I didn't realize it was out yet, either. I thought the first episode was okay. It had great art, a decent-to-good story, and one good sex scene (at the very very end). The second episode honestly wasn't much different. The story got a little sillier with the whole "hey look at me, I'm a punk scientist-traitor and I'm acting like a host at a gala event for the underworld's elite" plot development, but it's not like it's that much worse off. The animation was pretty bad this time whenever we were far away from girls (e.g. looking at Murasaki swinging her axe from far away, or looking at Ingrid onstage from far away), but every time we were up close to girls it was pretty much 90-95% as good as in Episode 1. The opening sex scene was good but it ended too soon, interrupted of course by the retarded main antagonist and the sex toys he ended up not even using on camera. (What the hell was the point, then?) The scenes with Murasaki were predictable: she fights, she gets the aphrodisiac injection just like Ingrid, she succumbs just like Ingrid, and then the guro scene from the game is hinted at without being explicitly shown on-camera. Then we go back to Ingrid and ...
* she looks like she's pregnant. Whether or not she is, super-hot.
* she's being addressed as 雌豚. Cool, cool. Let's see if her behavior matches.
* aww man, she's still not broken. :\
* aww man, it was just a butt plug and a ton of semen in her gut.
* aww man, enough scat to upset most people (self included) but at the same time
not enough scat to really please scat fans. So why even include it at all!? Either go the full mile or don't even bother.
* what the fuck was with the constant cut-aways to the audience? I could have understood it if Ingrid was behaving like a slut and was ashamed of it, and the people's piercing gazes broke her down, but ... that didn't happen. And so all those cutaways amounted to was wasted screentime. :\
And then the episode ends. And instead of seeing Sakura's debut (woot woot?), we see some white-haired doofus male that, by virtue of his manness, nobody gives a shit about. ^^;
Most of the episode revolves around another girl
You mean Murasaki? As in,
the main girl of the gain Taimanin Murasaki, the only game where Ingrid, a minor character, has appeared thus far? ;D (I'm teasing. Besides, didn't we talk about them making an Ingrid game back when the first anime episode came out?)
Physically, I find Murasaki to be super super hot. Of all the character designs in the original HCG artwork, Murasaki is my #1 pick. (Ingrid comes off as way, way hotter than
any of the other taimanin girls we've seen so far in the anime, I agree

, but in the HCG, Murasaki wins.) But the thing is, even if I love Murasaki's character design, well ... her whole backstory, the
reason she's in the game, the
audience she's meant to cater towards ... it ain't me. :\
When you see Murasaki, think Wolverine from X-Men: super-duper regeneration. (Better yet, if you've ever played Xenosaga, then think Albedo. There you go, decapitation scene and all.) This special ability of hers makes her a must-have addition to any fan's collection if he is a fan of one or the other of these two fetishes:
(1) deflowering / loss of virginity, and
(2) guro / mutilation, amputation, etc.
The reason being, Murasaki grows back that which she loses. So ... you tear through her hymen ("pop her cherry," so to speak), and after you let her recover, she's grown back a brand-new hymen. In other words,
every vaginal sexual experience for her is virginal. So people who love virgins (and seeing them lose their virginity) should theoretically go ga-ga for Murasaki. Likewise, there are several scenes in the game where she loses an arm or is cut, only to regenerate. I think this is meant to be a balance between appealing to guro fans and not scaring away the rest of us.
So, the whole point of her scene in the anime --
and I agree with you! It didn't do it for me, either! -- was the whole "omfg you're a virgin" thing. That was why the animators made it pretty obvious that she was bleeding. It's because, in a sense, that's her entire reason for being in the game.
For a guy like me who dislikes bloody or painful sex scenes, it's a real shame. 'Cause she's fucking hot. But! I'm a fair guy, and I realize that these two fan groups barely get any love whatsoever. So I'm all for Black Lilith saying, "You know what? Cherry-popping fans? Guro fans? This one's for you. ;D" Spreading the wealth's a nice thing to do.