meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

Back to the original topic, I've updated the QuickTGMC post in the thread to the latest version v3.31. This version has some speed increases (the ChromaMotion setting mainly, default for all presets up to "Slow"). I've also uploaded a zip of the collected plugins and system files needed for QuickTGMC, so you can be sure you have the latest/correct versions of everything.

This version contains the last of the smaller tweaks that I want to make to QuickTGMC, for now. There are few real problems being raised at d9 so I guess it's working now. I do have some larger scale developments, most notably some GPU-side things, but they're a long way off. Which means I want turn my attention to MeguIVit again in a week or so... ...hopefully anyway...
To all who will update manually meguIVit... Don't made my mistake...
Well, don't del all the dll in the

Sandbox\meguIV\\Virtual\MODIFIED\@SYSDRIVE@\meguIV\Avisynth 2.5\plugins

Since you will need TUnsharp.

some time, I may be too presumptuous ... To err is human. :exhausted:
I thought it had a good reason ...

Blaise Pascal said: "The heart has reasons that reason cannot know." :study:
Thank you Mr. Vitreous for that clarification.
Hello. I watch 60fps video. that's great.

I want to create 60fps vid. but, so difficult.
I use dgbob.dll avisynth plug-in. this is simple. in avi synth script write.


I try encoding. but, uum, so so quaility.
please teach good 60fps encoding plug-in and settings.
please teach good 60fps encoding plug-in and settings.
If you just want to rip a DVD then download MeguIV from the first post in this thread and follow the instructions.
You can download MeguIVit to make things faster. Again read the instructions.

Or if you want to do things manually, then download QuickTGMC. The instructions for QuickTGMC are in the zip file.
If you just want to rip a DVD then download MeguIV from the first post in this thread and follow the instructions.
You can download MeguIVit to make things faster. Again read the instructions.

Or if you want to do things manually, then download QuickTGMC. The instructions for QuickTGMC are in the zip file.

I just finished building a new I7 computer so I was anxious to start converting some ISO files to 60fps mkv's, but I'm always getting avisynth error crashes when I use the placebo presets.

Try the alternate versions at the bottom of the MeguIVit post.

Are the errors immediate or after a random amount of time. What is the error message? Do the other presets work?
Mr Vitreous,

I immersed myself in reading the documentation QuickTGMC v3.31. And if I have any good follow-up: the variable "NoiseBypass" is replaced by "NoiseProcess".
So one question bothers me. In the section addressing the "Noise Bypass / Denoising" is there not a mix between the old and the new variable ?
I think this problem is also found in the examples given in addition.
If this is not the case, I apologize for my incompetence ... I really do my utmost to move forward each day but the road is long, narrow and strewn with pitfalls.

Another question, I'm really sorry.

The variable "NoisePreset" is used only with EZDenoise, EZKeepGrain or can it also be used on the "Full Settings" by setting all other variables manually, ie: NoiseRestore / GrainRestore / ChromaNoise / StabilizeNoise / Sigma / Denoiser / DenoiseMC ... ? Has it really useful in this case?

NoiseProcess is just a rename for NoiseBypass, it is exactly the same. I did forget to update the examples in the HTML - it should always say "NoiseProcess".
NoisePreset can be used with quick settings (EZxxxx) or with full settings.

Stop apologizing. And don't even think about apologizing for apologizing... :evil:
Hi Mr.Vitreous,

I used ShowNoise to have the noise level and set a Sigma.
But how to determine the Sigma ?

For an expert it should be obvious by cons for a beginner, where do I look ?

I join screenshots what I got that one can talk about something concrete.

Is "ChromaNoise" offering a real plus to the video ? I did some tests with ChromaNoise enabled and disabled. I do not know maybe where to look.

Ps:I will not apologize to apologize... :innocence:

:whisper: Finally, it is possible that in a moment of weakness ...

Thanks a lot for your help.
First you don't need to set Sigma if you use the "EZ" settings, they do everything automatically - you only need choose NoisePreset for quality level. I recommend the EZ settings for most cases - I use them often.

For both Sigma and EZ, the ShowNoise feature will show you what noise is being extracted from the source. It is mainly useful when you are trying to denoise. It is not particularly important when you are trying to keep grain. Generally, you don't want to see strong edges or clear detail when you are denoising, or that detail may be removed or weakened. But it's not a fixed rule. I only added the feature for my own debugging and left it in for those who like to experiment.

However, the idol vids here are not especially noisy. You rarely need to denoise much so viewing the noise is not really necessary. Just set a value and compare. The noise settings are more important for people with poor source material.

Chroma noise is also mainly for people with poor source material. Video transfers often have chroma noise. It's not very relevant here at AO.
Hello Mr Vitreous,

I know. You'll tell yourself: once again He's a real pain in the neck! ...:sigh:
I tried your new QuickTGMC3.31. I did many tests and I can not get rid of all evil and ugly effect of halos or mix of colors ...
At first, I thought it was from a value too high for MatchEnhance.
So, I declined and then removed altogether but nay!
This problem persists.
Moreover, it is not specific to a given video because I get the same symptoms on other videos.
I am attaching an example. As far as what may, I wish to avoid using EC because I realized that it erased much of the Details/Grain that I worked so hard to put forward / Keep... :rainyday:

In advance, thank you for your concern.
Without source-match QTGMC will introduce or strengthen halos like that. That is why I introduced edge cleaning as a way of reducing such halos. However, with source match, QTGMC will not introduce halos unless you use too much sharpness. Source-match uses a lower sharpness setting of 0.2 (because it matches to the source sharpness). Don't raise that much over 0.4. Better to leave MatchEnhance alone for the same reason - you can get a better enhancing effect with EZKeepGrain if you really want to do that.

