Thanks. Yes I think is my internet. I´m going to try Audacity. I used AutoSubGui in NSPS-998. The subtitles were good, but some parts didn´t have subs, I think because there was some music when the people talk and it was difficult to the program to translate that. But the subtitles helped me to give me a context about the movie.Unless you have very slow internet the processing shouldn't take 2 hrs. Usually it takes 5-15 minutes for a 2 hr video on my computer. Anyway, just use Audacity to get the audio (save as wav or mp3) and use that with AutoSubGui. The program uses the same Google API as pyTranscriber so there's really no difference between the programs. You can sometimes get a little different result but that's just a coincidence. pyTranscriber tends to crash for most people.
For most videos, AutoSubGui doesn't do a good job. For some, you can get around 40% of the dialog captured pretty well. I think it works a lot better for English.
It can be done in many ways. If the subtitle is separate you can simply download that file using a download manager. And if it is embedded you can extract it using Video Editor like - Any video convertor and many others.
What you have to understand is that the gui is not what decides what is recognized. It's the Google API that recognizes dialog. I have tried amplifying the audio (some parts are always very faint) but when there's clipping recognition is worse. I've also tried to use compression to raise the volume of the faint parts and I usually get less lines regcognized with a compressed track but I also get some more correct results. So I tend to make 3 different tracks and compare them all. Audio without any amplification (or just normalized), audio amplified, either by selecting faint parts and amplifying or amplifying the whole track, and audio that has been compressed. All processing is done in Audacity.Someone know what program is better? Pytranscriber or AutosubGui? Because, I'm starting to use AutoSubGui, but don't subtitle all the dialogues , I'm using this program in 2 movies of two hours each one , and only show me 260 lines approx in the srt files. I started to use Audacity to see if I can have better results, but is the same. I want to know if exists some tricks to have better results. I have not used pytranscriber yet. It is better? Thanks
Here you are. Chinese subtitles. You'll have to translate with a machine translator yourself.Does anyone have the NTRD-084 srt for English? Would be very grateful if someone have it.