Ok. Do you want it with only ero-anime or also including rare anime or only selected anime?
If you can add rare anime too good for me
Title 08 Ep4 part.2 complete,soon i upload to mu.
Ok. Do you want it with only ero-anime or also including rare anime or only selected anime?
Senya Ichiya Monogatari (千夜一夜物語)
you want the 1,6GB version with italian dub?
Actually, I meant it is not easily available. I know it's on emule. Some years ago, I tried for several months to download it and was unable to do it, not even a little bit. I tried the two part version and that version, while it took a long time to download, is more or less easily available. I think that anime would benefit from a single file Japanese DVD version instead of a mixed Italian/Japanese version which is not easily available and which quality is not known. That's why I put it on the list. But if Mugesz considers that it should not be there, then I'll remove it. It's great to have your feedback on this list. Only that way it can be improved.
Well, if it's easily available now, then it should not be on the list unless the quality is poor. I'll remove it from the next version.
How do you think the rest of the criteria for anime works? For example, with the Little Mermaid Series and Barabanba.
A few images from the VHS and the VCDs.