new releases January + February 2009

This is terrible. Not only can none of this stuff be posted here, but the Discode and Jiburiru are delayed indefinitely. That really, really sucks.
"Originally slated for release on 02/24/2009 was Discode 1.2.3. and Jiburiru: Second Coming Vol. #2. Those titles are now indefinitely delayed"

okay got one thing to say.....
Kitty Media :lols:
Reia looks hotter than ever, and "pregnant tentacles" = awesome so long as they don't have the spaghetti effect. Would be even better if she's actually pregnant.
Hmm, the animation of Helter Skelter look kind of odd...Ben is going the like this one or maybe not (all force gang bang, we'll see :p). I love the way the girls were draw in the game. I was expecting character design to somewhat look like "Ero Manga" quality but I guess I'll lower my standards now that the SS are up. Oh well, still looking forward to it though.
helter skelter looks a bit promising and looking forward for the movie but the game char design was far superior than the H-anime, tengiolt avy was the proof, I wish they can drew her like that in the anime.....
IOV 2, dark reia looking good but how do I deal with the preggy tens :abandoned:

seems this year will be a tentaclefest with many of them in the horizon :omg:, well jiburiru 2 tens were in my tolerance borderline as their tens actually not takes too much space but I wouldn't go near Mahou shoujo Ai :...:
Sakun and definitely Xereul will avoid Ai due to the tentacles and the inner stomach squirming pushing action.
Not even that: I'd pass on Ai based on two main things I just saw from your link:
1) fugly scientist dude (falls into the Jabba the Hutt category), and
2) not that attractive of animation :\ (looks like it's from the late '90s X_x)
^ Ai is too hardcore for me. Stuffing a huge iron rod the size of an electric pole into a woman vagina isn't my thing. There was also that metal drill violating look too painful... D: lol I think I'd compare Ai to Night When Evil Falls; it definitely has some great parts but I wouldn't to keep it on my HD.
Didn't know about that. D:

I also dislike the whole "shoving objects bigger than the woman's thigh up her butt/vagina/etc." In other words, I really disliked the first half of Asagi Episode 2. Giant blue pole, bad. Giant orc dick, bad. -_-;

I just can't suspend my disbelief. But I mean, ffs! A human child passing through the birth canal alone can in some instances cause a woman's downstairs compartments to tear. Hence why episiotomies were invented in the first place, right? To prevent the baby from tearing the vagina into the anus and thereby "ripping the mom a new butthole," literally!

It's funny how each individual's brain works, though. Because here I am, complaining about stuff being unreal and me being oh-so-smartypants about it, yet so many of my fetishes are wholly unrealistic (e.g. corruption). Where do our brains draw their lines between acceptably unrealistic fantasy and unacceptably unrealistic fantasy? Who knows ...
Ai was my 1'st Gen of tens hens...,it was not a very good memory :constipation:
I prefer tens on Inma Seiden:lols:
Helter Skelter seem's nice IMO,no tens detected:relief:

Damn...,Jiburiru & Discode delayed:perhaps:

Never was looking 4ward 4 IOV.
Suvia gonna be a guest star on IOV,but still i'd prefer Suvia animation design.

Hissatsu Chikan get it's uncen ver really fast........:...:
Why they aren't make Ultimatum Sera 1'st?:why:
I know it's a different company. But still...,it's so unfairrrrrr:runintears:

There's still no sign of Iris:donotwant:

Combining all the Despair i got...
I'd say...,Zetsubou Shitaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!~
uh...that isn't Suvia...
i should've guessed that everyone didn't like Ai given how even tentacle loving me only liked the 2nd ep.
i guess when it comes to char designs it's almost always game over anime

Ic...,my mistake then.

Thought it was Suvia.

Ho...,even tengiolt can only stand eps 2:evillaugh:
Hm, I like the Jibril series, but this new one might have too much Yuri for me. I'll have to see how good it is.
It's a DL site material...,but i think it will showed up on TT eventually.
It was released on 31'st Oct.

Nah...,i vever play Yu-Gi-Oh.
But i do watch the anime.

It's not HLL:perhaps:
Funyuu seem's good 2 me:lols:

Oh btw,i saw Tsuima gets it's english version on DL site
Did i miss it? Is it already on TT yet?
the energy source of Suzukimirano´s site is a hamster in an impeller...

at least I managed to catch the cover...
I'm amazed how these cell shaded 3D animation keep progressing, maybe even one day we'll see a full 3D H-animes

regarding SM site, I stopped visiting theirs since tengiolt's link to kimi no na takes 15 minutes to load :ban:
at least this is not another Tensation...

release date today week (12-12-2008) as a WhiteBear release of Media Bank - this seems to be a "best of" - supposed to be the basis of Kitty Media´s release...

I believe Kitty Media was too fast with the release date, they seem to have received the source material too late and there is not enough time to do the (unneccessary) cuts (due to moral aspects), to print the covers and to burn the DVD´s...
(attached thumbnail of Discode anime)

Woooooooow, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO false advertising! Coverart? Super-sexy awesome Linda drawings. Actual animation quality & character design? Not even close to Linda's standards. Da~amn, and I thought that the conversion from manga to anime of Yasui Riosuke's work was insulting. This is just ... daaaaaaaamn.


Oh yeah,it's Suima
Kinda mixed up with Tsuma X Tsuma:lols:

So Inyouchuu have a uncen ver?
But the 1 they sell is the cens ver...
Unlike some hens that gets the cens ver 1'st,then when it get's license they redo the animation?

The Question is when the uncen ver will be released?
Or is it that's just 4 private Animation Staff's?:perhaps: