New Server (again)

OK, this is getting bad... I'm getting FastCGI errors and database errors all the time! If I'm lucky, I can access Akiba-Online a few times during the day...
But sometimes I have to wait for hours for your website to work... I'm from Finland and from a different time zone, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Still haven't gotten any cgi or database error either after new server. Just was offline once or twice, but it's been fast with absolutely no errors to me.
Thursday afternoon GMT was awful for me, with three Database errors and one FastCGI Error. Just got back moments ago, first try and I made it through. So good so far!
Well my situation is worse: dozens of fastCGI errors every hour... So posting here is practically impossible sometimes.
If further symptom reports might help diagnose the problem, I admit I get FastCGI errors as well, perhaps 1-2% of the time. It seems to happen more frequently when my bandwidth is being taxed by torrent traffic. Does that match your circumstances as well, Sami1977? (I'm on the other side of the planet.)
Comedic non-sequitur post...I hope you all forgive me.

At least the site's fixed.
Shame it's broken in a different way now.
Oh, man. I nearly bust my gut laughing at that one. Seriously, that's an instant classic quote. I want it on my tombstone! For a long time, I'd wanted my last comment to be "There were too many variables." I think the two would go nicely together.
Fixed, broken, spotty, tempermental, I don't care: as long as AO is still there! :D
Haven't been on A-O the past 2 days since I've been out of town but the past few days before it I haven't been able to get on A-O because of the fastcgi error. I'll be able to load a page or two then I'll get the error and unable to get back on for a while.
If further symptom reports might help diagnose the problem, I admit I get FastCGI errors as well, perhaps 1-2% of the time. It seems to happen more frequently when my bandwidth is being taxed by torrent traffic. Does that match your circumstances as well, Sami1977? (I'm on the other side of the planet.)

Yeah, but I get fastCGI errors about 50% of the time... But it seems to be getting better, I don't think I've had any fastCGI errors today.
I've also experienced a few database errors but nothing else. It appears that the other problems are isolated to the other themes. I prefer the blue one the most anyways.
unlike other vampiric admins
I get the FastCGI error all the time and I use the default (blue?) skin, so I don't think it's necessarily that. Browser issue, maybe? It would be interesting if results differ depending on browser, as crazy as that may sound.

As for earlier today (specifically), I got nothing but database errors. Zero FastCGI errors.
I get the FastCGI error all the time and I use the default (blue?) skin, so I don't think it's necessarily that. Browser issue, maybe? It would be interesting if results differ depending on browser, as crazy as that may sound.
I'm using different browsers but when I have FastCGI errors I can't access here by using any browsers. So this is not a browser issue. Though it's true some sites are friendly to particular browsers.
I doubt it's browser -related... When I get a fastCGI error with Firefox and immediately try with Explorer, I get the same error again.

edit: Buttobi was faster :petrfied:
Haven't been able to get on most of today at all. Various errors: timeouts, FastCGIs, Database errors, the works.
Haven't been able to get on most of today at all. Various errors: timeouts, FastCGIs, Database errors, the works.

I have been having the same problem over the last few days, it is hit and miss when you can get on A-O, and sometimes when you do get in here, you are only in here 10-15 minutes, I normally use firefox, but I still get the same problem in IE
Is there any end in sight with the endless "FastCGI errors" shortly followed by "vBulletin database errors" ?

I got a new one I've never even seen before (and I thought I was pretty well-versed with error messages):


It's not very practical to report here every time there's a problem.

The root cause seems to be a bug relating to windows, mysql and connections. A separate db server would fix it. So would (should) switching to a *nix system.

I know it's pretty frustrating. Please bear with us.
The root cause seems to be a bug relating to windows, mysql and connections. A separate db server would fix it. So would (should) switching to a *nix system.

I've tried to avoid suggesting the latter, because I do NOT want to sound like a 'nix fanboy. That whole "win sux, 'nix rules" thing gets very tired, real fast. But it needs to be said that the unix equivalent of what you're running at the moment is considerably more robust and stable. (Being free is also pretty nice too!)

May I recommend Ubuntu Linux Server Edition. (L.A.M.P. edition which is Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP already installed and ready to go upon installation...)
You could literally be up and running in less than an hour.

Why not try it in a virtual environment like VirtualBox or VMware first so you don't have to commit the entire system to it in case of drama. I've run vbulletin successfully under this exact configuration for a long time. Not under the same load that this board takes at times - but it still zero issues and very LOW server load.

Just a suggestion... because it's definitely be a step up from the troubles you're experiencing now and will not require any additional financial outlay (licensing etc.)
