new releases March + April 2009

I see. You don't like 3D. Never mind.

But don't tell me, Umemaro does cheap animation. No-one has ever created natural looking faces in 3D-Animation.
? by FF VII AC i meant Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children. i haven't played any console games for quite some time so that's still my "3D work that has the best char designs"
hm..aside from the old 3D hens the only ones that really turn me off are the ones with American style char designs. although even now bad 3D hens do pop out ever so often.
I loved A-GA too, i wish they would make a sequel and the videos would still be easily converted to avi hehe i bet ur fav char was the twintail girl
i wonder if the day when a 3D hen will have the same quality as FF VII AC will ever come...

How do U KNOW!!?:evillaugh:

Actually i like all the girls,but if i had 2 choose 4 the #1,she is:lols:

Yeah,very much agree with red.
He already rich on his own,why need 2 work on hens studio.
No deadline,no one bossing you around. What could you need more?:relief:


It is a good 3D hens,it's just aren't my type
Anyway thx 4 the info's:bow-pray:
I'm not the biggest fan of 3D either, but I have saved some videos that reingiolt has pointed out before. I don't think I had any 3D stuff until I started coming here at least. I don't think I've seen anything from Umemaro before, but the preview pic didn't look bad.
HLL- that's cause i used my magic card " Mind Scan" hehe care to guess who my fav is?

Ben- u should try to search for Lewd Bomb Bust Female teacher, its a bit older than Lewd Consultation Room and has only 1 F 3 M but i still consider it the best among current Ume releases.
Hmm if i had 2 guess i think U like the monster:evillaugh:
Joudan2,i guess U prefer the short hair girl with the gun?

Why everyone not mention Kiyoshi?
I think Chikatetsu inmasen quite worth it,Inhoshi is out of the question...
Though perhaps tengiolt will like this one since it's pure tentacle
And i'm still on despair cause i can't find Red Muffler&Red Chips
Actually i already found them on nihonomaru,but it requires 55 rep:...:
Anyone can help?:lols:

Still no sign of Iris......:runintears:
Ben- u should try to search for Lewd Bomb Bust Female teacher, its a bit older than Lewd Consultation Room and has only 1 F 3 M but i still consider it the best among current Ume releases.

Thanks. I checked it out and it's pretty good. But yeah the teeth are kind of weird. Still, didn't bother me too much.
Bu Bu~ Eo wasn't my choice hehe Fii's my fav, that last scene with tens and all three of them was just too damn short.
Kiyoshi isn't bad but i'm not so into their char designs. Red chips was a dissapointment, Red Muffler wasn't bad though. Takujo Shoujo is probably the best since its their latest work
Bu Bu~ Eo wasn't my choice hehe Fii's my fav, that last scene with tens and all three of them was just too damn short.
Kiyoshi isn't bad but i'm not so into their char designs. Red chips was a dissapointment, Red Muffler wasn't bad though. Takujo Shoujo is probably the best since its their latest work

So the short hair girl with guns is Eo
Actually i didn't know their names/maybe i know but forgot:...:
Care 2 explain their name 4 me?

Damn...,if only i had 55 rep on nihonomaru forum:...:
Do you have any SS 4 Takujo Shoujo?
I had 1 files that very looks like Kiyoshi style,but i do not know the tittle
Perhaps i already got it,or perhaps not:perhaps:
Actually i already found them on nihonomaru,but it requires 55 rep:...:

haha AO maybe the last site you actually can download its content without being a member or without some rep points :lols:

well I'm not so into 3D but I had my fair share of them, can you recommend some titles ? preferably hotgirls,sticky and absolutely no tens !!!!
haha AO maybe the last site you actually can download its content without being a member or without some rep points :lols:

well I'm not so into 3D but I had my fair share of them, can you recommend some titles ? preferably hotgirls,sticky and absolutely no tens !!!!

I guess it's quite hard:lols:
Since mostly my collection about tens/monster:evillaugh:
Well how bout trying Suima?
It's 3D H-Doujin though,but it's my fave atm:relief:

Few 3D hens that i remember:
Nozomi series(though the design quite loli)
Wantan Works Hens(Satsuki from Ichigo 100% looks alike,Aya look alike) wheres Tsukasa???:perhaps:
Sailor Senshi(Sailor venus)
Doll,Ouroboros,Savior,Eden,Vanquish,Gematria Code,Vampanera

Much2 more:evillaugh:
top to bottom - Eo,Ryutia, Fii,Nataraja, Ghost, E-rupa
thing about TS is its technically from Kokutou but Kiyoshi is in the staff, he was probably in charge of char design and animation

lol i thought the nozomi series were made especially for u since they were kinda loliish but their boobs were to ur liking, funyuu as u called it hehe

Xe- hm...ther aren't much 3D hens that are sticky and them being hot depends on ur taste. general recomendations would be all Illusion games. give an example of a 3D hen that barely passes ur standards, i'll base them on that.
Ic so you like that one huh:lols:

I didn't quite understand with the story...
Why at the end there's a tens scene?:...:
Is it that mean the story being stuck?
Bad thing is this one is quite old........,there's no way there's a sequel:...:

lol,it's becoz i'm the one who make Nozomi:evillaugh:
Nah,of course not:lol:

I think 4 futaruel,try DL Suima 1'st
It is good:relief:
i already mentioned that b4 so i thought he has it already. That final ten scene was most likely when u lose to the final boss or a bad ending. u could always try and make a Ryutia look alike in AG 3. regarding AG3 did anyone here play it at all?
i already mentioned that b4 so i thought he has it already. That final ten scene was most likely when u lose to the final boss or a bad ending. u could always try and make a Ryutia look alike in AG 3. regarding AG3 did anyone here play it at all?

Ic...,Artificial Girl
Actually i didn't very like playing,i prefer rip Hens scene/DVDPG

Well if he already got Suima,how bout Aka Yatu Ura(NG.Evangellion doujin)
Or maybe Raid-Intruder,or pehaps try 2 looking on DL-Site
And grab whatever you like:evillaugh:
And i'm still on despair cause i can't find Red Muffler&Red Chips
Actually i already found them on nihonomaru,but it requires 55 rep:...:
Anyone can help?:lols:

Hmm I think Larcx is enjoying Red muffler & chips right now :lols:
why bother 55 rep points if you can get it for free nyahahaha

I have AG3 but lack of space made me haven't installed it in 3-4 months
btw tengiolt, some 3D that passes my standard maybe like batsugun kanojo or bokukano
Actually i just begun DL ing Red Chips,due 2 A-O DBE:abandoned:
Suvia is out,but i think i'll watch it 2morrow
I have an anime marathon 2day:lols:

I have watched Aneimo,wasn't good IMO
I prefer eps 1 with the red hair girls getting long scene:evillaugh:
3/5 from me,just average........
What´s wrong with Pink Pineapple? First Pinpai failed, then they reduced the monthly rate of new releases from two down to one, and now there is not even a new release for February 2009 mentioned yet. There are only 4 GoldDisc re-releases yet, nothing more. And for March there are additional to the known release only two DVDs re-releases (1 for every episode) of 03-27 河原崎家の一族 THE ANIMATION 前篇 - kawarazaki ka no ichizoku ep.1 / 03-27 河原崎家の一族 THE ANIMATION 後篇 - kawarazaki ka no ichizoku ep.2 of 1996/1997 (first series with 2 episodes). That´s no good sign...