new releases January + February 2009

I'm going with Rein on this one. The released this month has been dreadful. Jibu and Helter was a big disappointment.

Jibu felt like everything was really rushed and Helter wasn't well adapted from the game imo.
Don't think this was posted, anyway found it on Xonair.

Don't think this was posted, anyway found it on Xonair.

thx, at first I thought it was a compilation of older stuff only, but it´s indeed a new uncensored release. I had to recognize after checking my data. It´s a one episode series only, so they added another video as a bonus to make it a 60 mins. edition. It would be good if we could know what the other video should be.

To say it very clearly: these new announcement threads are no redrooster-one-man-show! There are a lot of informations I can add, there is a lot everyone else can add too. I´m no ten-eyed-monster able to see everything. These informations are from everyone - for everyone, for free use, including the covers, so there is no need to give me any credits for covers.

Opposite to these the old files I post are often bound to a lot of invested hours / work, should have been more than 1,000 hours during the last year period I spent to find rare files to entertain others, so I´d like given credits (no reps!) for these, if they are posted by someone else on other sites, just as it is done with Sukebe and just like I´m doing it with other people I´ve copied files / torrents from. That´s the sense of filesharing though...
huh ? whats the original title of that hen ? strange I've never seen that one....

??? Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinoo 淫欲特急ゼツリンオー Station1 - Here are two covers of this one episode only series, don´t know why there are two...

release date 07-01-2007 - or so...
yes, that´s the problem when something like that comes up, hardly anyone knows this series, I only knew I´d seen the cover picture once before and I had the file, so I just searched three HDD´s by *.jpg to look through thousands of covers to refind such an (forgotten) animation...

To be honest: just another messed up hentai which does not deserve to get licensed...

Same goes with identification requests, either you know it at once or it´s getting boring to work through thousands of hentai files (worst case) just by fast forward to locate a rare one...
I'm glad to see Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinoo finally getting licensed

but that title stupid.. hentai express?? is that the best title they could come up with? lol

as we still don´t know the 2nd title they added as a bonus - perhaps this is the reason they chose something like that, just remember "Pervs on a train" (where Kitty combined two different chikan movies on one dvd)...
the other title would most likely be Kinninaru Kimochi 4 or Yamahime if its a different show but they wrote bonus scene so maybe if we're lucky enough it'll be the unreleased ep 2. or maybe it'll just be an interview with the staff.or worse....a whole bunch of trailers:...:

Oh my god, KK4 would be awesome. That's my favorite episode in that series and it needs to be uncensored badly. Do Want! Too bad that will likely never happen.
like reingiolt said, as Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinoo is a schoolzone release it is most probably another schoolzone h-release for the bonus video.

releases were Kininaru Kimochi キニナル キモチ (eps. 1 to 3 already released unc.), possibly ep. 4...
Snow Night Stories - Yuki Yoru Ichiya Monogatari 雪夜一夜物語 - has already been released uncensored completely.
Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinoo 淫欲特急ゼツリンオー Station1 - just our topic here, to be released unc. with this edition.
and last: Sanki no Jitsu (Yamahime No Jitsu) 山姫の実 第一巻 M江 - the only other one still waiting to be released unc.

Let´s all hope that it´s Kininaru Kimochi ep. 4, Sanki no Jitsu is a no go...

all other h-releases by schoolzone are games only...
BEN is rite:furious:
KK 4 is the best of all 4 KK series
Sadly it doesn't get unc ver:death:

27 Feb sure is full of releases:perfectplan:
Assuming it's out on the web on the very same day:ridiculed:
But Pixy had a web release right?
So maybe it will be out on web before the 27'th:please:
Iris hoshiiiiiiiiii~:furious:

Cover and SSs available for Kimi no Na 2. prepare for really really slow loading times again. who else here thinks she looks better in that main pic?

I guess it's your connection..

Do want no 4:furious::pissed::furious:
And from the SS's,i only see her in 1 pict:rofl:

I see a plenty of gangbang scene...
Eniwey...,I prefer Iris03:ridiculed:
I guess i'm the only one here who prefer Iris03:ridiculed:
If noisy men equate bad hentai, then I can only imagine how bad Iris would rank on your scale. And I don't blame you! I can't stand that creepy and bothersome space slug pimp of theirs, either!

But I just do my best to ignore him. Which was really easy last time since he was only in the scenes with the flat-chested elf girl which I fast forwarded through anyway. :) Iris was spared! Just good tentacle and humanoid-alien sex for her. I'm hoping for more of this in Episode 3.
Wow, I don't say this all that often, but jinkou shoujo was terrible.

Lucky me haven't watch it yet:lols:
From 1 to 5 hows the score BEN?

If there were no delay,2morow is R3
Guess i'll watch it after all:evillaugh:
Lucky me haven't watch it yet:lols:
From 1 to 5 hows the score BEN?

If there were no delay,2morow is R3
Guess i'll watch it after all:evillaugh:

I'd give it a 1.5. Her getting big was an interesting fetish, but the quality and everything else was just blah. Maybe I'm being overly harsh, but I deleted it a few minutes after the download finished and I scanned through it.