I obtained a lot of older stuff from him as well as some newer stuff, but I get most of my new stuff from sukebe. So I was quite displeased when somebody linked everybody to sukebe's website, although not as upset as that one fellow with the broken English was, because, like him, I too fear that linking to sukebe will encourage the asshole to target sukebe next.
Really, what bots like that one are pushing us towards is a world in which pirated media is hosted on servers which ignore copyright notices. Sites which attempt to have their cake (i.e. obey the law) and eat it too (i.e. make their name by being the #1 site for easy access pornography) such as RapidShare and MegaUpload are going the way of the dodo. You cannot possibly run a website whose userbase is 99% pirates looking for copyrighted pornographic material and whose servers are located in law-abiding, copyright-respecting countries like the USA. I mean, in the first place it was foolish to even consider that such a model could work. RS should have moved from Germany to Sweden or the Netherlands in the very first place, not from Germany to the USA.
Really really, in the grand scheme of things, what bots like his are pushing us towards (I hope) is a world in which piracy is held to reckon for its sins but so is extortion. And "extortion" is certainly the word I would give it when Bosshi tells me, "I only produced 25,000 copies of my C75 doujin. If you didn't manage to get one, tough luck. I'm the copyright holder and I'm declaring that no one is allowed to photocopy or digitally scan my doujin, period." When you have over 50,000 fans in attendance alone and several hundred thousand fans internationally who were not able to attend Comiket 75 but who, had they been able to, would have attended and would have happily paid for your doujin, you have (in my opinion) some sort of obligation to try and meet their demands; and an inability to do so is forgivable but not without its consequences, e.g. being a passive admission of inability to comply and thus passive permission to produce and distribute digital copies.
More on this in a thread I'm starting to write right now.
Edit: Never mind. (See edit text below.)