Missing Hentai - ero animations which have not been found yet...

Ok i post what i find on utatane:

010: (18禁アニメ) あさってDANCE(CV菊地正美&折笠愛).avi Size: 133.524.268
010: (18禁アニメ) あさってDANCE2 [41m38s 640x480 DivX5].avi Size: 231.714.532
029: (18禁アニメ) ジュリエット [27m45s 640x480 DivX502+MP3].avi Size: 395.568.650
036: (18禁アニメ) [レトロ] キャッツ愛 ミルキィギャル1 [30m07s 352x240 DivX4+MP3].avi Size: 140.431.360
080: (18禁アニメ) スケ番商会 キューティレモン PART 03 『ラストセレナーデ』 [24m58s 720x480 DivX4] [CRC32_84D34179].avi Size: 244.103.824
111: [18禁アニメ] 淫魔大都市Ⅲ 「淫魔蘇生編」 (DVD DivX5.02 640x480)再エンコ改良版 [CRC32_44902833].avi Size: 252.907.028
111: (18禁アニメ) 淫魔大都市 Ⅲ.avi Size: 286.228.480
005: 【18禁アニメ】等身大マイラバー ~ミナミ対メカミナミ~.avi Size: 248.477.696
003: (18禁アニメ) [レトロ] 青い体験1 [20m51s 352x240].mpg Size: 218.105.076
004: (18禁アニメ) [レトロ] 青い体験2 [23m16s 352x240].mpg Size: 243.504.072
015: (18禁アニメ) ドール沙綾 [21m49s 320x240 Mpeg4v2].avi Size: 125.966.192
015: 18禁アニメ) ドール沙綾.avi Size: 221.027.592
018: [アニメ] 魔龍戦記1.avi Size: 252.973.086
018: [アニメ] 魔龍戦記2.avi Size: 242.070.016
077: (18禁アニメ+実写) オリジナルC・V・P(コミックビデオピクチャー) モモコ 第1話「性女伝説」 (640x480 120fps DivX5.11).avi Size: 309.908.416
063: (18禁アニメ)(無修正) SHOCKING PINK GIRL MoMoKo モモコ Vol.1 「モモコをさがせ!」 [41m09s 320x240 Mpeg4v2 29.97fps 128Kbps 48KHz](2).avi Size: 234.573.966
117: (18禁アニメ) 電気夢想花 下巻 (DVD 640x480 QB93 WMV9 16m17s) [CRC32_69ECD1A6].wmv Size: 282.660.145
033: (18禁アニメ) リトルマーメイドシリーズ ステージ3 PUNKY FUNKY BABY [640x480].avi Size: 177.178.978
065: (18禁アニメ) (通常物) 独身アパートどくだみ荘 1 (50m31s 640x480 DivX502).avi Size: 252.034.124
055: 【18禁アニメ】 [さ] 櫻の杜 Vol.1 幽霊研究会危機一髪.avi Size: 213.424.128
108: (18禁アニメ) 櫻の杜 Vol.02 「お嬢のひ・み・つ」.avi Size: 220.725.760
091: 【女王様】 【BOOKSオリオン】 【夢屋】 妖美マゾアニメーション 女権都市の囚人~あるマゾヒストの夢~Part.1.mpg Size: 331.550.720
086: (18禁アニメ) みさとちゃんの夢日記.avi Size: 112.939.008
086: (18禁アニメ) みさとちゃんの夢日記(字幕).avi Size: 592.892.204

And i find all futari gurashi eps too...
I hope you can get the elusive PUNKY FUNKY BABY episode of the Little Mermaid Series, Mugesz. That's incredibly hard to find. Same with Cutie Lemon #3, Milky Gal Vol.1: Cats Ai, and the Aoi Taiken episodes.

088 変態ウェイトレス視姦妄想・小暮美香~今、ファミレスが変態調教の場と化す!~

Title: Hentai Waitress Shikan Mousou Kogure Mika: Ima, Famiresu ga Hentai Choukyou no Ba to Kasu! (変態ウェイトレス視姦妄想・小暮美香~今、ファミレスが変態調教の場と化す!~)
Studio: Dress (ルビー)
Standard number: HK-02

Not much I could find about this one. Only already dead Yahoo Auction links. All clues point out to be a Motion Comic, just like the other product from Dress, so it shouldn't be a priority.

