I'll post a subtitle on this post while also commenting on the subject that was recently brought up.Sorry this place is for posting subs
The place to talk about subs related questions is...
Yes, there are TONS of thieves on the internet who will steal your work for a variety of reasons.
I have never, nor will I ever, charge for my work.
However, it can be both annoying and satisfying at the same time when I find that people are making $$$ off of my hard work and creativity.
For example, I recently found that new-jav blatantly stole my subtitle for BKD-097 and is making money off of it. (Through use of one particular file sharing for pay site.)
I was initially pissed, but then I just relaxed and took happiness from the fact that my work is adding to the Pervy-verse. They might be making a small amount of money off of my work, but hopefully in the process my work is being more widespread to like-minded perverts.
They didn't credit me...AT ALL.
Not even a mention of my name...and they deleted references to my name in the subtitles before they hardcoded them.
That was just plain rude, but again, it doesn't really impact me and...what else am I gonna do, right?
Here is a link to the file that they make money off.