Picking up girls ;)

However they find us cuter and more attractive if you have poor and 'cute' Japanese. Let's not forget that fact of life here, friends.
I learnt fairly formal Japanese which cracked everyone up amongst our friends as it's not commonly used outside of business, formal environments or by extremely polite people. As our kids grew up I tended to speak in a more child-like fashion which, again, cracked everyone up as they thought it was adorable!
Now that my children are older I have luckily found an acceptable medium between the two.

I think you've done too many shoots in loud dance clubs, aqua!
I'm now trying to figure out what he meant.
Err I mean...

Eym no tring 2 figr owt wat he ment.

One more time, I dare ya!
I double dare ya!
Sorry, I missed that. Can you enunciate?

•tests the waters of fate•
Apparently if you watch Jaws backwards, it's about a shark that throws up so many people that they need to open a beach.