other, in it was a brief appearance by Maki Mizui
Ah~ thanks for clearing that up. Totally forgot them, because they mostly deal with public themed レズ titles =)

In some ways I wished I'd never asked why FA-PRO were unpopular with LoveGiant et al. Though I did mention how good [FAX-113] was did I not?

Looking through my Jav archives, I see I also have [FAD-1404] Hungry For A Dominant Lesbian Partner, with 4 excellent and very different scenes. A good cast as well with Ryoko Mita and Maika Asai among others. Perhaps this embodies what is so good so often about FA-PRO - what looks like some real passion - at least to my eyes - on screen. There are also (whisper it softly) men in this but not as sex partners but as counterpoints to the lesbian sex.

Another couple I like as well are [FAX-458] Submissive Lesbian, Dominant Lesbian – Lesbians’ Daily Depravation and Obscenity with the ever lovely Ayane Asakura and Maika Asai and Miya Tezuka and Moe Osawa. Not really very submissive and dominant related - thankfully but horny all the same.

And don't forget [FA-512] Classic Old and Young Lesbian again with some terrific scenes especially some lustful kitchen sex at 76:18 onwards. This link hopefully still works:

Ah~ don't worry. That's just how stubborn fanboys react like. It's not your fault. And some heated discussions every now and then are okay, right? :)

But i'd like to give my little input about some of the titles you've mentioned... ah FAD-1404. Good that you mention this, because i remember this one. If you like it, it's cool, but there are two things that i don't like about this title. You remember i said that i FEEL that the production quality and scenery seems loveless? That's the feeling i have when i see this title. Not to mention the ridicolous toys. But it's no secret i don't like sex toys xD
Same with FAX-458. Not heavy on the toys, if i remember, but yet again the trist atmosphere overshadowed by the unreal and f***rced sex (at least it feels to me that way.) Nah, not my taste. But if you like it, more power to you, enjoy them =)

I have no wish to prolong the argument about this studio - if people do not like them, then fine. But as a lesbian non-expert, I like their variety and daring. There are lots more FA-PRO lesbian titles that are much loved by many (including here) and it's a good job that we all have
different personal preferences and choices.
Thank you. That's exactly my point. Thanks for saying that. Period.
Thanks for the recs, Jack1956. :hi:

As I did like FAX-113, I'm looking forward to giviny FA-PRO another whirl starting with these titles.

They may not be entirely to your liking but I do think FA-PRO have variety in all their work. I am no fan of the forced/r***/aggressive nature of some JAV genres but FA-PRO's non-lesbian work is in the main very good, I think. Some lionise their oeuvre totally, though I take each title on its own merits just as I do any studio ; but in their best work there is a realism and a true passion that can be superb.

If these are not good for you, I'll see if there are any others in the store cupboard! And the [FA-512] old/young I do find more convincing than much of the tired old teacher/pupil stuff of other studios. They apparently used film instead of direct to video for a lot of their work so its visualisation quality may not suit everyone.

Good luck and hope you enjoy some of it (Maika Asai I find very erotic in whatever she does!)


Attention every Maki Hojo Fan! If you are a reader of our Blog you know 2 things: First: Just recently Maki had her 7 year anniversary in the JAV business.
Second: I think Maki Hojo is pretty good *caugh.*
Well. I'm a tad late to the party, but i wanted to show my gratitude to this lovely lady and her レズ performances aka i made a Song about her. If you are interested, then click away~

-> http://lovegiant.blogspot.com/2013/05/new-song-free-download.html <-

I hope you like it. It's more like a party song, so the lyrics aren't too in-depth ;) :tea:
!Appreciation month!

Time to celebrate once again! In December last year we held the Maki "Venus van Milo" Hojo appreciation month. This year in March we held the "Matsuno Ryo" Appreciation Month, so it's time for another one, right? Exactly. This Month it's time for the...

:cheer::cheer: KIRIHARA AZUSA APPRECIATION MONTH!:cheer::cheer:

The Header and background have been changed to display that this Month is all about Azusa. But that's not all:

She is getting introduced into the Lesbian JAV Database, which was a sh** load of work, btw xD
-> http://lesbianjavreviews.blogspot.de/2013/06/lesbian-jav-database-kirihara-azusa.html <-

JTM, savajex and me we were all writing our thoughts about her in a "JAV Actress thoughts" post
-> http://lesbianjavreviews.blogspot.de/2013/06/actress-thoughts-azusa-kirihara.html <-

And (almost) every sunday we'll give you a Review to an Azusa Kirihara レズ JAV. The first one is already up: DIV-050 featuring Azusa and her real-life friend Reona Kanzaki
-> http://lesbianjavreviews.blogspot.de/2013/06/azusa-appreciation-month-div-050.html <-

Have fun with the Azusa Kirihara Appreciation Month :tea: