New Board Software, New Server

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Another person mentioned Japanese not appearing correctly. This is true in some places.

For example:

Title: 天真爛漫 椎名もも ~完全新作オール未発表~ Blu-ray版

Also, when viewing the main forum page, hovering over a thread will show a preview, which will also not display Japanese correctly.

some are still left over from the way vb screwed things up, if you know what it should read, add it to the post, and if it is in the title of the thread, we will try and do our best to rectify it, there are only a few mods, so some may get missed, so please do not jump on us for it
i like the way things are set up here...
still getting error and other website down MSSG's for slf...
hopefully AO-L will stay up from now on...
It is spoiler instead of hide now

Simple spoiler
Spoiler with a title

[B][B][B][B][B][SPOILER]Simple spoiler[/SPOILER][/B]
[SPOILER=Spoiler Title]Spoiler with a title[/SPOILER]
if you want a working copy, contact me. I've updated it for world-of-hentai so that it will work with the 1.3 version of the like-counter.

Avatars are stretched too. They appear normally on profile pages though.
an admin must follow this fix:
go to admincp -> Appearance -> Design-Name -> Templates
edit in EXTRA.css
remove this lines:
.messageUserBlock .avatar img {
  width: 128px !important;
  height: 128px !important;
Insert this lines:
.messageUserBlock .avatar img {
  max-height: 128px;
  max-width: 128px;
  height: auto !important;
  width: auto !important;
This will resize the image to max 128px in either width or height or both, if aplyable.

Also add this to EXTRA.css:
.messageUserBlock div.avatarHolder .avatar {
  text-align: center;
This will center the avatars, if they are not 128px x 128px

now it will look like this:

AOL won't probably stay up this long.
This hoster is a good one, yes. But there is some content here, that they don't like.
so if s.o. reports it, AOL will be forced to move or will be shut down (we were forced to remove the content, since at that time, we weren't this flexible as we are now)

redrooster: sorry, couldn't stand it not to answer :(
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Nice to have the site back up!
But how do you search through the current forum/thread?( i.e. not via the 'search forums'-button on top)
It was so easy and convenient before, so am I missing how?
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thanks to you guys,this site is important to me,thank you.
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Design is nice, but it's not as easy as it was to browse e.g. torrents and ddl because you have to select subcats and also have no preview image for the threads :(
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Oh, I'm sorry, when I clicked on the link in the message board to read about the new forum/new site, I guess I missed the requirement to ONLY post positive "yesman" comments. "UGLY, UGLY, UGLY" is exactly what it is and my view, my opinion; thus, that's why I posted those words. I'm not constructive enough to sit and evaluate each button, tab, indent, border size, margins, etc. I simple expressed I DO NOT LIKE the new appearance and that their are examples to support what, in my opinion, makes it ugly - such as the blurry thumbnails, etc. Heck, as I type this message there is a huge JAV girl as someone's signature photo "lovely cute Lenfried :bigeyes:" that is probably 8 times bigger than all the thread attachment thumbnails. That's plain crazy.

What was the logic in changing preview attachments links in this different way? And now, the torrent link itself is so small and nearly hidden it's difficult to find. Before, it was great, right there. Just as images.

Oh well.

My words....

I totally totally agree. I nice fairly functional EASY to read and follow and viewable web site to this ... ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
I totally totally agree. I nice fairly functional EASY to read and follow and viewable web site to this ... ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
i don't see a problem so far, but having not found the board in a functional state for ages; i do not remember what it used to look/function like..,
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Akiba online come back, I am very happy!:)
Just like before, I hope torrent with images so that seen in the short time from the category.
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What's the purpose of "Loli is banned at akiba-online" 3x in the Announcements Box ????o_O
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