Missing Hentai - ero animations which have not been found yet...

Damn now the bad part,my utatane died....When i open the program few min. and utatane closing automatically...I hope just a virus or something and i can fix....Now i scanning my pc -_-
I hope you can fix the problem soon, Mugesz. In the meantime, here is a pre-alpha list with anime as you requested. Please check it carefully and let me know what data works for you, what not, what's incorrect, and what needs to be improved. This list only covers a few ero-anime from before 1990. All have already existing rips which could be improved. For the moment it's only to know how to develop the list in the future.
his Utatane died, I don´t even get mine working, seems to be a Norton Internet Security problem which I still cannot figure out, damned firewall...
Actually, I meant it is not easily available. I know it's on emule. Some years ago, I tried for several months to download it and was unable to do it, not even a little bit. I tried the two part version and that version, while it took a long time to download, is more or less easily available. I think that anime would benefit from a single file Japanese DVD version instead of a mixed Italian/Japanese version which is not easily available and which quality is not known. That's why I put it on the list. But if Mugesz considers that it should not be there, then I'll remove it. It's great to have your feedback on this list. Only that way it can be improved.
Actually, I meant it is not easily available. I know it's on emule. Some years ago, I tried for several months to download it and was unable to do it, not even a little bit. I tried the two part version and that version, while it took a long time to download, is more or less easily available. I think that anime would benefit from a single file Japanese DVD version instead of a mixed Italian/Japanese version which is not easily available and which quality is not known. That's why I put it on the list. But if Mugesz considers that it should not be there, then I'll remove it. It's great to have your feedback on this list. Only that way it can be improved.

I check the full list when i can fix my utatane....atm i download this ita+jap dub version senya ichiya monogatari from emule because have 15 source :)
Well, if it's easily available now, then it should not be on the list unless the quality is poor. I'll remove it from the next version.
How do you think the rest of the criteria for anime works? For example, with the Little Mermaid Series and Barabanba.
Well, if it's easily available now, then it should not be on the list unless the quality is poor. I'll remove it from the next version.
How do you think the rest of the criteria for anime works? For example, with the Little Mermaid Series and Barabanba.

Dunno why but now my utatane working O_o but i still scanning my pc...From the little mermaid series and barabanba same files on utatane too atm...
and now i need to adding files again -_- but when the source not online i cant add and im very tired today....
Ohh and i forgot you can try winmx program too redrooster,because you can connect to the same servers.But for me winmx not working XD
With WinMX I get the typical sequence:

1/ Search for files (with non-unicode text, how nice!)
2/ Get few hits
3/ Launch file request
4/ The source disappears after a while (most of the time immediatly)
5/ ??????
6/ Close WinMX because it doesn't do shit. NO PROFIT

Sometimes after a very long time I was getting some progress, but in the end it really looks like Utatane in terms of "sharing".
It is actually possible to search Unicode files, specifically Japanese characters, in Winmx. The problem is that is a pain in the butt to configure and use it, which is why I normally don't use it, but nonetheless it is possible.
I always use microsoft applocale if i can :) dunno winmx accept applocale or no,but utatane accept and share too.
Winny not accept XD
Theoretically, Winmx does work with Microsoft AppLocale, at least that's what several resources state. I'll test it and, if it works, I'll probably be using Winmx more often to try to get rare animations. Right now I'm using Regional and Language Settings to make it work which is quite annoying.
I have tested Winmx with AppLocale and it works far better than using Language Settings.

Now, another two ero-anime from the list:

106 果実アニメーション『Ichiziku(いちじく) 花びら満開』
107 果実アニメーション『Mango(マンゴー) 破廉恥』

Title: Kajitsu Animation (果実アニメーション)
Studio: Fuck Enterprise (FUCKエンタープライズ) / Fuku Enterprise (FUKUエンタープライズ)

Kajitsu Animation: Ichiziku - Hanabira Mankai (果実アニメーション 『Ichiziku(いちじく) 花びら満開』)
Kajitsu Animation: Mango - Harenchi (果実アニメーション 『Mango( マンゴー) 破廉恥』)

I was unable to get much of this one. In fact, I got more confused as I found two different names for the company. Which one is the real deal, I know not. I don't even know if it's a motion comic or a real animation. The fact that I've found more than one source tells me that it's likely that it is an animation, perhaps something along the lines of Youbi Mazo Animation.

What I was able to gather is that this is a fruit-themed product: Kajitsu Animation is Fruit animation, "Ichiziku" is a fig (German: Echte Feige, French: Figuier commun, Hungarian: Fügefa) and "Mango" is, uh, a mango. I'm sure it will be hard to find.

I think the fruit symbolism in the cover is clear enough ...
And mango is very close to another name meaning something from the female anatomy, just replace g with k.

Lemon and ichigo (strawberries) are so tasty :full:
Now a couple of surprising ones (because they shouldn't have been so hard to find)...

H055 sakura no mori 櫻の杜幽霊研究会危機一髪 30.07.1999 Allure - Mediabank (see 108 too)
H108 sakura no mori 櫻の杜 Vol.2 お嬢さまのひ・み・つ (see 055 too)

Title: Sakura no Mori (櫻の杜)
Release date: 1999-07-30, 1999-08-27
Studio: Allure / Nippon Onkou (日本音光) ?
Distributor: Active (アクティブ) / Happinet Pictures (ハピネット・ピクチャーズ)
Standard number: ACV-001, ACV-003
Length: 50 mins., 53 mins.

1999-07-30; Sakura no Mori Vol.1: Yuurei Kenkyuukai Kikiippatsu (櫻の杜【Vol.1】幽霊研究会危機一髪)
1999-08-27; Sakura no Mori Vol.2: Ojou no Hi·Mi·Tsu (櫻の杜【Vol.2】 お嬢のひ・み・つ)

I think that you should have noticed that the data is quite similar to Misato-chan no Yume Nikki. Indeed, this is the same thing as that one: an anime adaptation of an ero-game by the same company nonetheless. Why do I think that a rip of them should have been easier to find? Check the last links.


A few images from the VHS and the VCDs.
DLsite material? O.K., I´ll modify the list next time reg. that.

As at least part 1 is in share and I could watch a preview let me say: it´s an awful motion comic... (have to add that too).