meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

The 50fps encode really looks nice too :-)
By the way Vit how do you encode your 1080p60fps IV? I didn't think it supported m2ts files?
I've seen your 1080p60fps sample in the IV forum, looks phenomenally good! Could be cool to do just 720p60fps :-) even though I don't have disc space for the intermediate file :-(. Have an external disc though...
I don't use One-click or the MeguIVit presets, I do the process manually. The "Tools" menu contains each of the individual steps. File Indexer is where I start, and that tool can take m2ts files. It gives you a .dga file that can be loaded with AVCSource or equivalent. Rest of the AVS script is the same as 480p processing.... except you've really got to tweak to get decent speed without crashes.

I have said that I will add m2ts / avi / other file support to One-Click, but many other things have taken priority since. I may do it eventually...
I have said that I will add m2ts / avi / other file support to One-Click, but many other things have taken priority since. I may do it eventually...

Well I think I'll just do ISOs of my Blu-rays for now then, and wait for that :-)
Can't playback 1080p at 60fps too well on my machine anyway.
Not usually worth changing priority. If you leave your comp alone whilst processing then it will go at pretty much the same speed regardless of priority (unless you have some intrusive background process running). And if you do want to use you machine at the same time then it's better left at Low anyway or your system might be unusably slow (not a good idea to do anything intensive at the same time as encoding in any case).

Thanks for the detail on your experience with the different versions. [I'll have to look at all that again when I make the next version] :sigh:
In relation to InterpolateFPSx2(), I put that into the script of the 30fps C: Slower + Light EdgeClean profile, but it didn't seem to change anything. The output was 30fps.

I put it after SelectEven(). like so:

QuickTGMC( Preset="Slower" )
EdgeClean( Radius=2.5 )
That script isn't sensible. QTGMC is a deinterlacer. You don't usually use it on progressive material*. If you try to deinterlace progressive material you just get duplicate frames. You don't need SelectEven() if you're not using QTGMC.

Just the InterpolateFPSx2 line will do it. Put a "trim(0,2000)" at the end of the script for testing purposes, that will just encode 2000 frames which should be quick. Get rid of the trim line when everything is working.

*QTGMC does have progressive modes, designed to get rid of residual shimmer from previous poor deinterlacing. These modes are enabled by setting InputType=1, 2 or 3 in QTGMC (read the docs in the script). These modes don't double the frame rate so you still don't need SelectEven(). But get your InterpolateFPSx2 working in its own before you try this.
If I try with just InterpolateFPSx2() and nothing else in the script I get the error message saying there is no function such as InterpolateFPSx2().

By the way I am attempting this with the One-Click in MeguIVit and the 30fps C: Slower + Light EdgeClean profile, editing the script to contain only InterpolateFPSx2().
I meant remove QTGMC and SelectEven only. Leave everything else in the script.

Have you put the InterpolateFPSx2 plugin in the proper folder? It goes in:
Sandbox\meguIV\\Virtual\MODIFIED\@SYSDRIVE@\meguIV\Avisynth 2.5\plugins
I meant remove QTGMC and SelectEven only. Leave everything else in the script.

Have you put the InterpolateFPSx2 plugin in the proper folder? It goes in:
Sandbox\meguIV\\Virtual\MODIFIED\@SYSDRIVE@\meguIV\Avisynth 2.5\plugins

Oh I didn't install the plugin that's right. All I could find was "AviSynth MSU Frame Rate Conversion Filter" is that it? I looked for interpolatefps avisynth.
No, you save the script I put in the earlier post as "InterpolateFPSx2.avsi" (actually you can call it anything as long as it ends in ".avsi"). Then put that file in the plugins folder. It uses the same plugins as QTGMC so you won't need anything else.
No, you save the script I put in the earlier post as "InterpolateFPSx2.avsi" (actually you can call it anything as long as it ends in ".avsi"). Then put that file in the plugins folder. It uses the same plugins as QTGMC so you won't need anything else.

Oh I see. I just did that, but I'm having some trouble getting this down as an AVSI document, I saved the text in Noteblock but need to figure out how to associate the file with AVSI - it just comes up as a Text Document so... MeguIVit won't recognize it.
I'll need to look into this first.

Sorry for the late reply, I busted my achilles tendon this saturday and had surgery hehe.

But your advice on the file extensions did the trick, and Windows Explorer and MeguIVit now recognizes the file as an AVSI file :)

I ran a small test with the InterpolateFPSx2 function and I must say I am impressed! It's doing a much better job than I expected, and in my opinion I am not noticing any artifacts, even in fast moving scenes. I'd say interpolating to double FPS is well worth it.

I used the One-Click encoder in MeguIVit and the "30fps C: Slower + Light EdgeClean" profile, then I edited the script according to your instructions. I removed QTGMC and SelectEven, then added InterpolateFPSx2. But the profile, even after I edited it with the above, will still do the same quality and EdgeClean as before, even after I edited the script to exclude QTGMC? Is the QTGMC preset in the script just the deinterlacer?