089 女学院シリーズ第1弾『聖クレア女学院物語』

Not a lot about this one that elgringo14 hadn't posted before. The romanization would be Jogakuin Series dai 1 dan: Sei Claire Jogakuin Monogatari (女学院シリーズ第1弾『聖クレア女学院物語』) but all the first part is not really necessary since that is more related to the brand than the title itself.

Title: Sei Claire Jogakuin Monogatari (聖クレア女学院物語)
Release date: 2000-04-29
Studio: DD
Length: 50 mins.
Original work: Taka Bo (TAKA坊)

The best info about comes from elgringo14. Once again, not a true anime but an "Adult Video Comic"
I dont know but maybe i can dl milky gal and sakura no mori ep1 later when the source online.Punky funky baby hard because the source not answer me...
On utatane too:
127: (18禁アニメ) [レトロ] ラブリーリシーズ 宇宙元年.wmv Size: 185.589.184
006: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ ミユキちゃんSOS Hしちゃうゾ DivX [352x240].avi Size: 144.040.794
026: 【18禁アニメ】 江戸艶ばなし (一)「紙入れ -知らぬは亭主ばかりなり-」 《640x480 DivX5》.avi Size: 303.443.968
031: 18禁ゲーム) [030214] 鏡花水月.avi Size: 223.628.988
034: (18禁アニメ) Love2 ポリス (DVD 640x480 QB95 DivX5.02) [CRC32_B09C3089].avi Size: 250.203.158 i hope this the right file
064: (18禁アニメ) サイレントチェイサー狩神.avi Size: 52.545.536
070: (18禁アニメ) 井原西鶴 好色一代男 (640x480 24fps DivX5.05 VHS 53m56s).avi Size: 458.935.256
003: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) 青い体験 オレンジビデオハウス 原作 羽中ルイかなりレア お姉さんがいとこの少年に性器をみせて性教育 640x480.avi Size: 235.665.408

And i posted Toushindai My Lover Minami Tai Mecha Minami torrent in other places because dlsite material i cant post here.I hope you find it if not send me pm.

Ohh guys good news someone sending me punky funky baby because he need gu gu ganmo ep8! \o/

and i find this (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) ラブリーシリーズ創世記.mpg Size: 240.536.324 i dont know it's 112 美少女SFアニメラブリーシリーズ第2弾『創世記』SF Lolita Fantasy 「OME-2」 or other stuff? Anyone can help me?
Punky Funky Baby complete :) Later i making torrent...Sorry i not making right now i dont want to kill my utatane upload to the source...He sharing with me more files.Now i downloading other stuff.
I never thought that list could be useful someday.

Please be patient, collecting the stuff is more important than posting it atm.
Whoa that's too much to digest :rofl:

I'll try to search for additional stuff...that's all I can do...

Yes (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) ラブリーシリーズ創世記 is #112

What is the user name that seems to share his files ?

I think it's also useful that you put which user has the files you listed, because one can get a full list of what he has.

I'll post some info about this later.
Whoa that's too much to digest :rofl:

I'll try to search for additional stuff...that's all I can do...

Yes (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) ラブリーシリーズ創世記 is #112

What is the user name that seems to share his files ?

I think it's also useful that you put which user has the files you listed, because one can get a full list of what he has.

I'll post some info about this later.

I know but if you search you see the source.I not posting the source because always other the source.But if you want the source names here are:
intel,mau-mau,Megastation later maybe more source.
Ohh guys good news someone sending me punky funky baby because he need gu gu ganmo ep8! \o/

Who would've thought that getting Ganmo would help getting Punky Funky Baby? On top of that, that was the first episode that we got of Ganmo. A very curious coincidence.

Please be patient, collecting he stuff is more important than posting it atm.
redrooster is right. We can always wait for the files but getting rare files can not, since there is a chance that the sources won't be there later, so it's better not to risk your good connection by seeding torrents. Take as much time as you need, Mugesz.

090 ANIME 女郎めろう MELLOW

This OVA is not adult restricted but undoubtedly must have a lot of fan-service. It's title is slightly incorrect. It should be 女郎(めろう), but the part between parentheses is not part of the title properly. That's only the Furigana to indicate how the Kanji should be read, because normally 女郎 (prostitute) is read as "jorou", but in this case めろう tells us that it must be read as "merou", which is a pun since that's how "Mellow" would sound with Japanese Katakana. You can see clearly in the jacket that "Mellow" appears to complete the pun.

Title: Merou (Mellow) (女郎)
Release date: 1993-07-23
Length: 46 mins.
Director: Teruo Kogure (木暮輝夫)
Original work: Rin Kasahara (笠原 倫)
Standard number: JSVA22224

The OVA was only released on VHS apparently. I did not find it on Share but it may be tricky since "女郎" and "Mellow" could both be used for the title. Even the manga has both word in the covers.

A few of links and an image of the cover

I search this title too but nothing...Now utatane slow maybe because my isp p2p blocking again XD But the file coming so i dont care :) I hope i can download completely.So maybe my next torrent tomorrow ---> 006 あにめラマ ミユキちゃんSOS Hしちゃうゾ
みさとちゃんの夢日記 - misato chan no yume nikki - this one has bumped in Share, it´s incomplete atm, seems to be a 1997 VHS video release of a game, did not find a cover yet though.

file name: (18禁アニメ) みさとちゃんの夢日記.avi
hash: f8ba32f4651b2050eb14c559763e31c6cbb66358
088: (18禁アニメ) コミックビデオ 変態ウェイトレス視姦妄想~小暮美香~ DivX5].avi Size: 60.870.062
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第01話 「SCHOOL ILLUSION」 [20m30s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 141.621.248
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第02話 「FALLING GIRL」 [19m18s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 133.040.128
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第03話 「家庭教師」 [21m28s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 134.486.016
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第04話 「体育教師」 [21m09s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 108.158.976
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第05話 「FRIEND PARTY」 [22m00s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 137.281.536
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第06話 「みないで」 [18m41s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 100.278.272

I dont know 110 is a right stuff or no :)
088: (18禁アニメ) コミックビデオ 変態ウェイトレス視姦妄想~小暮美香~ DivX5].avi Size: 60.870.062
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第01話 「SCHOOL ILLUSION」 [20m30s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 141.621.248
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第02話 「FALLING GIRL」 [19m18s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 133.040.128
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第03話 「家庭教師」 [21m28s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 134.486.016
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第04話 「体育教師」 [21m09s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 108.158.976
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第05話 「FRIEND PARTY」 [22m00s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 137.281.536
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第06話 「みないで」 [18m41s 640x480 DivX502].avi Size: 100.278.272

I dont know 110 is a right stuff or no :)

110 is a Motion Comic, there are others with a higher priority, but what we can get should be got.
125: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ まなみの未知との遭入!? ムチムチ探偵大冒険!!(注:実写とアニメの組み合わせ).avi Size: 148.221.288
059: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ ごっくんドール 超次元ピッコちゃん登場!!(注:実写とアニメの組み合わせ).avi Size: 156.240.896
060: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ みなみの私のハートにタッチして [352x240 DivX4].avi Size: 149.881.244

I not dling all this stuff what i posting here :p I just posting what i find.Some files hard to dl because one user have and he not share with non japanese user.And i hope this file names help you guys searching for other place + i dont need always check what i find :D

Ohh and if you guys have priority what i can get first tell me.
みさとちゃんの夢日記 - misato chan no yume nikki - this one has bumped in Share, it´s incomplete atm, seems to be a 1997 VHS video release of a game, did not find a cover yet though.

file name: (18禁アニメ) みさとちゃんの夢日記.avi
hash: f8ba32f4651b2050eb14c559763e31c6cbb66358

The covers that I posted here:
...are the actual VHS covers. Are the links to the larger images not working? If not, let me know and I'll upload them again.
151: (18禁同人アニメ) GET YOUR LOVE [11m05s 640x480 DivX502+MP3].avi Size: 145.658.664

Last file i searched all titles from the missing list :death:
jfgslo or someone can find more info from this titles:
006,059,060,125,127,129,130 ?
no 063 Shocking Pink Girl Momoko or no 032 Kyuukyoku no Chef wa Oishinbo Papa been found?

That´s truly very SHOCKING...
no 063 Shocking Pink Girl Momoko or no 032 Kyuukyoku no Chef wa Oishinbo Papa been found?

That´s truly very SHOCKING...

I just find Momoko ep1 but very rare...atm no source.

Kyuukyoku no Chef wa Oishinbo Papa i found just the manga nothing more :/