I would like to comment, if I may, with the moderators' indulgence...
To everyone who thinks/wants/insists that "kiddie porn" should be removed from this site, I totally agree with you. Kiddie porn DEFINITELY has no place in this forum, or anywhere for that matter.
But then again, "kiddie porn", per se, is NOT in this forum as far as I know. What you are referring to as "kiddie porn" is not classifiable as such, at least in its country of origin. Why do you say it's "kiddie porn"? Because there are minors filmed and photographed in swimsuits and tights?
What about the National Geographic Channel? They sometimes show documentaries with women and children from those far-flung countries, outbacks and boondocks, BUTT NAKED, so is that "kiddie porn"? No, because its part of their culture; their way of life.
Further, it's not like you are being FORCED to look at whatever's causing you discomfort. As what the moderators have suggested, you can block off the topics you don't want to see. Now, if blocking of those topics isn't enough for you and you feel that you can't stand being in the company of people who don't share the same views as you do, then leave those people and go find some other place that's to your liking. Live and let live.
The moderators already said decisively that that topic is here to stay. Regardless of whatever points of view, justifications, beliefs, flashes of brilliance, or arguments you might have, I don't think you're part of the decision making loop in this forum. So until you are, I would suggest you just go with the flow.
It's THEIR site, it's THEIR forum, it's THEIR topic, so therefore, it's THEIR rules.
And if you don't like it, well, you managed to sign up by yourself. I guess you can find you way out too.
As for me, I'll just keep doing what I enjoy doing here...
Thank you, everyone, for bearing with my long speech... Back to browsing now...