Missing Hentai - ero animations which have not been found yet...

the list seems to be the source of information atm, I even updated it 3 times yesterday due to the reason to keep the information at last known standings...
Lucky day other source sending Aoi Taiken ep1 :)

Looks like i find 066 Star of David Ep3:

066: (18禁アニメ) 堕靡泥の星(だびでのほし) 第3弾 「陰獣の砦」 [41m43s 320x240 Mpeg4v2].avi Size: 256.187.018

I know it's new Hentai but i already found:
Yokorenbo: Immoral Mother Release date: 09.09.25
#(2009年09月新作)(18禁アニメ) 横恋母~Immoral Mother~ 上巻 (DVD DivX6.50 120fps 704x396).avi Size: 291.501.444

Mitama: Nin Release date 09.09.25
#(2009年09月新作)(18禁アニメ) 横御魂~忍~ 巻の二 (DVD DivX6.50 120fps 704x396).avi Size: 299.660.894

Makai Tenshi Djibril 3 Release date 09.09.25
(18禁アニメ) [090925] 魔界天使ジブリール3 Vol.1 見参!ジブリール・ゼロ (DVD DivX6.50 120fps 704x396).avi Size: 320.756.488
027: (18禁アニメ) 保健室で逢いましょう 特別版  [DVD 640x480 DivX5.02]E8E5DA8F.avi Size: 509.298.018
027: (18禁アニメ) 保健室で逢いましょう.avi size: 160.134.144

I trying some incomplete files from share on utatane maybe i can complete lol
Here we go. This is an recompiled list of files found on Utatane network so far , matching files of the master list, and not downloaded yet.
I collected whatever Mugesz posted here, cross-checked with what I found on my own (new files in red), there is only the best version for each episode.

04: (18禁アニメ) 青い体験2 [23m16s 352x240].mpg 243504072
08: (18禁DVGアニメ) 痴漢タクシー~白い病棟~ [DVD] (23m20s 640x480 WMV9+WMA 191.8Kbps).wmv 309292141
09: (18禁アニメ) COLLECTOR 1 「影牢」「触欲」「赫い雪」 (collector ep1).avi 102787072
10: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あさってDANCE [43m35s 320x240 Mpeg4v2].avi 133524268
10: (18禁アニメ) あさってDANCE2 [41m38s 640x480 DivX5].avi 231714532
18: [アニメ] 魔龍戦記1.avi 252973086
18: [アニメ] 魔龍戦記2.avi 242070016
26: (18禁アニメ) 江戸艶ばなし(えどえろばなし) 「紙入れ -知らぬは亭主ばかりなり-」 [640x480 DivX505].avi 303443968
27: (18禁アニメ) 保健室で逢いましょう 特別版  [DVD 640x480 DivX5.02]E8E5DA8F.avi 509298018
29: (18禁アニメ) ジュリエット [27m45s 640x480 DivX502+MP3].avi 395568650
31: 18禁ゲーム) [030214] 鏡花水月.avi 223628988
34: (18禁アニメ) LOVE2 ポリス(DVD DivX5.02 QB95 640x480).avi 250203158
36: (18禁アニメ) キャッツ愛 ~3人の美少たち~ [VHS 30m12s 640x480 Mpeg4v2].avi 337677932
37: (18禁アニメ) MILKY Passion 道玄坂愛の城 (VHS DivX5.11 24fps 640x480 27m38s).avi 306569510
53: (15禁アニメ) ぷッつんメイクLOVE 2 女子部潜入!グッチョン・フォーカス !!(雨宮 淳) (MS-MPEG4 V3 320x240).avi 150441984
53: (15禁アニメ) ぷッつんメイクLOVE 3 あっちも!こっちも?ぷっつん三角関係(雨宮 淳) (MS-MPEG4 V3 320x240).avi 144178688
53: (15禁アニメ) ぷッつんメイクLOVE 4 呪いのゲレンデ 恐ふの城華山荘(雨宮 淳) (MS-MPEG4 V3 320x240).avi 145517056
53: (15禁アニメ) ぷッつんメイクLOVE 5 さおりと勇司の夏物語(雨宮 淳) (MS-MPEG4 V3 320x240).avi 153351168
53: (15禁アニメ) ぷッつんメイクLOVE 6 由希の初恋大運動会!(雨宮 淳) (MS-MPEG4 V3 320x240).avi 151045120

55: (18禁アニメ) 櫻の杜 Vol.01 「幽霊研究会危機一髪」.avi 213424128
59: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ ごっくんドール 超次元ピッコちゃん登場!!(注:実写とアニメの組み合わせ).avi 156240896
60: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ みなみの私のハートにタッチして [352x240 DivX4].avi 149881244
63: (18禁アニメ)(無修正) SHOCKING PINK GIRL MoMoKo モモコ Vol.1 「モモコをさがせ!」 [41m09s 320x240 Mpeg4v2 29.97fps 128Kbps 48KHz](2).avi 234573966
64: (18禁アニメ) サイレントチェイサー狩神.avi 52545536
65: (18禁アニメ) (通常物) 独身アパートどくだみ荘 1 (50m31s 640x480 DivX502).avi 252034124
65: 【アニメ】 独身アパートどくだみ荘Ⅱ.avi 224150982
65: 【アニメ】 独身アパートどくだみ荘Ⅲ.avi 274936186
66: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) 堕靡泥の星 第三弾 陰獣の砦 [41m43s 320x240 Mpeg4v2].avi 256187018
70: (18禁アニメ) 井原西鶴 好色一代男 (VHS Divx5.05 24fps 640x480 53m56s).avi 458935256
77: (18禁アニメ+実写) オリジナルC・V・P(コミックビデオピクチャー) モモコ 第1話「性女伝説」 (640x480 120fps DivX5.11).avi 309908416
86: みさとちゃんの夢日記(字幕).avi 592892204
88: (18禁アニメ) コミックビデオ 変態ウェイトレス視姦妄想~小暮美香~ DivX5].avi 60870062
91: 【女王様】 【BOOKSオリオン】 【夢屋】 妖美マゾアニメーション 女権都市の囚人~あるマゾヒストの夢~Part.1.mpg 331550720
98: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) 愛しのベティ 魔物語 (DivX5.11 640x480).avi 586360322
108: (18禁アニメ) 櫻の杜 Vol.02 「お嬢のひ・み・つ」.avi 220725760
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第01話 「SCHOOL ILLUSION」 [20m30s 640x480 DivX502].avi 141621248
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第02話 「FALLING GIRL」 [19m18s 640x480 DivX502].avi 133040128
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第03話 「家庭教師」 [21m28s 640x480 DivX502].avi 134486016
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第04話 「体育教師」 [21m09s 640x480 DivX502].avi 108158976
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第05話 「FRIEND PARTY」 [22m00s 640x480 DivX502].avi 137281536
110: 【V】 [18禁アニメ] 淫モラル 001 スクールイリュージョン 第06話 「みないで」 [18m41s 640x480 DivX502].avi 100278272
111: (18禁アニメ) 淫魔大都市Ⅲ [640x480 DivX5 23.98fps].avi 435859456
117: (18禁アニメ) 電気夢想花 下巻 (DVD 640x480 QB93 WMV9 16m17s) [CRC32_69ECD1A6].wmv 282660145
125: (18禁アニメ) (レトロ) あにめラマ まなみの未知との遭入!? ムチムチ探偵大冒険!!(注:実写とアニメの組み合わせ).avi 148221288
127: (18禁アニメ) [レトロ] ラブリーリシーズ 宇宙元年 [24m09s 320x240 Mpeg4v3+WMA].wmv 185589184
151: (18禁同人アニメ) GET YOUR LOVE [11m05s 640x480 DivX502+MP3].avi 145658664

More stuff that is worth downloading:

(18禁アニメ) (レトロ) リトルマーメイドシリーズ 1 裸足の放課後 [24m35s 352x240].mpg 257264476 (since we only have an edited version)
くりぃむレモンクライマックス全集② [50m31s 320x240 DivX4+MP3].avi 225065984
くりぃむレモンクライマックス全集③ [58m40s 320x240 DivX4+MP3].avi 291988992
くりぃむレモンクライマックス全集④ [55m41s 320x240 DivX4+MP3].avi 291358208
くりぃむレモンクライマックス全集⑤ [58m46s 320x240 DivX4+MP3].avi 297101824

Cream Lemon Climax episodes, just for collection

Stuff that I could not identify, it should be some old adult anime:

(18禁アニメ) (レトロ) 靑春 (まんだら屋の 良太) [46m48s 320x240 Mpeg4v3+WMA].avi 163649536
(18禁アニメ) [レトロ] 青春恋物語。The story of youth love [26m12s 320x240 WMV8+WMA].mpg 198091179
(18禁アニメ) サタンドール 悪魔の生贄(最古18禁アニメ)[24m54s 720x480 DivX4]006518F4.avi 186315732
(could it be #02 ???)

