Insatiable 2 should be out since 01-09-2009 as there is a very small written announcement only on JapanAnime homepage under future releases, but no cover or other information to be found. There just is a rmvb-version in the web, but it´s still censored though.
The cover nick64 had found was from, there is a complete cover already and some other covers updated too...
i wonder why they chose discipline, it may be good but having already been uncen i just don't see the sales being that good...
a normal DVD release with two episodes for ex by Kitty Madia has about 2 to 3 GB. So this Discipline release at least has 8 to 12 GB and you cannot increase the quality of an anime over the top. It´s still a waste of space though...
Edit : are you crazy red ? LOL I've played that game ! along with King's Quest 1 and Hero's quest (sierra changed it into Quest for glory series with the events that some took place on gemany :lolsgood ol times with typing madness as the action trigger (comboed with my crappy english when I was a kid haha) and if I remember correctly its not 3,5 " but morelike 5,25 " diskettes :evillaugh:
wHoa! dIscipline IN BLU RAY!01-30 DISCIPLINE ブルーレイ完全版 リニューアルモザイク (WhiteBear) Blu-Ray Edition
for those interested this game does not have any animated scenes. i wonder if this sudden surge in Ikusa Otome titles was caused by IOV II...