Don't think this was posted, anyway found it on Xonair.
thx, at first I thought it was a compilation of older stuff only, but it´s indeed a new uncensored release. I had to recognize after checking my data. It´s a one episode series only, so they added another video as a bonus to make it a 60 mins. edition. It would be good if we could know what the other video should be.
To say it very clearly: these new announcement threads are no redrooster-one-man-show! There are a lot of informations I can add, there is a lot everyone else can add too. I´m no ten-eyed-monster able to see everything. These informations are from everyone - for everyone, for free use, including the covers, so there is no need to give me any credits for covers.
Opposite to these the old files I post are often bound to a lot of invested hours / work, should have been more than 1,000 hours during the last year period I spent to find rare files to entertain others, so I´d like given credits (no reps!) for these, if they are posted by someone else on other sites, just as it is done with Sukebe and just like I´m doing it with other people I´ve copied files / torrents from. That´s the sense of filesharing though...