Please post all forum bugs here

DDOS on one of our Datacenter ...

nothing to do here, but to wait :/ sorry

seems to be fixed now
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Created three buggy threads:

Sometimes they appear in the list of Music Downloads threads, and sometimes not.

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yes it seems constant at the moment, hopefully we can get it resolved very soon, sorry for every bodies inconvenience, it is happening in my PM's as well, I have been told about it, and it also seems some have tried to report it here as well
yes it seems constant at the moment, hopefully we can get it resolved very soon, sorry for every bodies inconvenience, it is happening in my PM's as well,
View attachment 299929

The requested thread could not be found.

I deleted that one
just posting links doesn't help me ...

we had some severe database-erros after on of our ISPs nullroutet two of our IPs.
i now have merged only threads and posts - so attachements can still not work (and i won't fix this)

but this explains the problem with the different states of threads, and the login-problem
and the double-posts etc. since one time you get to db1-server, the next will go to db2-server.

as i said, i have merged all posts and threads (there could now be double-Threads and double-posts) and nothing else (like PMs, likes etc.)
sorry about that.
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i think so.
we have disabled the two IPs, and are handling the traffic otherwise (that's why sometimes the page-load in the last few days where really slow)
they blocked us out because "our services is infected with malware" - but it's not.
they probably have tagged the traffic to the status and alive-server as malicious - though i don't know why, because i use an opensource tool to do the monitoring. so googling for the port would have shown them, what's sending "traffic" there. (a few kb every second) :/

sorry for any inconvenience.
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I feel like crying. You, C00Lzero, trying to improve the AO service all the time with clustering of all aspects of the forum.
And the ISP(s) are always working against you / us. :(
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@CodeGeek: thanks.
Yes, it's unfortionately, but we can't do much about this, since ao has some special mixture of content, which will limit our possible locations in a strong matter.

what i just have noticed:
we are lacking 2 IPs, and thus lost two ways to distribute the traffic.
The loading-time of the page is increased and 502-errors could occur.

i'm sorry for this - we are working for an alternative, but this will probably take a few days.
The ISP with the 2 IPs also is working on the issue to bring back them back online (after we had to tell them, that's a routing problem on their site).
They know have ensured us, that in max 6hours they will get it working again (or assign us new IPs)
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I have a bunch of posts from this morning that show up in the jav torrents section but when I click on them the first post is missing, so the post with the images and torrents.
If that was the only post in the thread I just get the reply box, and if somebody had already replied to the thread I do see the replies, just not the first post.

This isn't true for all posts, just for some of them. They also keep the status "unread" after I've clicked on them. Is this part of the problem discussed above or some other issue.

Sonme example threads are:
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I have a bunch of posts from this morning that show up in the jav torrents section but when I click on them the first post is missing, so the post with the images and torrents.
If that was the only post in the thread I just get the reply box, and if somebody had already replied to the thread I do see the replies, just not the first post.

This isn't true for all posts, just for some of them. They also keep the status "unread" after I've clicked on them. Is this part of the problem discussed above or some other issue.

Sonme example threads are:

I am sorry you will have to repost, I deleted the above 2 links, the sorting out of this mess, will take some time, so please keep down the reports during the last 12 hours activity
The ISP has assigned two new IPs to us. So all is now back to normal - i hope.
Nevertheless we will look out for new providers

a thanks to chompy for changing the DNS settings :)
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i'm taking steps to add an cdn.
Please report all bugs that you see (could only be a not working style atm) like missing images, missing functionality, etc.

i'm going to add more and more when time passes, and we haven't found any errors.

now i have moved even more files to the subdomain, that will hold the CDN.
Again: please report all problems you have :)
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any specificpage?
i haven't had them within the last few hours.

But yes. The CPU-Usage of our System is quite ... high. 100% so to say >.<

all php processes.

seems like we are suffering from an attack <.<
i'm going to take a look into this.