Picking up girls ;)

@troublez No, Tmobile is not supported here. You will need to purchase a local SIM card and rent a local cell phone

i think i would be a shoe-in in japan. all i gotta do is learn the language and i'm soo in there. WHAT!!!!!

hahaha, if you say so.
Sometimes I think people think they can get to know / learn all about Japanese culture (which has grown in centuries, not years or decades) by Shinkansen speed, from knowing nothing to know all in no time. I´m not gonna make a fool out of me, so I´m silently watching the discussions and try to learn from people involved and knowing, that´s truly the best I can do...

(...and perhaps some other people could do too).

Sometimes I think I know at least something, but indeed it´s nothing...
I should start a 'Japan Fact Of The Day'...
oh yeah does tmobile work out there lol
Actually T-mobile (both US and UK/Europe) does work out here, but you will be roaming (on either DoCoMo or SoftBank networks), so if you make any calls or send any texts it will cost a boatload. Even receiving a voicemail will cost a fortune. And keep in mind, it only works if you have a 3G phone that supports UMTS 2100mhz (most Tmo Europe phones and a few Tmo US phones do).
Ooh... I got served.
My bad!
Actually T-mobile (both US and UK/Europe) does work out here, but you will be roaming (on either DoCoMo or SoftBank networks), so if you make any calls or send any texts it will cost a boatload. Even receiving a voicemail will cost a fortune. And keep in mind, it only works if you have a 3G phone that supports UMTS 2100mhz (most Tmo Europe phones and a few Tmo US phones do).

hell no :nooo:

so which ones like g1 from google.....
Haha I know, eh?
It's as pathetic as those losers who need to fly to Thailand and the Philippines just to have sex.
Haha I know, eh?
It's as pathetic as those losers who need to fly to Thailand and the Philippines just to have sex.

But telling people that you're going to Thailand or the Philippines for sex already leads everyone to assume you're shooting for girls in a certain age bracket...
I'm not saying that going to Japan for the sole purpose of making a pathetic attempt at 20 & over nanpa is any better-- the Ladder of Pathetic has many rungs...
Life is too short to concern oneself too much about the negative attitudes of other people towards oneself. Live and let live.
So by scarletsnow's usual useless quips, I can go out and r*** his father, murder his mother and piss on his dog. Sounds like a good world to live in.

You idiot.
So by scarletsnow's usual useless quips, I can go out and r*** his father, murder his mother and piss on his dog. Sounds like a good world to live in.

You idiot.

what a internet warrior....big and bad behind that computer....huh :evillaugh:
So aquamarine, according to you murder falls into the category 'let live'.

You birdbrained dingleberry.
You said live and let live. Do whatever you want to do, right? I want to do that to your family. So, live and let live? Same goes for fourty year old pigs who travel to Thai, the Phils and those here in Japan who go and fuck 12 year old boys?

Oh wait, I forgot there is an ignore button for idiocy. Time to make use of it.
You said live and let live. Do whatever you want to do, right? I want to do that to your family. So, live and let live? Same goes for fourty year old pigs who travel to Thai, the Phils and those here in Japan who go and fuck 12 year old boys?

Oh wait, I forgot there is an ignore button for idiocy. Time to make use of it.

so you think that on top of your head ......."live and let live" <<< this can mean anything dude everything don't always have to be about sex.. and seriously you have something wrong in your head to think that...i think it happened to you when u was a child and your ass is mad at the world now...talking bout "fuck the world"
All I see is a mental midget who chants "lalalalalalalala.....I can't hear you!" the moment he gets called on his sandbox level logic and lack of comprehension of a common idiom.
Troublez, I suggest you read the rest of this thread and then lookup the word "context". That should help you out.
Troublez, I suggest you read the rest of this thread and then lookup the word "context". That should help you out.

:evillaugh: the thread doesn't say 40 year old men raping lil kids and thats wat your saying ....aquamarine i suggest you make a thread bout what your always talking bout "old men and lil kids"....stupid ass... oh yeah and what bout "peoples family" my name troublez for no reason ...see wat you got... you big ass nerd behind that pc..haha