So if you are using source-match and a sensible sharpness then those halos are in the source. It is not uncommon, for example Imouto videos from around a year ago were terrible in this regard (they are much better now). The only way to fix it is to dehalo. My edge cleaning script is a fairly delicate dehaloer - it only affects edges so detail elsewhere is untouched. It also avoids complex areas. Try this variation:
EdgeClean( Radius=1.0, DehaloRad=2.5)

Or experiment with other dehaloers. But yes, dehaloing is likely to kill some detail that your source-match has tried hard to retain. I find eyes are particularly affected.

I very rarely use dehaloing or edge cleaning any more. I use source-match always and if I see halos in the source then I'm careful with sharpness (I usually sharpen a little otherwise). Bear in mind that some people like the effect of "super-sharpness" that halos bring.
Thanks again for your hard work.

I am a little confused as to what to do with QuickTGMC 3.31. In the past, updates to meguIVit were a simple matter of unzipping and replacing the sandbox.

Installing QuickTGMC seems a lot more manual (and knowing my own noobness, I'll prolly screw it up).

Would you recommend my installing QuickTGMC 3.31, or can I continue to use meguIVit 0.2.1?

0.2.1 has been rock solid for me ... although I lust after more speed if at all possible.

QuickTGMC is only for those who use MeGUI manually. It's updated quite frequently with new features. MeguIVit, the one-click solution, is updated less often. I have finished up with other things and I am looking at building a new version of MeguIVit soon, which will include the latest QuickTGMC. So you should wait a little. This next version will be more flexible, but I don't know about the speed comparison because there has been a huge amount of change in the various plugins needed for MeguIVit (I haven't used vanilla MeguIVit 2.1 for a long time). I doubt it will be slower though.
MeguIVit 1.0.0 beta-1

Here's a beta of the new MeguIVit, my variant of MeguIV (It's finally reached version 1!). Still missing a couple of intended features but it's fully functional.
First I'd like to test if it works at all for other people.

Download MeguIVit 1.0.0 beta-1

[EDIT] Go to this post for the latest working beta. The instructions below still apply though.

Installation as usual:
- Download MeguIV from the first post in this thread
- Delete any Sandbox folder in the same folder as MeguIV
- Extract the MeguIVit zip file, which creates a new Sandbox
- Run MeguIV (which is now magically transformed)


A lot of new features:
- Can rip any source: DVD, mp4, avi, wmv, mpg, mov, it will eat nearly anything.... including Blu-rays [give it the m2ts files from the BDMV\STREAM folder]
- Exposes most of the features of QuickTGMC: noise-processing/smoothing/source-match/shutter-blur, as well as the usual presets.
- Plus other processes: motion interpolation (turn 30fps into 60fps), levels adjustment, edge cleaning
- Thread management to get best performance/stability.
- Can trim output for removing ads or doing test rips
- Accepts progressive sources to help repair bad rips or to double the frame rate, denoise, whatever...

- Spits out some sources (e.g. some older AVIs). I'm looking into it.
- Avisynth doesn't support Unicode, so video filenames should be in your own language (a simplification, but you get the idea).
- I've already noticed and fixed an issue with odd sized source videos (e.g. 640x478) for the next version.
- It doesn't save your processing settings, you need to set them each time. I will add some more preset coding for this.
- I might yet add dual rips (30fps+60fps rip in one go), some more presets and a preview window. Dunno though...
- Will probably crash / not work at all because that always happens when I release something.


No time for full instructions. [Edit] Just a couple of quick pointers:
- There are extensive tooltips on the new processing tab. Just hover over things...
- To give it a test drive, set trims for a quick rip (e.g. 0 & 1000)
- The x264 preset "[Vit] 480p 60fps Quality-D [Neutral]" is equivalent to the default for the last version.
- Higher x264 Quality levels capture the rip more accurately, but with a slightly larger filesize. Quality A is about 1.5x size of Quality D.
- The [Detail] x264 variants focus on detail, but may capture some grain. Good for the exacting precison of source-match.
- [Smooth] versions are designed for denoised sources or for a less grainy look.

Here's a pictorial guide to the basics:


[fullattach]433622[/fullattach] [fullattach]433846[/fullattach]

[fullattach]433847[/fullattach] [fullattach]433848[/fullattach]
totally worth the wait vit, cant wait to try it out.
again, we (one-click rippers) are so lucky that you like what you like and do what you do. thanks for all the time and effort.
i tried meguIVit 1.0.0 beta1 just before on a DVD VOB source and got the following error messages. i had messed around with a couple of settings initially and used a 1000 frame and 2000 frame trim but closing and reopening the program and touching nothing gave the same message.
