new releases September + October 2009

Dunno what you mean. There's four pictures of the girl, let's say. Two in the first thumbnail and one in the second two. From left to right ...

#1 = 30+
#2 = 18 to 25
#3 = 18 to 25
#4 = 30+ (and identical to #1, I realize, but still)
i meant # 2. i figured u guys wouldn't count #1 since it's the cover just turned into a telecard and it's pretty much what she looks like in the anime.

based on the screens this is gonna be pretty Vanilla. but i guess Kagirohi should make up for that. i hope everyone else (excluding Xeruel) is wishing it won't end up like Inyouchuu 2. i'm not expecting it to be a tentacle fest though.
Dude, she totally looks like an adult! Face plus boob size! Both belong to an anime adult female! No?

... maybe I've been around anime for way too long. XD
hehe I figured it right away why pics no 1 looks like MILF and no 2+3 looks like a 18+, generally they add lipstick to #1 adding mature "feel" and man those boobs sure were bigger compared to teens char, such as my reason liking shota is the presence of these well endowed womens (not necessarily MILF but as long they have full bodies, I'll take any teens to milfs :XD:)
are there possibly mother and daughter in this video which could be the reason the pics look so different? A mother at least must have one child, perhaps a daughter who acts in this animation too...
sakun- i never said she wasn't an adult. she just looks a whole lot younger in #2 compared to #1.

Xeruel- yeah the lipstick makes a big difference. but imagine #2 with lipstick on, she'd still look younger than #1.

red- they're the same person. the one with pink hair seems to be her daughter though. one thing that's for sure is that she's (pink hair) a father-con. she's masturbating while thinking of him. Just in case someone asks why i know this it's cause of the text included in the screenshots at SM main site.

edit- Miki (pink hair) is her daughter,i checked her last name in the getchu page of the game.
That looks so boring I'm not even going to bother. Sigh. What should have been a great body-transformation-results-in-sex-addiction hentai turned out to be a how-many-fucked-up-fetishes-can-we-cram-into-one-series hentai. A shame, really.
The stuck in the wall thing looks pretty cool though. I like that kind of stuff. Could be good, for me at least. Don't really want the giant fucking though.
The stuck in the wall thing looks pretty cool though. I like that kind of stuff. Could be good, for me at least. Don't really want the giant fucking though.

Don't worry,U're not alone
I also think it's cool
Shi*:crash: Out of the 2 sex scene they prefer using the giant fucking
Which I hate it,I prefer if they use the Loli Iris version:evillaugh:
I didn't see the wall stuck thing in the game
I guess it's an anime Only.
??? Cottondoll is a part of marigold. red needs some rest hehe

more info about Kagirohi. the actual full size is actually 1920x1080. even the medium one is bigger than normal hen releases. u can view the sample movie by clicking on the main pic. oh and the full title is Kagirohi I Jigoku Shokushu (地獄触手)

Here's the main site for Milk Doll's release which is supposed to have come out already.
kinda looks like an animated game instead of an anime.
So there still no news for Milk Doll 01?
And is it game/animated hentai?
Blah. Just Blah.

Tamashi Nin (Mitama Shinobi?) 2: This one had a bunch of good action in it, but the problem is that the quality is just so bad. I looked back at the review of the first episode and noticed I didn't say much about it. But yeah, this is really bad. Animation is just terrible. They just reuse the same couple of frames over and over again for like a whole minute. Just plain bad. 1.5/5 (.5 for action)

Jiburiru the Devil Angel 3: This series looks like it's going to be even worse than the last one. Granted both this episode and a few of the episodes in the second series contained some useable scenes. Mainly I just really hate the new girl. I don't find her attractive in anyway. She reminds me of Nozomi from Kanokon. No thanks. 2.5/5

Sorry for being harsh.
Lol, I watched Mitama for the first 5min and started laughing, Then skip, skip, and more skipping and I just "lol" each time...this one is just terrible.
*Soukan Yuugi 2-1 = Not much fapping material,thus FAIL
*Milk Doll 01 = Still Missing?
*Immoral Mother = Not Yet,wasn't hoping much from it anyway
*Jiburiru 3-1 = Old same hens,boring......
*Mitama Shinobi 2 = EPIC FAIL
*Hitoriga/Counseling 2 = Didn't like it...

It's a bad Moon for Me:nooo:
September might be the worst Moon of the Year for Me:notagain:

Looking forward on October's Hens,Seem's good
waiting Iris 04 DL Version,The wall stuck thing looks good for Me.
seems as if the last two missing non japanese releases have bumped now, just after I transferred them into this thread...

there´s already a discussion about this - like equality now! A.m. website is closed for foreigners with a nice hint...

This website is able to be browsed by Japanese or people who lives in Japan.
Some foreigners seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE. Therefore, We prohibited the access from foreign countries, to defend our culture.
2009-06-27 Director of erogmap, NOG


He is right...