There are plenty of alternative versions of already existing episodes, but this is way too much, priority goes for rare files first.
There is still some unconsistency in the list, #127 is indeed the first episode of #124, or so to say 美少女SFアニメ ラブリー・シリーズ 創世記 and ラブリーシリーズ宇宙元年 are just the two episodes of "Lovely Series". You can say #124 is one episode only then.
list reg. 127 corrected, but I leave them as two entries now giving a link to the other, 124 then is finished already. What did elgringo14 say about a weekend long long ago? "you seem to be bored. This is too good to be true", if I remember correctly, I did not even check that double thread weekend with Super Adult Anime - The Satisfaction スーパーアダルトアニメ 『ザ・サティスファクション』 to still know...
thx, downloading it already. Your nick will be mentioned as "courtesy of" as well as I changed it at Beat Shot already.
Hm i have problem on utatane i cant connect for many source...So i cant dl many files because this files only have 1 or 2 source...My connection not the best...
The source names i cant connect:

and many more....So please guys use utatane...My japanese language shit,but you see i can dl files.If need help i can help.
And there's still much to come... ^__^ But I don't want to announce anything in advance, since someone here may found it somewhere sooner than we manage to release it... ^_^;;

I hesitated to ask you about upcoming releases, because I was sure you would answer something like that :snicker2:

Anyway, following Mugesz's advices, I managed to get my first file from Utatane. It's Asatte Dance episode 1 (so it belongs to #10 of the list) !
This file was escaping us since a long time, but now it's complete. 127 MB for 43 mn ain't the best quality ratio, but better than nothing.
I'll upload it later today.
I hesitated to ask you about upcoming releases, because I was sure you would answer something like that :snicker2:

Anyway, following Mugesz's advices, I managed to get my first file from Utatane. It's Asatte Dance episode 1 (so it belongs to #10 of the list) !
This file was escaping us since a long time, but now it's complete. 127 MB for 43 mn ain't the best quality ratio, but better than nothing.
I'll upload it later today.

I hope i can help you more to get the missing files ;) Because you can connect to many source and im not.(thx to my isp -_-)
Damn i cant sleep -_- Now other file complete.

(18禁アニメ) サタンドール 悪魔の生贄(最古18禁アニメ)[24m54s 720x480 DivX4]006518F4.avi 186315732 (could it be #02 ???)

This one complete for me,but i dont know it's 02 or other O_o

I create a thumbnail pic maybe someone can identify.
It's The Satisfaction indeed. Dunno if it looks better than the version we have already. There seems to be an episode preview at the end (for Datenshi-tachi no Kyouen, also uploaded here).
But there is truly a Satan-look-a-like inside :snicker2:

And don't forget to sleep from time to time ...
It's The Satisfaction indeed. Dunno if it looks better than the version we have already. There seems to be an episode preview at the end (for Datenshi-tachi no Kyouen, also uploaded here).
But there is truly a Satan-look-a-like inside :snicker2:

And don't forget to sleep from time to time ...

It's not better,and yep have the datenshi-tachi preview.And i dont know why but in this version the first few min. other...From redrooster file the first few min. in this version the last few min. O_o So the opening and ending animation reversed i dont know why...
Just little info and correction:

26: (18禁アニメ) 江戸艶ばなし(えどえろばなし) 「紙入れ -知らぬは亭主ばかりなり-」 [640x480 DivX505].avi 303443968 This is the first episode.

64: (18禁アニメ) サイレントチェイサー狩神.avi 52545536 Wrong file size...The right one
Size: 163.506.176
recent updates made, there are new versions of the word and txt files.
The Type 90 Gimmix is DLsite material, indeed. At least I don´t need it.

There are 2 versions of it (nanase sama ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま):
(18禁アニメ) ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま vol.2 (640x512 DivX) - 87.5 MB (cut version with only the rest of part.1)
(18禁アニメ) ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま vol.2 (Ver.2 640x512 DivX) - 433 MB = complete part 2.

Did you notice the entry in getchu? release date 01-01-0001 - means never released...
It´s a game in the anime section though what is wrong too. So the getchu entry can be left aside.

please upload that file: (18禁DVGアニメ) 痴漢タクシー~楽園の淫靡な罠~ .wmv

I´ll check what it is then.

Boring day many source offline dont know why...
perhaps they are still at work...
The Type 90 Gimmix is DLsite material, indeed. At least I don´t need it.

There are 2 versions of it (nanase sama ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま):
(18禁アニメ) ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま vol.2 (640x512 DivX) - 87.5 MB (cut version with only the rest of part.1)
(18禁アニメ) ギミックス TYPE.90 ああ、七瀬さま vol.2 (Ver.2 640x512 DivX) - 433 MB = complete part 2.

Did you notice the entry in getchu? release date 01-01-0001 - means never released...
It´s a game in the anime section though what is wrong too. So the getchu entry can be left aside.

please upload that file: (18禁DVGアニメ) 痴漢タクシー~楽園の淫靡な罠~ .wmv

I´ll check what it is then.

perhaps they are still at work...

Hehe,ok i upload soon.
Yeah now my source online and he send ---> (18禁アニメ) 【ギミックス TYPE.90】 ああ、七瀬さま vol.2 [38m00s 640x512 DivX50x+MP3].avi
Size: 454.845.412