New Server (again)

I've tried to avoid suggesting the latter, because I do NOT want to sound like a 'nix fanboy. That whole "win sux, 'nix rules" thing gets very tired, real fast. But it needs to be said that the unix equivalent of what you're running at the moment is considerably more robust and stable. (Being free is also pretty nice too!)

May I recommend Ubuntu Linux Server Edition. (L.A.M.P. edition which is Linux, Apache, Mysql and PHP already installed and ready to go upon installation...)
You could literally be up and running in less than an hour.

Why not try it in a virtual environment like VirtualBox or VMware first so you don't have to commit the entire system to it in case of drama. I've run vbulletin successfully under this exact configuration for a long time. Not under the same load that this board takes at times - but it still zero issues and very LOW server load.

Just a suggestion... because it's definitely be a step up from the troubles you're experiencing now and will not require any additional financial outlay (licensing etc.)

Well we've managed to stabilise the server (you can thank Rollyco for his pearls of wisdom, and blame me for my lack of common sense :dunno:) but we will definitely be moving to a linux system eventually. Debian is a possibility, as is Fedora (the linux distros I am most familiar with).
Don't know what you guys did, but no fastCGI/database errors since yesterday :grassdance:Good job!
Fine job! I haven't had one error since yesterday. I even pinched myself if it was all a dream. So far so good. Thanks!
I'd say it's 95% good for me, and the 5% discrepancy is probably on my end. (5% of the time, if I click on any A-O hyperlink, the browser just spins its wheels and goes nowhere. Can do this for many minutes straight. But if I hit "X" immediately and reload the page, it loads immediately.) No FastCGI or Database errors, no 404s, no timeouts.
Yeah, this stability is freaking me out.
It's like a violation of a natural law.