Ai was my 1'st Gen of tens hens...,it was not a very good memory :constipation:
I prefer tens on Inma Seiden:lols:
Helter Skelter seem's nice IMO,no tens detected:relief:
Damn...,Jiburiru & Discode delayed

Never was looking 4ward 4 IOV.
Suvia gonna be a guest star on IOV,but still i'd prefer Suvia animation design.
Hissatsu Chikan get it's uncen ver really fast........:...:
Why they aren't make Ultimatum Sera 1'st?:why:
I know it's a different company. But still...,it's so unfairrrrrr:runintears:
There's still no sign of Iris:donotwant:
Combining all the Despair i got...
I'd say...,Zetsubou Shitaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!~