Another thing I was wondering - using InterpolateFPSx2 won't significantly increase the filesize as opposed to 30fps?
I tried doing x10 but that gave me a function error. I guess the script can't more than double the FPS?
By the way can I input .avi Xvid content to the One-Click encoder? I have some old 8mm home video that I thought I'd try frame doubling with this script.
To make your script changes "stick":
- Press "One-Click", select a profile you want to update, then press "config" by the "OneClick profile" box.
- Now press the "config" button by the "Avisynth profile" box
- Edit the avisynth script as you wish
- Press "New" when you've finished and give your avisynth profile a new name
- Then "New" again and give your one-click profile a new name
That should give you a profile that always has the tweaks you want.

InterpolateFPSx2 filesize will depend on your x264 preset, which is determined by which one-click preset you choose. You should be working with the 60fps one-click presets because your output is 60fps. If you do that then the 60fps version will be 1.333x the 30fps size

You can't just change the function name (InterpolateFPSx2) to make it do something different (or I would change it to MakeTheMostPerfectRipx100...!). I do have another function to change to any fps, but it doesn't work for me - I think one of the plugins it uses has a bug. You can make 4x by using InterpolateFPSx2 twice in a row. However, there's not much point making > 60fps unless your tv/monitor can show it, and even then the difference is almost impossible to see. I've made 120fps rips in the past, wasn't worth the effort.

One-click doesn't accept many formats. You could try running your xvid through Tools->File Indexer (in the MeGui menus) and see if one-click will accept the output...
See if this solves your weird issue IceManZ.

The most interesting addition is the motion blur - most idol vids I work with use a fast shutter. If you output to 30fps it gives that nasty juddering look because there isn't enough blur in the source for that frame rate. The motion blur settings allow you to simulate a different shutter speed for your required output fps. It works with the concept of shutter angle not shutter speed though. Shutter angle ranges from 0 to 360 with 0 being a very fast shutter speed (think sports footage), 180 being film-like shutter speed, and 360 being a little over softened/blurred. Example:

QuickTGMC(Preset="Slow", MotionBlur=1, ShutterAngleSrc=45,ShutterAngleOut=180, FPSDivisor=2)

You estimate the shutter angle of the source (here estimating 45, fairly high speed). You can do that by looking how much motion blur is in the source on a still of a movement, less blur means lower angle. Then specify the output shutter angle. 180 is usually what you want. FPSDivisor=2 means half the rate - i.e. 30fps output (don't use SelectEven() if you set this). You can add more blur to 60fps output but it's not usually visible unless you start with some very high shutter speed input.

30fps vids made with the line above look rather nicer. But the encoding is slower and it's motion interpolation so it can introduce artefacts where there is fast or complex motion.

I have implemented your suggestions but I still get different encodings from the same AVS script.
I enjoy trying to familiarize myself with this new parameter "motion blur". Of my first experiences, unfortunately, I do not seem to be very good at mastering it.

In your spare time, if you could examine them, you will see they are all three different when they come from the same AVS.
Incidentally, you will also notice that my result in the use of "motion blur" is not convincing.

What intrigues me most is why the result of an encoding is not static ... ? :puzzled:

Here enclosed a file (passworded) containing some of my tests.

Thanks for all your guidance on this thread Vit, I appreciate it.
I followed your instructions and made a separate profile for progressive DVD input, works like a charm :)

I was thinking, since I'll be doing this alot from now on, is MeguIVit encoding, or perhaps video encoding in general, very demanding on the system? Because I'll be doing another 20-30 full DVD rips in the next couple of weeks, so I am afraid I'd be wearing down my machine doing that. Or am I just being paranoid?

I am ripping on a Macbook Pro 13 inch in Bootcamp on "High" priority - MeguIVit is basically the only thing running.
youmeus: Yes, encoding is one of the most demanding things you can do with your machine. Putting it under a CPU stress test for hours at a time. The only effect I've noticed over the long period is that my cooling tends to become a little less efficient after months and months of frequent encoding. Others may have different stories. A few encodes will be fine, very frequent encoding - I guess it depends whether you want to keep your comp for many, many years, or if you tend to upgrade more frequently anyway.

IceManZ: Have you checked the "Non Deterministic" box in the x264 settings? That makes different output every time. I can see you have tweaked the x264 settings from the standard MeguIV(it) ones - you set threads to 3, but that will make it slower from the default of 0. What else did you change?

In any case, I get exactly the same output every time. The motion blur is working fine - it seems to be working on yours too. Maybe you were expecting exaggerated smears? No, motion blur simulates slightly different shutter speeds. Its not a special effect, but a subtle tweak. I'm pretty sure it works correctly, but I still prefer 60fps over 30fps with the correct shutter speed.
I think I'll look into getting a second machine then :) thanks

In relation to FPS is there an easy to use script that will remove duplicate frames from the a clip? If for instance I have a clip that is currently 30fps but the source from which it was encoded was only 15fps, thus making every second frame a duplicate.
I thought it'd be a smart move if one could remove the duplicate frames first and then interpolate the remaining frames (15) to 30 while keeping the audio in sync?
If the duplicate frames are consistent throughout then you only need this:

SelectEven() [or SelectOdd()]