Not that crying will change anything, but ...
That is the only -- the only -- H-anime I am looking forward to at all. I'm such a manga and doujins man that it's rare for me to find an anime I like. Space Pirate Sarah's fallen off the map. Iris is MIA. And so IOV 2 v.2.0 Episode 2 (so many 2`s, lol!) was my only hope between now and New Year's.
My only hope is that they're delaying it to ensure it lives up to fan expectations. I kid myself by thinking, "Maybe they finished doing the audio recordings and were preparing to do the animation sequences but decided to go back and do more audio recordings after some 'beta testers' (or whatever you would call them) listened to the audio and told the studio, 'Guys!! How come you didn't include this!? And what's up with this? And, and, and!'"
I mean, that's all I can hope, right? That this is being delayed because it's like SSBB, and not delayed because it's like Harry Potter Movie #6.